There's going to be a delay in my writing for a bit. I've got this really bad toothache and its hard to concentrate---let alone write. I'm hoping it will be gone soon but until then I'm busy brainstorming ideas.
Chapter 13 of Season of the Witch will be delayed even after I get back to writing but don't worry I've got something good planned that I think people are really going to love :)
That's great!
I saw you double-posted, so I picked the first posted to write a comment on. Naturally that one is the post that got erased.
Edit: Wadda ya know, I managed to "salvage" My comment! Here it is:
I expect many of us can say "been there"! One of the more favored methods of torture has been pulling teeth without any painkiller, I'm sure you understand why, now! Hope it goes away soon, but it will keep coming back until you do something about it.
I won't say take plenty of time off, cause I want more to read! But do get it handled and come back rested and ready!
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
Hey, take care of yourself
Hey, take care of yourself first.
Having needed root canal, at one time, I know what pain tooth ache can be.
Take care of yourself
Toothaches are no fun!
Something that worked for me was putting an aspirin on the offending tooth and letting it dissolve there.
Take care of yourself first... waiting to find out what happens with Kelly only builds the suspense.
We love you.
Your writing is brilliant but you are more important to us all. Take care.
The only bad question is the one not asked.
As my dental hygienist tells me...
its either tooth or consequences...
yes if you recognize the reference you may be showing advanced age, or watch reruns.