I'm a bit confused right now about how to handle this news.
This past week I went to the doctor about my high blood pressure and mentioned the soreness around my right nipple. After examining me, he said I have gynecomastia. I guess I'm not really surprised as I am 55 yrs old, 5'8" and 245 lbs. I'm confused because I have feelings of both "not another problem" and "WOW".
I've been a cross dresser most of my life and have quit many times, but I always have to do it again... I just can't stop for more than a few years. So overall I feel glad I'm getting my own breasts. It's just all new to me and I'm struggling a bit with accepting it. I've known several people with gynecomastia over the years and they were never treated poorly or degraded because of it, so I'm generally accepting it, but I have other issues from having lost my wife to cancer six ago and becoming disabled last year in March (I injured both feet and have trouble walking/standing).
I found BCTS 2 yrs ago when researching sexuality after my daughter (then 18) reluctantly informed me she was bisexual. I've always tried to teach the kids that people are responsible for their own decisions and actions and they have the inherent right to choose, even if I/we disagree with that choice. So as long as they are not physically hurting someone it's ok. I reinforced my love for her and agreed to research it so I could better understand it. And in doing so came to a better understanding of myself as well.
So thank you all for writing your stories and blogs, they have helped me to understand myself and know that I am not alone. I will be seeing a counselor 2 more times to help me deal with my wife's death and I will discuss the gynecomastia and cross dressing with her. I know many of you have given some really great advise to others other the last two years and any advise you have for me will be seriously considered.
Thanks, <3
Gynecomastia Normal?
I'm not sure, but maybe the phenomenom is normal for a 55 year old man since testosterone declines after the late 20's and since life is a bell curve, perhaps you simply lie at the edge of the bell.
On the other hand, I think that cross dressing in some men is normal. It is not something weird or shameful. The shame comes from the way our fucked up Judeao/christian ethic handles things. Geeze, women have cross dressed for a very long time and we think it is cute. So it is our society that is fucked up, not us.
In this century, I hope that cross dressing males will become as common place as cross dressing females.
Just a gosh darm minute.....
As a female to male crossdresser. I take issue with a statement being made here about females crossdressing. It is just a tough for me to crossdress as a guy as the other way around.
While it is true that women wear pants, and a woman in a shirt and tie is considered cute, in neither of the case is the woman wearing tighty-whities or a jockstrap with a prosthetic penis stuffed into it, or with a fake mustache or beard upon her face. Contrast this to male to female crossdressers with bras filled with breast forms as well as face done up in makeup. How many woman flatten their breasts when wearing a shirt of either gender, in to same way a crossdressing male 'tucks' in his panties?
Further more, equally as "cute" if you will is a guy in a kilt, which is for all intents and purposes a skirt. I know, I've seen my male friend Koz, who is also a crossdresser, and in boy mode in a kilt, he's very handsome.
One must also remember that only until recent history, male clothing was rather feminine, and in even in first years of the 'Christian era' when Christ was on earth men wore robes, togas and skirt like garments. The shift to pants for both males and females came about as a result of industrialisation of the work force. Pants are less likely than are skirts to be caught in machinery of even the simplest type.
As to the comment about "fucked up Judeao/christian ethic", its not the Judeao/christian ethic that is fucked up, but rather the way people have taken a message of love as taught by that ethic and fucked it up!
To the OP, Mark, I wish you great success with your daughter. I have a feeling she will understand because of that message of love you so honestly show in your relationship with her.
I agree
As a christian all my life I have had to disagree with many others because their interpretation of scripture was not consistent with other scriptures. God gave us free will and the right to choose without being condemned for it. "Do not judge (pass sentence upon as if tried and convicted) lest you too be judged..."
The doctor I saw said while gynecomastia is not common place, it was far more common than most people think. I did tell my daughter and she was fine about it. We did joke with other about it. I think unless I wind up with Ds or DDs (not very likely) I'll leave that issue for later, as I am unemployed and don't get out much. I'll just have to wait and see how 'things' develop.
You both make some good points though. Thank you both for your input.
The hormone balance
is also affected by bodyweight. If you're carrying a fair amount of body fat, then you're possibly producing more oestrogen than testosterone, as fat cells produce oestrogen or similar chemicals.
Continuing Developments
About 6 weeks ago I noticed a lump forming in my right breast, and 3 days later in my left. I finally got a mammogram done last week; after applying for financial aid. The prognosis is ...NOT CANCER. (Thank God and any other power that had anything to do with it.) "The lumps on both sides are glandular tissue and consistent with a diagnosis of gynecomastia." I can live with that.
Thanks to all your feedback I'm dealing with that issue quite well, as is my daughter. Thanks again for your inputs.
Mark <3