snafu (Sapphire's Place is down)

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I don't know what happen, but i was re reading the snafu series on sapphire, i had just finished the 2nd chapter on the 2nd half when the site went down.

it turns out that the site has expired and i can't finish the story.

does anyone know were i can finish reading the last chapters.


I just notified Erin

about that Joanne. Hopefully we can see what we can do.

Angharad has a few of the very last chapters under her author page here.


Called Sapphire

erin's picture

She'll get it fixed tomorrow. The problem is that the contact for that domain is still listed as Mindy, not Sapphire, so Sapphire does not get the notices. There's a way of changing that but it hasn't yet been done.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

hey Jo Ann

I have snafu assembled in a word doc in rtf. I could send it to you to make it available.

Glad to here that Saphires story site will be back

MadTech01's picture

I my self go between Bigcloset TopShelf, Fictomainia, Stardustr, Saphire's Story Site, and a few others.

They all have a different combination of stories that the others do not have. I hope in the future the sites can combine their archives to make sure that if one goes down for good its archive is not lost to us for good.

"Cortana is watching you!"

I've been known...

Andrea Lena's picture live out SNAFU in real life. You're welcome to my lifetime share, if you like? I've got several cases of New and Improved Civilian-Strength FUBAR in my garage that I'm happy to give away as well...


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


I am used to military-grade SNAFU and FUBAR. Civilian-strength I don't even notice :)

Oh yes...

Andrea Lena's picture

like the difference between Beer and "Lite Beer?" Scary thought; some company coming up with the next generation of disaster in a can?


"It's poorly planned and ill-timed!"

"NO, it's executed horribly!"

"Stop! Stop! You're both right! It's ill-timed, poorly planned, AND horribly executed!"

I should send you condolences, however. I feel like I fell off the back of a semi speeding down I95, and that's just with "Lite" SNAFU. You must be made of steel to go thru Military strength!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


Needed the laugh, thank you Maman :)

thats good news

I've been working through Babs Yerunkle's Story X-Man, i don't know of any other place its posted.
thanks for the update


erin's picture

Sapphire just called me back and she paid for another year.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Up Now

Checked just now and I was able to connect. So it is up for now.
