TopShelf Blogs

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okay now what?

So I guess now I need someone to turn my pile of ..., OUCH dottie quit that, well Bill's story into a book and then make a cover(i do have a picture in my head for it) and somehow post it to kindle or soemthing.

I am totally clueless in this requard so advise would be nice.


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What I am most thankful for.

What am I thankful for? Easy answers right, maybe not. The standard stuff applies here I have my family, my job, the roof over my head, but I am also very thankful for friends. I have two friends who know me now both have been my friends for many years and I was pretty sure they would be supportive. Talking to them has brought me to a better place, I can honestly say I was headed in a not so good direction and wasn't sure how it would have ended.

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Editing Problem with Summary/Teaser Window in Stories etc.

Basically, the latest update to one of the background parts of Drupal broke the mini-editor or rather the mini-editor's integration into the editing box. The mini-editor is the string of little boxes above the editing window that lets you automate inserting structured HTML into your stories, blogs and forum posts.

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The Christmas contest--which way do I go, George(tte)?

The upcoming One Winter's Eve holiday contest is intriguing, so intriguing I want to use it to make my writing debut here. But as is typical for me, I'm stuck.

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Brain fart day

Yesterday, I had a total brain fart day. First, when I got to work, I realized I had forgotten to bring my shoes. This is a big deal, because we aren't supposed to be on the floor without steel toes.

Theoretically, they could have sent me home, but its Christmas rush, and they need every warm body they can get, so I was told to be extra careful, but to keep on going.

Then, at lunch, I discovered I had also forgotten to pack my pills, so that was a pain as well, and obviously a sign I had let all the stuff going on get me off focus.

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Another Team Sky accident...

Is fate conspiring against (British Cycling) Team Sky?

Following on from TdF winner Bradley Wiggins and Head Coach Shane Sutton getting up close and personal with cars, Mark Cavendish has now collided with one (albeit this time in Tuscany rather than Manchester or Lancashire) and suffered a bruised arm.

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Stlll gaining ground

Well, I hit a new low, a good one. I am now down to 192 pounds, and holding. Now to get through Thanksgiving without putting any on, which is almost inevitable, but I have managed to keep the controlled loss going so far. I am planning stopping just short of anorexia, say under 170 pounds, then letting HRT put the fat back on where it will.

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Cuba elects an openly tg person to local government.

This article is on the Guardian website and in the newspaper, the comments are interesting too, according to one commenter transsexuals just can't cope with reality - I was pleased to see they got shot down rather quickly.

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Odd e-Mails

If any of you got an e-mail in last day or two from my Yahoo acct I'm sorry I didnot send it. Someone or grp has gotten into my Yahoo acct address list and sent false e-mails thru my acct there and I'm sorry if you were effected by it as it might be infected e-mail donot open just delete it. Again Sorry as I even got some strange e-mails to myself from that intrusion. Sorry again if they were or are showing the following address and were sent in the last two days from this address [email protected] please delete donot open! Richard

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Life the Universe and Everything.

Ok, so yesterday I passed another year. I am now the age that Douglas Adams postulated as the answer to that very big question in the title of this here blog. This is significant because it has brought about an epiphany, usually folks wait for new years to make resolutions but as this is the first day of my new age it will be the first day of my new life.

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As if I needed another stress

As if I needed more stress, the little improvised repair job mom did for car finally failed, and now I'm missing a piece of my front bumper. I will have to fix it, no choice, except I dont know how I'm going to pay for it.

Plus, I noticed when I came on today that my friend Kylie has dropped me from her "buddy" list for instant messaging, meaning that I have no way to contact her at all (I have her email, but she can block that, or even change her mailbox, and I will never even know it.) So it finally hit me I've lost her forever, and my heart is broken.

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Well, on to my next insecurity--or, all about the voice...

In all my years of living full-time in my chosen gender, the biggest frustration was probably my voice. While not exactly basso profundo, it still gave off a definite "male" signal to others in the earliest years. Yet, paradoxically, I can remember being called "ma'am" on the phone on many occasions pre-transition. (The answer, I realized many years later, was that my telephone voice had a certain lilt that read as female to those on the other end, but I didn't know about modulation at the time. So it was a complete mystery to me).

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My speech from our TDOR Observance

We are gathered here tonight to mourn those of us who have been taken from us by hatred, violence, and ignorance, but in a larger sense, we are here to celebrate their lives. That we might not have known any of them personally, does not lessen our sense of loss or our disgust for the way they were taken.

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Went to TGDOR today

Well, I just got back from the Transgender Day of Remembrance, and it was very moving. So moving, in fact, that between the emotions it brought up, the stress of losing my best friend, the stress of my daughter's allergy attack on Friday, the stress of her mother's health problems, the stress of my job ....

I'm a little over-stressed, I think.

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TDoR, A Reflection

In 2007 I came home from a Transgender Day of Remembrance and went on my computer. I was told by a virtual niece that a virtual daughter was murdered. The alleged murder claimed that she accidentally choked herself with her scarf. He was acquitted of the "murder." The Evil Witch Family is poorer because of her death.

Holly and I had a temporary roommate who was a drug addict. She got clean through a drug rehab program and decided to help the transgender community by helping other drug addicts. She was murdered because of her interference in December 2010.

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Adam and the Three Wishes - Part 6

I haven't been happy with the last two chapters of Adam and the Wishes since day one, and my Beta readers and editor agreed with what I realized was a weakness with the whole thing. The ending was too quick and easy for our heroine. I made a few minor changes and additions, but I was still not too happy with it. Today, I made a few more additions to Chapter 11 mostly. Of course, in this universe, changes such as these are not nearly as traumatic as they would be in this world.

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Waves of grief

I'm grieving the loss of my friend, and as I do I notice that this is not a straightforward process. It seems like my grief comes in waves, and in between them I almost feel normal, until the next big wave hits.

It almost feels like some part of me knows I couldnt take the whole thing at once, so has arranged for me to have respites to prevent me from being overwhelmed.

Ah, well.

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rain keeps faling

So I finally got a figure on what my pension would be. Due to my 'young' >so not laughing< age of 34 they are retiring me, I would have about 545 euros a month. It's a very good thing that I'm a civil servant so that up's to 1236 euro a month conditionally >aka can't work or they take the supplement away and if I go over 5000 euro I lose the entire pension<.

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The truth about Sally

In the latest story I posted, "Bikini Beach: Swin Date", Paula, the tranasformee, meets a young girl in the Ladies' Changing Room. The girl is upset because she was a grown man, and his wife used the Beach to transform him into a twelve-year old. The girl is starting to think of the wife as her mother and is forgetting what it was like to be a man.

When Paula talks to Grandmother about this girl, the Old Woman seems happy at the notion that the adult male is "disappearing" and the girl, Sally Hammond, is taking her place.

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Katie's update

I know I haven't posted a new story in quite some time, and believe me it is a lonely, unrewarding existence. But I am still slaving away at the next great novel. It is turning out to be quite the project and I keep plugging along. I hope it is good. I am putting a lot of work into it and it is a departure from my normal fair. Sure it is emotional and hard hitting, but my characters actually have supportive, stable home lives. I just topped over 100,000 words and haven't gotten to the first climax yet. My fear is that the end of the book is going to be like falling of a cliff.

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What to expect with a magical gender change?

Hey guys I'm new to this site and I'm new to TG fiction as well (I'm also new to writing fiction in general) I was wondering I y'all could give me a little help. What kinds of changes (physical, mental, emotional, social, and situational) would a teenage boy face after magically turning into a girl? I understand of course that some of the ways he is effected will depend on what kind of person he is but if y'all could help me with general ideas of what he would face I would be very grateful.

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The more things change...

Just clicked the Four-Years-Ago link at the top of the site and found myself a bit... stranged up is as good a phrase as any I can think up at the moment, I guess, by the fact that just a little bit ag, Ang posted the latest Bike and there on the four years ago page is Bike #463, third posting down from the top. For some reason, that kind of struck me a bit. I know I wasn't around here four years ago, but still... The more things change, right?

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delaying grief?

Kylie, my oldest and best friend and the reason you're able to read this, may be gone from my life, and no idea if she'll be back. It hurts as much as you can imagine, but I haven't been able to grieve - I had a busy shift at work, then had my first session with the weight loss group, and then got about 4 hours of sleep before I got a call from Samantha's mother saying she had taken Sam to the doctor for a severe allergy attack.

At some point, I'll stop and grieve and let the hurt out, but for now its .... bottled up.

I'm not sure this is a good thing or not.

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An update on my road, to follow Annette's

Some of you may remember that last summer, ( 2011), I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. They thought they'd caught it early enough that it would not come back. Nevertheless, I was put on a relatively mild chemotherapy, ( just in case! ). I was also put onto a trial study of a vaccine for pancreatic cancer.

After the chemo was over, the study and the vaccine injections continued. I also continued to get CT scans every three months.

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Hello again!

Well. After the longest eight months of my short life, I'm finally back, writing again. As to why I was gone so long, real life and illness took up all my time. I found out a lot about myself and a lot of other things, what was important and what wasn't. I lost almost everything material that i possessed and a long term relationship as well as my health. The whole experience made me stronger and maybe nicer and certainly a lot more patient.

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As if I needed proof I'm on the right path

If I needed more proof that I'm on the right path, the church that is holding the local Transgender Day of Remembrance called me to find out if I was going, and the lady also let me know that the church will have a trans paster in the new year ...

Sounds like a green light to me, don't you agree?

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Feeling contemplative

I don't know if it's just because another birthday has come and gone, but I've kinda been wondering what kinda impact I've had on the world, and what sort of legacy I'll leave when I'm gone. I feel like I should be scrambling to make some lasting change in the world, but I barely have the energy to trod from one day to the next. I feel like there's a pair of scales approaching, and my soul weighs less than a breath. I know I'll pull out of this funk eventually, but I'm not at eventually. I'm here, right now, and I feel lost.

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A thank you to everyone, and some good news for once....

In my last blog entry, I broke my usual rigidly-imposed rule and told far more about myself than I would normally allow, especially to people who are relative strangers. That endless rush of fear, frustration, depression and anxiety is a bit embarrassing to me now, upon reflection.

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Missing Hormones

I feel awfully sorry for one of my roomates. I take my hormones through a Vivelle patch because my internal organs can not handle the pills. In the last several months, some of them have been coming up missing, not a lot but just a few. I don't really mind unless my provider starts accusing me of overdosing.

I shudder to think what he/she is getting started. Still, I understand the compulsion. I was stealing birth control pills years ago. And to think that I complain once in a while that my becoming a woman was a mistake. Someone tell the girl to shut up!

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Stuff, updates?

Ok folks so I haven't been reading much or commenting and I'm sorry. Work is still the same, absolutely no changes. But that's not what this is about. What is it about you ask? Well gentle reader it is about, I got a vacation request approved and am off this whole week WOOHOO!!!. I have been writing like a madwoman I am collaborating with another author on the site and I am inspired.

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Kindle books price change

Good news. I changed the price on my two e-books down to $2.99 so people who are in a bit of a budget crunch can be able to buy them. I know times are tough and the holidays are upon us. I would lower the price of the print book, but I can't. You can only go so low with paper. Anyway, I'm hard at work on the next novel and will be back to posting other stories on the site soon. But, until then, enjoy what I have up or buy a book. I could still use a few reviews for Growing Up Jenny and as soon as Wren is done editing... I will make Finding Jenny available.

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This is important

Please view the videos and help to discourage big government from doing the wrong thing. I know this isn't TG, but it is important. This farm is only fifty miles from where I live and the video tells everything you need to know about the area. Best to all, Arecee

Video produced by Friends of Drakes Bay Oyster [18 min]:

Video produced by [3 min]:

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A British on-line e-pub site anyone?

I wonder whether there are any peeps out there who have published through Amazon's Kindle facility only to discover that because they are British citizens, they have become subject to a 30% withholding of royalties because of American tax laws - the bastards!

Yes you can be reimbursed, but not before you jump through hoops and pay some exorbitant amount to legal notaries in order to prove that you're not some tax-dodging Yank out to save the few measly bucks you've made from selling your e-book on-line.

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Sandy, Stories, and life

So I thought I'd give an update because SOME members of BCTS are in NJ and were in the path of Hurricane/super storm Sandy at the end of October. Personally, although portions of the town are devastated/condemned (the sub shop that has been where it is for over 40 years as well as the fishery are either gone or condemned), had major property damage, or will be without power for a while (probably the next town over).

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Speaking for us old people.

OK people, I can see an issue surfacing here. Lately there seems to be many more stories involving a culture that I am particularly ignorant of. I've never done any video games, unless Flight Simulator counts. And, I never did any role playing or comic books. I don't even have TV or cable.

So what some of you new authors are dealing with here is your grandma. So, I think a little more explanation and descriptiveness is in order if you want me, or any of us olds to read your stories.

From what I can gather in the stories I have read, the writing is nice.

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A thank you to BCTS Users

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say Thank You, to all the members here that have taken the time to read my first story, and have either left me Comments, or Kudos. It really does mean alot to me. It also helps in keeping motivated to continue writing.

So Thank you all again.


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Proof, proof, where's the proof?

A very curious thing happened this morning, which kind of has me in a panic. I looked at my breasts in the mirror, and for a moment, found myself hating them.

That very well could be a danger sign, a sign that deep down, I want to de-transition, which understandably has not had a very good effect on my mood. De-transitioning is the last thing in the world I want, especially after fourteen years of living as female. And the feeling is not constant, just on certain days. So what's going on?

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Firefly Marathon on the Science Channel

The Science channel is, right now, running a Firefly marathon, followed by the final two episodes and then a reunion of the entire cast. The reunion is titles "Browncoats Unite" and will show at 10PM.

Catherine Linda Michel

Edit made. My mistake about the SciFi channel. CLM,

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Now, That's more like it!

Much, much, much better night last night. Not only was I able to stock all the Christmas candies in the front pod, I was able to help out in the Health and Beauty section, which the girl working there really appreciated.

As for my concerns regarding the surgery, I have a cunning plan .... Not ready to share yet, but lets just say I'm seeing what my options my be, and what I can do to improve my odds of a good life post SRS. I'll give more details when I figure out a couple of things.

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Leaving comments on stories and responding to them -

Although I read quite a few stories on the site and usually award kudos (if I make it to the end of a story), I am not very good at leaving comments behind. For some reason I can never think of anything pithy, friendly and worthwhile to say; but this doesn't mean that I have not enjoyed reading them.

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The Lost

I've never felt like I belong in this world, but I've never found one I do belong to .. I walk around in this world, lost...wandering in a world I didn't come a life I didn't want...who am I? Where is my home? Where are my people hiding?....did the people of this world kill them? Am I the last or the first of my kind? Or....are there more out there like me....wandering, lost and confused wondering where I am?

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My Second Story

Wow, my second story is receiving many more reads, comments, and kudos than the first - way more. It makes me very happy, as I do feel that Duchess is a better story than Grace in some ways.

At least, it seems to flow better, to me. And, writing it is going much smoother as well. Sure, I had a background hearing all of the bigoted crap that was in Grace, but that does not mean I enjoyed writing it!

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We got suspended for a week!

We got suspended for a week tonight cos it got a bit wild. The club suspended us for a week so we cannot go back until next Saturday, mind you none of us will be out until next Saturday anyway. I have definitely become that girl my carers warned me against!!

After a rather sober and respectable start to the evening, things took off a bit when we got to the club and met up with the other girls then it all went over the top.

Firstly we gathered collectively for the required 'all-the-usual-suspects' piccie.

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When life hands you lemons ...

Not my best night last night. First, I was talking with the other person who has had SRS, and while she didnt want to discourage me, she pointed out that most of the girls who have the surgery have higher incomes and jobs that dont take as much physical strength.

While I was still struggling with that, I made some mistakes in putting stuff out and it frustrated both me and my supervisor, which isnt what I want to do considering I'm counting on a reference from her when I go to transfer to a closer store.

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