TopShelf Blogs

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Fortune cookie 2 (Electric Boogaloo!) and other stuff.

My grandfather taught me a valuable lesson when I was a kid this is back when black and white TVs sere common and cable didn't exist. I was running in the house and papo said don't run in the house me being a kid did not listen as all kids don't. He caught me again and said don't run in the house, I kept going. A third time he said don't run in the house. The fourth time I ran by him he stuck out his cane and tripped me I fell down and he said you see what happens when you run in the house.

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A busy and productive day

Well, I've had a busy day off. I went and did my month-end banking, got my daughter a bus pass for November, booked my car in for service tomorrow, started work on a new story and was contacted by the weight loss clinic and set up an appointment.

I was really happy about the last, because it means I can get started on a weight loss regimen right away, and I told them about the transition, and they seemed pretty cool with it, so that's good.

Another tiny step forward, I think.

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Hurricane Sandy...

Today is Tuesday and after being homebound since Saturday ensuring that Hurricane Sandy wasn't going to devastate me I was able to go out this morning amidst some light rain and light wind. In my neighborhood we fared well no casualties and not fatalities. I'm safe and so is my daughter. However there are still millions of people without power and will be fore several more days. There are homes destroyed, fatalities and people hurt. My heart and prayers goes out to the victims of the storm who did not fare well.

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Storm update from Western New York State.

We are located about 70 miles south of Buffalo and about 20 miles from the lake Erie shore. We got virtually no problems from the storm. Just some rain and light winds. There are some power outages, but very few. Some schools are closed and a few trees are down. We're protected from a lot of weather related stuff, with the exception of lake effect snow, because of the ridges surrounding us, and because all of the wind from this storm came from the north/northeast.

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My Next Story

As some of you may know I've decided to take a little break from the DRU and my usual writing. This morning I've started to work on a new story---a fantasy story that I'm pretty proud of actually. I've been brainstorming it over the last few days and I think I've got enough to write a few chapters. I'm hoping to have the first one done in a few days, maybe have it posted by the end of the week :).

Thanks again for all your patience and support


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It's official

I've been watching this for weeks, wondering when it will happen. But, THE DRESS PUNISHMENT is now my second most popular story by hit counter, finally taking the place of The Christmas Diary on my top 10 list (God Bless the Child Title page is still number 1 but may be misleading). So good job for a story that is 8 or 9 years younger than it's sister and was written on a whim, and I still don't know who O'Henry or what a shaggy dog is.

Someone bake a celebratory cake!!!!

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The Family Girl #049: Sandy Come A-Knocking

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #49: Sandy Come A-Knocking

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am from DC, as many know, and I cannot help but be worried about the superstorm coming to hit the east coast. My ma and dad have buttoned down their house and are ready to ride out the hurricane.   Dad also secured my house in Maryland, so it's as safe as it can be. I hope all of you have prepared in like manner.

Moe and I are safe all the way here in Manila, but the reason I am posting this blog is so that we can wish all of our friends there in the east coast to be safe, and to weather the hurricane (pun intended) and come out on the other side safe n sound. Good luck, be safe, follow the warnings, and don't do anything stupid.

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Last week of God Bless the Child

I have generously left God Bless the Child available even though I have it available as an E-book on the various sites (I prefer Amazon). I will be pulling it down next Monday, though plan on leaving the comments in place. I just want to give everyone an opportunity to read it again, if such is your desire. Also, I wouldn't mind some more reviews on Amazon (or sales for that matter). I will follow the same plan for Growing Up Jenny and Finding Jenny. I don't want to seem unfair, but I am rethinking my position in life.

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Hurricane Sandy

It appears as though a significant portion of the Eastern portion of the US is going to get a bit wet and windy with the arrival of Sandy over the next few days.
Wikipedia has further information over the storm's current status and forecasted impacts.

If anyone's in an affected region (or knows someone that is), stay safe and we'll see you on the other side...

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Artist wanted

Li'l ol' k-jo is seekin an artist/cartoonist/computer graphicist to collaborate on a new creative project for initial postings on BCTS n later ebook n possibly print publication - no fees either way but shared royalties on all publication sales.
PM k-jo for further details.
Thanks x k-jo

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If you're getting emails from me,

they are false. DO NOT OPEN THEM!!!!! Some puke who lives in his mom's basement has apparently hacked my email account. Unless the subject line of an email from me contains the word H E Y, WITH the spaces, ignore it. my email addy is Cathy _ t _ 99 at yahoo . com

My apologies to anyone who contracts any bad things from one of these false emails.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Busy Day

I have a busy day ahead of me, our cycling club has its AGM this morning and guess who's secretary? Hopefully, I've prepared for everything except the unexpected. So that's the morning fully occupied trying to take minutes and then make sense of them afterwards. I won't be in the tight skirt and blouse traditional of office wear - can't ride a bike in them.

Then, we usually go for a ride in the afternoon stopping for lunch at a pub.

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My Latest Story

In case anyone hasn't latest story has been deleted. This wasn't an accident. In a moment of clarity today, I realized that it just wasn't right. There was something about it that really bothered me so I deleted it myself. I'm not sure if I'll put it back up as it was or change it...there was just something about it that rubbed me the wrong way I guess.

In other news I think I know what I want to write next...its just trying to find the time to write it. The next couple of weeks are going to be busy for me...lots of good games coming out to play lol.


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Fortune cookie.

Ok so when you folks get tired of me talking tell me. I can rattle off at the mouth or fingers as it were but I did have to share some stuff today. Low point of the day: spoiled teenaged brat yelling at me in store because she can't text Brad (her phone fell in the toilet and that has nothing to do with the problem) while mom sat idle on her iPad. And this is why I hate people.


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Another Amazon/Kindle book I'd recommend to our authors

I'm sorry I didn't begin to read this book and highlight it while it was free from the Kindle Buffet a couple of days ago.

Rivet Your Readers with Deep Point of View by Jill Elizabeth Nelson
Would you like your readers to live your stories, not merely read them? Deep Point of View anchors your readers inside the point of view character(s) of your novel. This handbook shows you how to perform the transformation from ordinary narrative to deep narrative in clear, easy-to-master steps. I invite you to sweep your writing to the next level with a technique that creates immediacy and intimacy with your readers and virtually eliminates show/don't tell issues.

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Just a reminder...

Just a reminder, that if you comment from tomorrow on I will not be able to reply until Sunday afternoon. And then fyi... I will be hyperfocused on finishing my paper, so I figured you might want to know that. Tuesday there will be an update, I think. Just fyi...

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Meeting tomboys

Went out for lunch with my mom, and got a chance to talk with the waitress, and she was telling me about being a tomboy for a long time, and then surprising her male friends when she decided to get girly for a group that had come back from Afghanistan.

Its kind of funny, how many really pretty girls prefer to be super tom-boys, at least for some time in their lives, while I would have given just about anything for the privilege of being prettied up for a dance or whatever.

Ah, well.

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What I want and What I am

One of the novels I love the most in life is Les Miserables. I've read both books, the abridged and unabridged, saw the play on Broadway (which is the only place to see a Broadway play), owned the cd, watched the pbs special from O2, and take a lot at any movie that comes out (one is due on Christmas).

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Just a cool Kid

Well me again with another non TG type Bloggy thing, But to put it simply I just found this cool in a learn n grow type sense. Young kiddie with a dream and a bit of get up n go. I don't know the car at all but that don't matter. I guess you could insert the equivalent semi cool little thing from your local neck of the neighbourhood. But Fiero schmero this is just a cool story of a 12 yo girl going for something and not caring all that much that it aint super girly. Makes me smile that's fer sure.

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A things that make you go hmm moment, anybody remember that?

Work thing this week. Alright last week was super crappy. This week is ok. My idiot store manager is going out of his way to talk about neutral topics with me like his football team (Cowboys suck) isn't doing well, and insists on shaking my hand when he comes in. The harassment issue might be resolving itself, the grapevine says my manager is shopping me to a new store that I had put in for a transfer too some months ago. That would kinda solve all the problems I would move districts and have no interaction with anyone involved in the issue.

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Lana Wachowski at the Human Rights Campaign

The headline is kind of sensational but the video is of Lana Wachowski accepting the Visibility Award from the Human Rights Campaign. She talks about being accepted, coming out and that sometimes you need to do something for others. She's funny, even when relating the bad times and obviously uncomfortable . It's about a half hour long.

I'm in the middle of reading Cloud Atlas at the moment and recommend it to all. It's not your standard novel - the movie opens Friday.

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Nasty bots

I have been attacked by a nasty little bot that tried to steal my e-mail account. Unfortunately, my 'password reset'e-mail address is wrong, in that I presciently wrote 'mal' instead of 'mail'. I now have a new e-mail address, so those who have been contacting me through it will need a swap. PM me here for details. I will send it out to the usual suspects.


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Writing Future

After giving it a lot of thought I've decided to take a little break from writing stories in the DRU---that's not to say I might not drop in a chapter or two of To Dance With The Devil as the weeks go on but it might be a long while before that particular story is finished. I'm not really sure what I want to do in its palce but I've been getting some good advice from a lot of people---I want to thank everyone for that :)

I'll keep you all updated as soon as I figure out what my next story might be :)


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God Bless the Child now a book book

Just to let everyone know, God Bless the Child is now available in paperback. It did take forever and a day to get it available from createspace, but that might have been me. I still have no reviews for Growing Up Jenny :( I know I had tons of people read it and would really appreciate a review. My goal is to always get to 10 (I only have 9 on GBTC which is :( ) Anyway, you can view my author page on amazon at take a gander.

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Male role models

To the people who believe that you can be cured of a condition like being transgender, a big part of that is based on the idea that the environment a child grows up in makes the difference in terms of how secure they feel in their birth gender.

For example, they would look at my life, and the lack of any decent male role models, and then sexual abuse by a male on top of that, and conclude that this lack caused me to hate my gender, enough to want to become female instead.

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Important Topics to discuss with my Therapist ASAP

She told me that in order for her to write a recommendation to a doctor, we need to have a good deep discussion about my gender identity? Does anyone have any suggestions for topics I should think about my answers to before hand and bring up with her on Wednesday.

I feel I should point out that I've been seeing her for a while, and that she said we were going to discuss more about my being transgendered.

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Hero on BCTS

I just wanted to note that and unsung HERO on BCTS who are the wonderful editors on BCTS and we have a few of them to name a few EOF, Holly H Hart, Djkauf and I am sure I am forgetting more than I named A VERY BIG KUDOS .
So thank you for your hard work on making sense of the scrbble that is presented for you to correct

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Little Katie Laid to Rest

I will no longer be going by the moniker of Little Katie. Since I keep my transsexualism a secret, I think it is hypocritical of me to refer to myself by that name. Besides, when I came up with the nickname over a decade ago, I did not realize that it would be associated with a certain sub-set which I am not privy to.

Thank you.

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A very special Happy Birthday to Piper

Today is a very special day because it's Piper's Birthday. Piper has done SO much for all of us and she deserves our most profound thanks for all she has done. She's a very special lady and I count her as a friend, and am very humbled to think she might think of me in the same way.

Right now she is having a difficult time in her life, and I know that all of us wish her nothing but the best of luck. She's a talented young lady, and I know that she's gonna come out of this time in her life successfully and continue to be one of the best there is.


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Missed it again

Huh. I was watching my account so I could mouth off about 8 years here, and I must have slept through it, as it has jumped to 8 years 1 week. Might know.Now I wish I had signed up as soon as it opened, instead of waiting forever to open an account. Wonder what it should have been, if I had been smarter.

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Growing Up Jenny on Kindle

I was a little premature yesterday in my announcement. The page was available, but the book wasn't set for purchase. So, let's fire up the dancing kittens. Now, on sale, at Amazon is the second installment of the God Bless the Child trilogy: Growing Up Jenny. I hope you will support me by picking up a copy, or, giving me a review (the story, like GBTC, has remained available for free on this site) So, go over now, have a look, take a gander at this pretty cover. Click it to go to the page.

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Finally got it up!

The dresser, what else did you think I meant? The piece of furniture I mentioned a week ago has finally come together, mainly through the help of my next door neighbour who provided the muscle to get the top cupboard onto the bottom. It took me much longer to clear the space and to clean and polish the dresser which is slightly more damaged than I'd first appreciated, it being twisted on its base slightly - it's not noticeable unless one is looking for it, though it does affect the way the doors shut on the bottom: something I can probably remedy - the doors that is.

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I'm kind of frustrated as of late. I'm beginning to think that my writing is dragging me down. I used to write every day and it used to be fun. Now it just seems like a chore, something that I'm forcing myself to do. I'm not saying that I want to stop writing but lately my stuff doesn't seem to be appealing to a larger audience anymore. I'm frustrated in that something I'm not enjoying seems to be something no one else is enjoying either. So why am I writing if no one wants to read it anymore?

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Charlie...16 and the end of Book1.

Well Charlie is finally finished. With so many people reading and enjoying this and cheering Charlie on it was a fun write. I'm leaving this hopefully open enough to do a second book but with enough closing to make the story feel done.

I'm slowly going to be closing some of the stories that I've been working on just loosely in order to focus on the ones that are drawing the most reception or are ones that I really want to get back into telling the stories for.

Thank you all so much!!!
*Great Big Hugs All*

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Update to the situation this past week.

Ok here is an update on the work situation that happened to me this last week. I requested a meeting with the store manager JS (the one who took the picture) and the store assistant manager JE who is female I had spoken to her the night of. I wanted her in the room so I could I have a neutral party present. My emotions were very high and I very much wanted to maintain my professionalism. We met behind closed doors in his office and I requested that I be able to start first.

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No Winners or Losers

I do not believe in winners or losers that's society's programming/brainwashing. It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to profoundly sick society, those words from a very wise teacher saved me from myself. I learned not to listen to what society wants but to follow my own inner voice and love me as I am. I went thru hell as a kid but that hell forced me to study and learn As I think I am I am, Quantum physic's taught me the same.

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Resident Robin 2 or Resident Robin: Apocalypse

As Zoe and I are near production of Resident Robin: Apocalypse, I was wondering to myself, How many people would want to read a sequel of this story? I really enjoyed writing with Zoe on the first one, and this one, but if this one flops Would it be worth writing a 3rd or 4th one? Well I hope this doesn't flop. This one should be done before Halloween this time *Giggles*

Also if anyone's interested Robinverse is still a semi open universe to write in, there are rules an what not, but we would love to have other people join us in the robinverse :)

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