Well, I went to put on my forms last night, and one of them has decided it was time to develop a tear in the form. I've temporarily used a tip from the The Breast Form FAQ 4.0 at http://www.blooberry.com/bformfaq/index.html using the adhesive parts of band-aids, but I'm quite sure that is a temporary fix.
Unfortunately when I went to the site I have bought them many times before "www.4transgenders.com" and they are no longer there. It comes up to a search site that is definitely not what I was looking for.
Can anyone recommend a reputable site I can use to replace them?
Glamour Boutique
Glamour Boutique is one of Fictionmania's sponsors.
Mr. Ram
Mastiectomy bra place
In Oregon, there is a place that caters to women who've had cancer surgery, and one can often by used breast forms there. I got mine for about $60. I don't need them any more and I'd give them to you if they had not developed a leak too.
The Breast Form Store
I purchased mine from www.thebreastformstore.com two years ago and haven't had any complaints. They arrived discreetly and have lasted well.
-Tiffany :-)
Probably centered on your nipples
"Can you recommend a good place for breast forms?"
I'd say probably centered on your nipples?
My favorite thing to do with the silicone ones was to grab them out of my girlfriend's bra, lick the backs and stick them on the bathroom mirror :) Then everybody who stood in front of the mirror has boobies.
If you find someone's forms in the morning they look perfect on a large plate with two slices of bacon on the side and a piece of toast. I never had the courage to put them on an english muffin and pour holandaise sauce over them.
Payback can be frightening.
Two places
In addition to the Breast Form Store (www.breastformstore.com) try www.truecare.com. I have heard good things about the truecare forms. Both places allow mail orders, and cater to CDs.
True Kare website
The actual web address is http://www.truekare.com/
Lots of Love
I got mine from an eBay seller located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. They were very inexpensive, look pretty realistic under clothes, and have held up well. They're made in China, were about $50 with the shipping, and the vendor is still active. PM me if you want the vendor's name.
Maybe I'll get DD's
Right now, I am in the mood to do something really um BIG ! I wish I had gotten DDs when I had the money. It is more fitting to my personality. :)
I got all my forms from here ( http://www.lucys.net/" title="Lucy's ) for years until I got my implants.
The prices were always good and I took advantage of specials they had a few times.
When one developed a leak three weeks before the warranty expired they quickly replaced the form (they provided me with a shipping slip to send the old form back). I actually got replacements twice at no cost except maybe the shipping - I'm not sure if I had to pay that.
I even sold my Amoena forms to a person in Australia where they weren't available and recovered half my investment after a couple of years.
BTW - when I wanted to get my implants I actually filled the plastic form holder with water and then measured it to see what the CC was when I talked to my doctor.
Oh and when mine leaked I used duct tape - guess they can add that to the uses they advertise LOL
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bandaids have holes all over them so the skin underneath can breathe. Using them to patch a breastform is likely to produce poor results.
I've torn two in the last five or six years, and found that regular Scotch invisible tape works well. Be sure however to clean around the patched area with soap, then after rinsing, a q-tip dipped in alcohol. If the silicone gel got on the outside, you're probably not going to get it all off, so your tape has to cover an area about 1/4" larger than that. The key of course, is to put the tape onto clean and dry plastic, not silicone.
I've had my patches hold up for months--certainly long enough to obtain replacements.
Carla Ann
regular tape has never worked well for me, though I've tried
I've tried in prior times to use regular scotch tape, with little success, and it tends to harden if it sticks at all.
I decided to try the bandaids (minus the gause which I cut out), even though as you say they do have the air holes, so I just doubled up slightly offset which means that the holes are all blocked. Band-aids stick to each other really, really well... LOL...
I don't know how well they will hold to the plastic cover over time, but they did stick quite well to start, I would have a heck of a time removing them if I had too. I figured since its a medical grade adhesive that the suggestion from the breast form FAQ was worth a try.
I've tried lots of different methods in the past, including using various types of plastic wrap to patch with, but that tends to crinkle making an unnatural noise :)
I'll check out all of the sites mentioned, some I had found, but I wanted to see if there were any that had the strong loyalties of our community.
I'm not looking for crazy large ones like some of the ones found at some of the TG places. Though as I'm a pretty large person (On Disney travel boards, I'm what they call a "Pooh Bear" sized person. :) ) I do get a fairly large size to seem proportional. These were a size 15 which fill out my 48D bra well. The 48D bra is actually just a bit tight on me, which helps keep them firm to the body, so they don't seem that large on me, but are fairly well proportioned for my body. In any case I am not looking for the supersized sets available at the sites listed.
I am also somewhat hard on the forms, since I primarily can wear them at bedtime, I do sleep in them. (Despite the large warnings about never sleeping on your forms at one of the sites mentioned, claiming that they might burst.) I usually get about 2 years out of a set before they develop a leak, and this set was no exception.
I think the biggest disappointment I have is that I can't find the same model elsewhere, these were Mystique 2001NT forms, this was my third or 4th set, and I really like them. I think I saw a set with slightly different model number on http://www.glamourboutique.com/gl2000nfreeadhesivetapes.aspx I wonder what the difference (if any) is? Maybe it's like mattresses where the different mattress stores get the same mattress with different model numbers so you can't price compare.
Since those are the closest ones I have seen to what I'm used to I will probably end up going with those, but I'm still looking.
Thanks for all the advice!
So, what size did you want?
I heard that T girls like em big. I was disappointed that DDs aint so much... :(
Well i only know of one place to get them
I got mine at 'take a wal on the wild side' in toronto, ontario in canada on Gerrard st. It is a store that mainly sells to the trans community, infact there store is for us rofl. Just if you go there dont be overwelmed by all the lingerie, rofl it is a store, and best to ask there help cause the store isnt catagorized the best :) all the best :)
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Don't need them
I do not need them anymore I grew my own via hormones. I am a 38 C now and have no wish to go larger. They grew bigger after my surgery (not much testosrone hee hee).
I am sorry I couldn't resist!!
Fare thee well,
"how many cares one loses when one decides not to be
something, but someone" Coco Chanel