KristineRead's blog

I added a third story -- Something very different from me.

I just posted my third story for the contest. This one is very different from me. Inspired by Dorothy's first story, it is highly autobiographical of my own process for deciding to come out.

It is somewhat fictionalized, and the time frames have been changed, but it is ultimately my story.

I needed to write it, and I hope others will find some value in it.



Walking on Sunshine...

A while back I was contacted by someone named Alicia Radford to say that her girlfriend had read my two novels, which make up The Kelly Anderson Chronicles as a teenager, and that it had helped her to come to terms with her own transgender identity.

That in itself was incredibly rewarding to hear.


Wrabel - The Village, new MTF version

I always loved Wrabel’s The Village. Even though it was written from a FTM viewpoint, I could still identify with the pain, and the freedom when he finally goes ahead despite his families pushes.

Now Wrabel has recorded a MTF version, would love a new video, but that may be too much to ask.

Anyway here it is with some subtle changes for MTF transition.


Looking for a story

I am trying to find a story I have not read in many years. I don’t remember where I found it.

It was about a husband and wife, who were sailing around the world. They stop on an island, do a good deed, meet an old woman, who offers them both a wish. They wish for each others happiness.

They continue on their way, and slowly swap genders.

Ring any bells?

Kristine (Roland) Read


It felt good to write again

Yesterday, thanks to a challenge that Dorothy Colleen put up, I was able to actually sit down and write. While it was a short 1000plus word story, it really felt good to do so.

Last weekend was the first days off I had taken since before Memorial Day, other then a day to take my son to Vermont to visit a potential college. He will be a senior in high school come September. So writing has been difficult both from a motivation and energy or time.

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A wonderful Father's Day card from my son.

I got a very nice card from my son today, in addition to the nice ecard he picked out,

his personal note to me was:

Happy Father's Day to the best of the best! I hope Kristy has a wonderul day too.

Love, ...

According to my wife, FanFicWriter, he wrote it himself (with her assistance on spelling and grammer lol)

A very nice treat for today.

Here is wishing to all of you out there that are Father's, a very happy Father's Day to you as well.



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Question about flying to Canada from US, and back

Hey all,

I'm flying from NJ to Toronto, ON tomorrow to meet some customers at their site. I've never flown into Canada, and never been without my wife before. Should I be nervous about packing Kristy's clothes? Should I just basically choose to be resigned to travel without any of my things for the evenings? Who has had experience with Customs? I've only been a few times, twice while on a cruise, and once we crossed at Niagara Falls. So this is a new experience for me.

Thanks for any advice...


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Finally found an effective tape for burst breast forms.

I have tried many things over the years to get a little extra life for a breast form once I have inevitably gotten a cut in the protective film. As I do sleep in the forms this will happen.

Usually I get close to two years before it does though.

My latest ones only went about a year.

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It's been 6 years since I first joined the BCTS Family

It was 6 years ago yesterday that I first joined the Big Closet community, so I think it's sensible to look back a bit.

I have not always been the most active of people, in fact after posting my first story, I was quiet for a long time.

Several years ago, I got back into and was quite active, and then over the past year or so, work requirements have really taken their toll on my free time, and so most of my free time is spent with my family. But I'm still on here at least a little bit every day, and keeping an eye on stories that post, and the blogs to keep my toes in.

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Wicked! - Encore

I know it is off topic, but for any musical theatre fans out there, tonight Wicked! is celebrating an anniversary, and after the performance they are webcasting a special Encore with the whole cast performing in concert mode, a song that was voted on by fans.

It will only be availble tonight at 9pm EDT.

You can catch it at

This is streaming some older content right now.

At 9pmEDT it will also be available at

It's only about 15 minutes away.

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Looking for a story

I was thinking tonight of a short story I read once, about a post op young woman, dressing as masculine as she can, wearing a cap to sit and watch a game with her Dad, to give him one last gift from his "son."

It was a sentimental story, but I can't for the life of me remember the title, and I would like to read it again.

Hope someone can point me to it.



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It would have been eeire

Seeing the entry in the list this morning for Bike 1491, it occurred to me how eeire that it would have been, if the 1492 entry had fallen on Monday, which is the day we celebrate Columbus day here in the states.

So close...

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming..


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Max, FanficWriter (my wife) and I were spending a few days in Washington, DC this week.

This morning, we were packing up to come home. I had decided, that I did not need to pack my bra and breast forms until we were all ready to go.

So everything was packed, we had been making the final rounds, checking all the drawers etc...

I asked my wife if there was anything else, and then hugged her. It was as I began to hug her, she suddenly noticed my breasts... and started to say, "You.."

I said, "Just wanted to wait as long as I could on that... But, you just noticed?"

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Could use some advice

If you have read my prior blogs on my home life, you know that I am blessed with a wife and son that accept me for who I am.

My wife has mentioned a couple of times recently that the one thing that bothers her is that she is isolated, when it comes to the topic of my being TG.

My wife is not a very social person to begin with. She simply doesn't enjoy social settings, dreads any such gathering, even though she usually has a good time in the end. As a result, she doesn't have any close friends, at least not in real life.

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Life Updates

I haven't been around much of late. I do continue to check in to see what is being posted, and occassionaly comment when I can, but work has had me traveling and insanely busy this year.

There have been some good changes though.

My wife and I have both been on diets since January. I'm down 40 pounds, and she is down over 30 pounds. It's interesting as we are both doing totaly seperate diets, she is on Nutra-System, and I'm doing a low-carb approach. But they are working well.

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Les Miserables - 25th anniversary tour

I know this has nothing to do with tg topics, but I wanted to share this any way.

Last Wed night, my parents, my wife, my son and I went to see the new production of Les Miserables, it is currently at the Papermill Playhouse in Millburn, NJ thru this next week, and then continuing on tour thru the US. I believe the next stop is in Philadelphia.

My son had come to enjoy the music from the 10th anniversary concert, but had never had the opportunity to see the show, he was enthralled, it was great to share this with him.

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Can you recommend a good place for breast forms?

Well, I went to put on my forms last night, and one of them has decided it was time to develop a tear in the form. I've temporarily used a tip from the The Breast Form FAQ 4.0 at using the adhesive parts of band-aids, but I'm quite sure that is a temporary fix.

Unfortunately when I went to the site I have bought them many times before "" and they are no longer there. It comes up to a search site that is definitely not what I was looking for.

Can anyone recommend a reputable site I can use to replace them?


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Who can see all the references.

I loved Drea's latest offering from the comedy team of Rolands and DeMaggio, and replied to her as her partner

Included in that are a number of references to things - Can you catch them all? Hey Bobbie, "Quotes!"

I'll check back here tonight.



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