Ray Drouillard's blog

Trans Kids

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There has been some debate about when to allow kids to transition. On the one hand, forcing a trans kid to watch in horror as their bodies go through an unwanted puberty is downright cruel. On the other hand, there seems to be a lot of people who really regret their transition.

Some prescribe puberty blockers. How safe are they?

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Merry Christmas!

I just posted a new MORFS story -- a Christmas special with the Martin family. I had actually started writing the story last year. Once Christmas passed, I let it sit. Still, I got back to it too late to give it the time that it deserves.

I hope everyone enjoys it. Meanwhile, maybe I'll get to the A New Life New Year special.

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Rapid sex change


Good news:
Behavior change in minutes.
Secondary sex characteristics change in hours.
Total sex change, including gonads, in ten days.

Bad news:
We're talking about a fish.

But Professor Jenny Graves is studying it. Will she figure out how to induce the same changes in another animal, perhaps a human? Who knows?

But it would make great fodder for a story.


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Looking for "Sweet Sixteen" ideas.

I've been working on my third 'sweet sixteen' story. Our bubbly protagonist is, again, more than she seems at first.

But I'm looking for some ideas for terminology.

As with most technological advances, new jargon is invented. I'm looking for suggestions.

First of all, what do we call the various generations? We currently have the boomers, gen X, gen Y, millennials, and the like. We need terms for:

Those, like our sweet sixteen girl, that were born early enough that they grew up knowing that they would live to less than 100, then die.

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Why it's great to be a sixteen year old girl

It's great to be a sixteen year old girl!

I'm writing a story by that title. It's based in the post-scarcity future. She will be using her Santa Clause Machine to make a party dress for her sweet sixteen birthday. She has a boyfriend who is just enough older to be exciting. He will be helping her plan her party.

Both she and her boyfriend have attractive flawless bodies, and that isn't at all unusual in this utopian future.

So, why is it great to be sweet sixteen? I need ideas. The reasons can be serious, sweet, or silly.

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What's Happening

As some may have guessed, Higher and Higher 8 is the last of my backlog. I will now be dividing my time between Higher and Higher, Chakats Give the Best Hugs, Out Of Retirement, and whatever other stories I decide to dip into. I expect to be putting out a part a week, or so.

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Someone (Thanks, Terry!) pointed out that some of my stories need a caution. I added it to those that I could remember needing it.

My apologies to anyone that I inadvertently triggered. Please forgive me. I don't want to hurt anyone.

If anyone sees any other stories of mine that need a caution, please let me know. I'll handle it as soon as possible.

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Child pages

So... I made a title page (MORFS: Chakats Give the Best Hugs,) and I wrote the first part of the story, but I can't figure out how to attach the first part of the story to the title page.


(I'm trying to cut down on the workload of the folks running the site just a bit, but I might have increased it. Sorry!)

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Updating and adding stories

I've been working diligently on my collection of MORFS stories. I've updated and reformatted the entire crop, and added a few. I'm going to repost the ones that I have updated, and start on posting the new ones.

If you see any errors, please let me know. A PM is fine for little things, and a public comment is fine for boners that will be educational to other authors (like if I use "its" instead of "it's.")

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Looking for a story

I read a truly nsfw tale a few years ago. I like it because of the concept, not the explicitness of it -- not that I have a problem with that kind of literature.

I looked all over FM for it, trying the various filters. I couldn't find it. Oh well.

Anyhow, it's about a kind of loner type IT person who gets befriended by a group of you standard beer-guzzling sport-watching types.

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Milsy's and Garia's Blast Furnace

I read Penny Lane's 'What Milsy Did.

Since they were working with a blast furnace, I decided to upload some pictures that I took at the ruins of an old blast furnace in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, on the shore of Lake Superior. That way, everyone can get somewhat of an idea of what the blast furnace looked like.

The first one is at: http://ray-d.deviantart.com/art/Bay-Furnace-01-646521107

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Suggested Reading

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I have been reading some excellent stories that will appeal to some of the folks here.


If you don't like furries or science fiction, don't bother.

The Chakat universe involves Earth and the surrounding star systems a few hundred years from now. There are aliens, Earth-developed anthropomorphic beings, humans, star ships, and all the stuff that goes along with that.

The title species, the Chakat, are a race of felitaurs (think of a centaur, but with a cat body for the lower half, and an anthropomorphic cat for the upper half.

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This is quite interesting:


I hadn't taken it to quite the extreme that the author did, but he is exactly right.

The article mentions the Old Testament prohibition of homosexuality, but it is equally applicable to what the OT says about cross dressing.

There are lots of other examples of rules that people universally consider to be Christian commandments, when what they really are is cultural norms masquerading as morality.

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puff puff puff... bike... puff puff puff

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I bought a nice mountain bike with 24 gear ratios (eight sprockets in the back, three up front,) 29" knobby tires, and shock absorbers front and back.

It's nothing like what Bev and Ang and Cyclist ride, but it suits the dirt road and trails around here. In fact, it's probably less expensive than just the frames that they have. It appears to be made out of aluminum, not titanium or graphite.

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As I mentioned in some story comments...

I'm beginning to suspect that EOF, Ang, Maggie, and a few other authors all got together and decided to hold a cliffhanger contest.

Now that we're all hanging off of half a dozen cliffs, has a winner been declared?

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Interesting take on gender

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This is an interesting take on the meaning and origin of expressed gender. It looks like a good discussion starter, anyhow.

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