Stressed again

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Stressed again, but that is nothing particularly new. However there are some interesting developments into why I am stressed...

First off, I have my stones surgery on the 16th. That should be lovely, as that means that all this pain should go away. I am a big fan of that. So, no more just sitting on the couch in pain soon. I am very down with that. Yay!

Second, I sent off another query letter for Transitioning Home, to Boudica Publishing. Hopefully this pans out and I get published. The book really deserves to get out there. It is a hell of a story and I want to share it with as large an audience as possible. As usual, I nearly had a panic attack sending out the query letter. I am still twitchy and my heart is racing a thousand miles a minute.

It freaks me out so bad. And that is just for the whole, 'Hey are you interested.' It gets worse the more invested they seem to get. Gah! If they decide to pick up the book I am going to lose it, but I am sure it won't be that bad.

Anyway... that and crazy health issues with friends are why I am stressed right now. Hopefully the stress recedes so I can get back to writing. Right now I am having trouble even typing this. Sheesh...

Take care and TTYAL...


Stupid question i guess

Maddy Bell's picture

But why don't you self publish? No outlay required, no hostage taking and guaranteed release in whichever formats you want.

Just a thought



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Part of the reason I am

Part of the reason I am hesitant to self-publish is that I am trying to get my stories out to markets larger than the traditional trans market. I think an actual publisher can help me get better exposure and help me push the story into wider markets. At least that is my hope.

I have looked into self-publishing and there is also still a bit of a stigma when trying to sell books to regular publishers if you have already self-published. Since I am working on a YA novel that I am hoping to sell, that would make that process more difficult, otherwise I would certainly crank out several self-published works right now and see how things went.

The whole process simply makes me crazy and if it weren't for the fact that I am trying to sell that YA story to traditional markets who are skittish towards those who have self-published, I would do that. Your advice makes perfect sense and your Gabby series and its continued success has been tempting me to self-publish for a while. I have been reading up on this a lot and all it has done is made me even more messed up inside.

My hopes is that I can get Transitioning Home sold, get and agent for Tegan and then maybe self- publish things like College Girl and Sorority Boy, and a few other things. 300 Rains might also get pulled and offered to Boudica, depending on how this first bit goes.

Here's hoping.


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