The surgery went well and she seems to be more awake than I expected. My ex has been to see her and confirmed it. I hope the recovery will maintain this rapidity of rate, but at the same time accept some of this might be adrenalin.
Thank you all for your good wishes and kind thoughts, it's much appreciated. Now if only you could have a word with the man who controls the weather...
Thanks for the update - fingers crossed that she makes a full recovery (and the tumour was still benign when it was extracted!)
As for the weather, allegedly most of the snow will disappear over this coming weekend, so it shouldn't be too long before you leg it up the road to see her yourself (and apologise on behalf of Gaia for the inconvenient metereological phenomenon delaying your visit)...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Good Wishes and Good Luck are Easy
Miracles take longer.
It's nice to sense the relief in your message. UK is pretty good if something serious like this occurs.
Good luck to your daughter and I hope for good results afterwards.
Big Smiles in Everett
We are all pulling for her full recovery my friend. But the weather is what it is. It has been so stagnate here the fog has not fully lifted for 8 days. I swore that I saw a fishing boat going west on 132 looking for the water.
Love and good vibes
Michele and family
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Here's hoping ...
... everything will turn out well for her.
I was surprised to see a Bike episode last night so I guess the weather was too foul to be worth taking the risk of driving to see her. I know Bike isn't great literature any more than The Archers is great drama but your twisted mind continues to entertain me hugely and I'm sure I'm not alone. Neither am I alone, I'm sure, in thanking you for continuing to post when there are far more important things for you to be thinking about.
With your permission, I'd like to give you a virtual hug :)
Great News
That's great news, I'll continue to send good thoughts your way.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
So Good to Hear
I was afraid for both you and you daughter. I'm happy that the surgery appears to have gone well. When you know more and have time, please tell us the prognosis from her doctors and whether she'll need further treatments/surgery.
My best wishes to you, your daughter and the rest of you family.
I can talk to the guy,
But he never listens. It's mostly a way to vent.
Glad to hear she's in recovery.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
That's very good news about
That's very good news about your daughter, Angharad. Thanks for keeping us updated.
If I had any sway in the weather department, I'd certainly ask for a warm-up on both sides of the big pond.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
As ever...
Hugs and best wishes.
Good News
I hope your daughter continues to recover; best of luck and blessings.
Now about the weather! Don't you know it is all controlled by the Goddess Gaia? And that she could be well pissed about humyn's destruction of all kinds of living things, biomes, environments, etc., yeah? I fear she is going to pay us back for our misdeeds in the decades ahead!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I never...
I never had much input on what the weather was going to be... I've had more than a little success at guessing what it will be like a day or four in advance though... :-)
One thing my uncle (A retired Navy chaplain, RIP) used to say was "Don't complain to me about the weather. I'm not management, I'm Sales." ... Which, if you think about it fits many preachers... While some seem to act as if they are management, I really don't think they have any more influence with management than you or I do...
(While I was forecasting, I used to extend my uncle's statement to explain why forecasts were occasionally wrong... Forecasters are also not management, they're advertising/marketing. And, we all know that management makes changes to products and the word doesn't always get to the advertising/marketing folks...)
Now, to be more serious. I'm very glad your daughter appears to have come through the surgery so well! I'm sure you and your ex have both worried, a LOT. I know I would have had it been my daughter.
Best wishes to you all,
So glad to hear of your daughter's excellent prognosis May God continue to bless & watch over her recovery
PS still love your writing
I think we're all breathing a sigh of relief. I'm so pleased that your daughter's surgery went well, and that she's doing better than expected. I do hope it contiues.
As far as the weather is concerned, I wish you'd said something earlier. Tell you what: I send some new stuff over to you. Now, it will take a few days, maybe even a week to get there. And, I can't 100% guarantee its quality. After all that's a long distance, and all. But, it's on the way. ;-D
Be well, and best to your daughter.
Red MacDonald
Glad to hear that
Hope she continues to recover well and gets back to full health. Take care of yourself too. Sometimes the caregiver ends up sicker than the patient.
Weather Man? Angharad, I
believe that you mean Mother Nature. Well, maybe Jack Frost. May you have safe traveling weather.
May Your Light Forever Shine