
Free Your Mind 1.2


After a perfect marriage and having the husband she dreamed, the wife finds out that her husband is a hidden cross-dresser. What would she do? Will she divorce? Or is love strong enough to stop her?

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 25

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 25
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 - Dinner is ready.

There weren't enough places for everybody to sit, so Naomi told them to find any place to sit, and they would have an informal dinner.

"So, what should we have? We have bratwurst, hot dogs, sauerkraut, dill and sweet relish and pickles, we have hamburgers, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes. So, the waitress is now taking orders. Who wants what?"

"How about we make meatloaf, mashed potatoes, whole kernel corn, and that nice cherry pie we brought over."

"Connie, you brought a pie over?"

Could use some advice

If you have read my prior blogs on my home life, you know that I am blessed with a wife and son that accept me for who I am.

My wife has mentioned a couple of times recently that the one thing that bothers her is that she is isolated, when it comes to the topic of my being TG.

My wife is not a very social person to begin with. She simply doesn't enjoy social settings, dreads any such gathering, even though she usually has a good time in the end. As a result, she doesn't have any close friends, at least not in real life.

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