TopShelf Blogs

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Writer's Digest Short Fiction Contest

Writer's Digest has extended the deadline for their short fiction contest, you have until October 31, 2012 to make entries in six categories. There are no limits to how many entries you can make. Grand Prize is $2500 and a trip and other goodies. Six First Prizes are $500 each. There is a fee for entry.


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Cleaning up the front page

I was looking over the front page and notice how different everyone posts look. I know some people know how to make title art and some don't but there are a few things that everyone can do in order to make the front page look a little cleaner or organized and probably load a bit quicker for us all.

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Very upset (crying in the car) but not sure if I should be.

Ok, folks I need your help and opinions on something that happened at work. I need to know if I am being overly sensitive because of my gender issues or do I have a valid complaint. I'm going to number these so you can follow the course of events.

1. On Monday our store tech room was getting audited so repair supervisor was at the store but not in tech room when this happened. My fellow tech was out of the room but my store manager was sitting in the room. While repairing a phone the volume button flew out of the phone bounced off my chest and ricocheted under my desk.

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Pozo Seco

This is an interesting community, to say the least. I know that many here are not writers or aspiring writers; however, it amazes me how some writers are so creative, and so damn good. Some writers complain that they could not grind out the next five thousand words of a story so they won't be posting this week. Others turn out charming little short stories every month or so that are interesting, and with enough varience to make them seem like new stories. Some are like Christmas trees. They're like Douglas Firs with different decorations.

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Drawbacks to writing a novel

One of the drawbacks to writing a novel is that I don't get the instant satisfaction of getting feedback, nor do I know if I am spot on with what I am trying to accomplish. It is a lonely world, filled with imaginary characters doing what I tell them to do, but they can't tell me if I'm doing a good job or not.

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HK tycoon offers $65m dowry for lesbian daughter

Definitely one from the weirder side of the news - Hong Kong property tycoon Cecil Chao has offered HK$500 million ($65 million) to any man who can woo her away from her lesbian partner. Gigi Chao has eloped with her partner to France and the pair have had a church blessing.

If that wasn't bizzare enough, she's not cross with dad. "I'm actually on very, very loving terms with my father. We speak on a daily basis. He just has a very interesting way of expressing his fatherly love."

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saw my family doctor today

Well, I just got back from seeing my family doctor, and things are finally moving forward again. He'd been waiting for the results of my bloodwork, and with that now arrived, he faxed everything to the gender specialist, and I go on to the next step, trying to lose the weight.

He's sent information to a medically supervised program, and when they get back to me, I can really get going on it. Not going to be easy, because he wants me to lose around 50 pounds, but with determination and perseverance, I can make it.

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Cycling with the boys.

Last Sunday I went out with the 'big-boys' for the usual Sunday morning club ride. Nothing unusual except I was wearing some rather sexy lingerie under my winter cycling Lycra which tends to be heavier and thicker than the lightweight summer kit. The boys do know about me but usually I cycle with the second string group who comprise older men, most of the fitter ladies and me, Bev ...
However last Sunday by an unusual quirk only about 12 people turned up at 10 am so we decided to all go together.

"You up for this Shirley, Bev, Liz?" Asks Spot, the club captain.

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Awkward Moments In Gender Presentation

I'm sure that nearly everyone here is familiar with the uncomfortable feeling of having to put up with your gender presentation and physical sex not matching exactly at one point or another. For me, it's a problem I used to have a lot.

Then I got fat again.

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Scottish Independence?

Today, David Cameron and Alex Salmon signed a contract to hold a referendum in Scotland to determine if it should remain as part of the United Kingdom, become a separate country, or, perhaps, chose some status incorporating features of both. This referendum is scheduled for 2014, so there will be plenty of time to discuss the pros and cons, coming to a consensus.

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Update on Close Call For Me

The cops actually think they have the guy who tried to get into my car! Nothing is positive yet, but they told me that the hospital called, it's routine with unusual injuries, I guess, anyway, they have some clown in custody who showed up with three broken fingers and a dislocated thumb. I guess he didn't let go fast enough when I peeled out of the parking space. There is no proof that he's actually the one, and I didn't get a long enough, good enough look at him when it happened.

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As if I needed the lesson hammered home

Yesterday I talked about being in the company of another trans girl suffering with a lack of confidence in her looks, despite the fact she is really good looking, and last night, it was like God decided to drive the point home to me.

I sat with some other girls at work on our lunch break, and listened as one talked about her struggles with her appearance, and how even now as an adult she sometimes finds it an issue.

And this is a genetic girl and a rather pretty one at that telling this story.

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Posting change

I know it isn't Tuesday so why is Transitioning Home on your screen? Well, Tuesday I have Dr.'s appointments and will be running around almost all day and I figured rather than try to deal with it early on a day when I am going to ache after my pain procedure or late when I am tired, I figured I would just post it early. I hope it doesn't freak people out too badly. There really is method to the madness. The other chapters should be just fine.

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052) My Possible Newly Invented Topical Anesthetic

So I'm going to be needing to do permanent hair removal, electrolysis, to my face. This is supposed to be EXTREMELY painful... I've been holding off on really looking into getting started on it partially because of the cost of the procedure itself when done professionally, and partially because of the added cost of getting myself anesthetized beforehand.

There are products out there for around $20 that can do at-home galvanic electrolysis, so that's not really a big problem if I can just get up the gumption to DIY it...

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First 4-star review

My novel God Bless the Child, which is available on Amazon and Smashwords has just received its first 4-star review. The last 8 were 5 stars. Am I upset, amazingly not really. I actually like having a 4 star in there (now a 1 or 2 star might piss me off) it makes it look as if real people are judging my work.

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In response to a recent post by Angharad...

I read the blog Angharad posted about the doping issue in modern cycling and it is a sad truth to face. However, I did happen upon an article about an elderly cyclist that is putting quite a few of the "current crop" of professional cyclists to shame. The gentleman in question is 100 years old and recently set a 14.4 mile an hour pace over the stretch of 100km (62 or so miles). Admittedly, I don't know much about cycling, but I do know being able to set, and keep, a pace like that isn't anything to sneeze at. Never-mind the fact that he did it at his age.

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Alone again, naturally!

Yesterday I came home for work, my roommate was up and about (sort of weird for her, she normally sleeps until noon). She told me she was going out for the day and would be back in the evening to help me with Sunday papers. I told her cool, but she wasn't obligated (I appreciate the help, but every time she comes she has the look like it is utter torture).

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Yet ANOTHER close call for me!

I left my home about 20 minutes ago to make a quick stop at the grocery store. When I came out of the store, I clicked my remote to unlock my car doors and, as I got in, I clicked it again to lock them. As I inserted the key to start the car, someone came up on the passenger side and tried to open the door. I looked over to see a male pulling on the door handle. He shouted that I better open the door or... I didn't stick around to hear the rest. I dropped the car into drive and floored the gas pedal, almost hitting two other cars on the way.

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Part 25 and the concluding chapter to my story is gone.

I hit the refresh button to check on the kudo and comments because apparently I am a rat in one of those science experiments for cocaine addiction and I can’t get enough of my fix when I noticed that the whole chapter seems to have been deleted and taken off the front page. Did I press the wrong button? Did the site do a hiccup? Is god (erin) out to get me?

Or is this like… an intervention?

“Scout you are too dependent upon other peoples opinion of you it’s time to cut you off”

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New Installment announcement More Please Shift Happens 2

After the first attempt to continue this story was eaten, by the universal bit bucket in the sky the freshly totally reworked model 2x has been sent to the editors. I will be working on the HTML end as soon as I get it back from the Editor. Please cross your fingers the HTML thing has me a bit intimidated but my editor will be providing me a template to work with.
Shivers see you all soon.

Misha Nova

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Our friend needs help.

One of our friends, and a huge asset to BCTS, has come upon troubled water in her life and needs a bridge to help her across. WE CAN BE THAT BRIDGE! Erin and I have been working behind the scenes to try to help this shining "Silver Girl" who has given so much of herself to help others without asking for anything in return.

Reminds you of a song? It is: One of my favorites...

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Of Bots and Chat Requests

Hi, everyone, it's Bobbie C.

Been getting some Messenger List requests on my Yahoo Messenger (for chatting, et cetera) but the addresses look suspiciously like bot addresses.   Can I make a request? If you wanna chat, please send a personal message here at BCTS, so I know your YM request is legit?

So if I should deny your Add Request, please don't take offense - it's because I don't recognize the address.

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Looks like Armstrong is worse than we thought.

The evidence seems to be stacking up against the former champion cyclist, as a cheat and a serial doper, although anything Tyler Hamilton said I would dismiss as coming from the mouth of a real slime ball.

I suppose one has to view it in context, and many of the teams were doping or turned a blind eye to it; and if you wanted to beat the dopers, you had to dope too, because no one in authority would listen. It's no excuse, it's still cheating and should have no place in sport.

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I'm really starting to become paranoid. It started with the hearing of someone call out my name in my house the other night and the house being empty. Now I got this eerie feeling that someone is planning to burn down my house. I keep waiting to pull up my street and then be pinned in by the police, or FBI.

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Smart stupid cat

My orange cat has found something new to do to annoy me. She already mastered the art of shitting on the floor if I don't empty her litter pan fast enough, jumping on me and then groomer herself while I sleep, and destroying blinds if I leave her in the house alone without a way out or without a way of finding me to do number 2 on this list.

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Largest Archive of TG Stories on the Web? 20584 Stories!

A week ago Monday we equaled the number of stories and chapters that FictionMania has archived and by Thursday we had definitely passed their mark, currently we have about 40 more stories than they are showing, though both sites have seen new stories posted in the past week.

Thanks everyone!


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Trouble in the Internet dimension

For about a week, the internet has been quite wonkie. Chrome seems to have the influenza, and I've had to resort to IE7 to watch any movies. All this happened relatively suddenly. Is anyone else having issues?

I have been thinking of converting over to Linux but I have lots of classes to do first.

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chat with multiple characters

In my new book I have a scene where a bunch of friends are having lunch and holding a conversation. The issue I am having is how to make the conversation flow without ending each line with A said B said A replied C added to the conversation etc.

Could anyone provide a way to make this work where it seems natural or point to an online reference. THANKS

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The Family Girl #048: Saying goodbye - Life lessons

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #48: Saying goodbye: Life lessons from a dead friend

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I knew someone - someone from work who I thought of as a friend, but she probably didn't.   She was a pretty brunette, very popular, super smart, outgoing, lots of friends and very ambitious (but in the good sense of the word).  I didn't know her too well, really, and despite having met her face-to-face just a few times, I liked her a lot, and I thought of her as a friend, like I said.   I just hope that she remembered me in the same way, although I think that was a futile hope, given how many people she knew.

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More girls being born than boys.

OK, hold onto your hats. If you just do a casual search on the internet, you will find that there are 2, sometimes 3 girls being born for every boy. In Russia, the boys are smaller and less healthy also. This may lead to all sorts of conclusions about T folk. I am seeing a lot of it in Mormon families because they tend to have 4-7 children.

More to follow

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not doing a lot of writing at the moment

With all the flashbacks and crap I've been fighting the last while, I havent had a lot of energy for writing. So it may be a while before I publish anything new, although I have the beginnings of a poem written ....

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The continuing stories of ...

Hi everybody. I don't have a computer right now, and I am using my daughter's. The problem is, I don't see a wordpad or any other writing format I can use to continue my stories. She is using Windows 7. So, to everybody who reads my stories, please be patient until I can get this sorted out.


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The continuing stories of ...

Hi everybody. I don't have a computer right now, and I am using my daughter's. The problem is, I don't see a wordpad or any other writing format I can use to continue my stories. So, to everybody who reads my stories, please be patient until I can get this sorted out.


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Overdraft on the BC Account

Not to make too much of a big deal about it but in paying a large bill related to keeping the site online, I unintentionally used a debit card instead of a credit card. Because of other checks and debits outstanding on the account (it's the one hooked to Hatbox and the one I use to pay costs associated with keeping all the sites online), I'm going to overdraft by about $60 bucks on Monday.

So any payments into the Hatbox before that will be very much appreciated and will save me about $35 in overdraft fees.

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That was then this is now.

Living on a bouncing mood, Today is the birthday of my oldest daughter she is 11 years old today. My youngest will be 8 on the 14 of October. My step son my girls half brother will be 24 on the 27 of October. All of these People have enriched my life so much that I could never think of what my life would have been like with out them. My step son is an upstanding young man who is putting himself through school and has weathered a lot of stormy life experiences with both his honor and humor intact.

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Pickles, Piggles, Bill.... A Great Man.

I'm going to make this post, as Celebration of the Man I knew. One of the few people in my life, with that designation, that I can say was a positive influence on my life.

First the sad part...

Bill will be removed off life support/respirator in the morning.

He had a major stroke about 2 weeks ago, and has been unconscious and unresponsive for the last week. The doctors have decided that there is no chance of his body making any recovery, he also has a high fever that they can't get to go down.

Bill was a great Man. He wasn't a politician, he wasn't a super hero, but his present affected many in this community.

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A wealth of ideas, a poverty of stories...

My first anniversary as a member of this site came and went without any fanfare, but the fact I'd reached that milestone with still no stories posted caused me to wonder: is it unusual for someone here to be part of the site for as long as I have, and yet contribute no stories at all?

Not that I'm lacking for ideas--I have almost too many. Observe below, at these plot synopses taken directly from my notes:

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I dont know what to do now

I phoned the doctor's office about the stuff they were supposed to send to the gender specialist, and they dont have any record of the stuff at all. Nothing in my file except I came in for a full work-up, nothing else.

I honestly dont know what to do now.

My best option I think is to get the stuff from the gender doc again, go to a different doctor and go through the whole thing again, but considering I suffered a week of flashbacks after the last time, I would rather not.

This.... sucks.

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Of Dirty Dogs and some Men

Sorry I need a place to vent Before I explode,. I would like to share some recent information I just discovered. My step Father the terror of my life passed away last year, he received a glowing sendoff by his new family and friends. New because when my mother died in 1999 January 1, he remarried and lived for another 12 years. His obituary held a wealth of information including all of his surviving kin from his recent marriage, all of his community service his square dancing with his new wife etc.

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