I'd like to say that more stories are coming, and I'd LOVE to say that conclusions to the ones I have here are written and just need to be posted, but I'd be lying.
Frankly I'm having a really hard time at work. My place of employment is starting to give me a hard time because I'm trans and they are punching my PTSD buttons (managerial bullying) really hard. This has had the effect of making my creative well totally dry up. And I've been demoted to a job where I don't have any free time as I'm writing all the time in work order tickets and fixing existing problems rather than using that time and energy in doing important things, like finishing stories. And frankly, on my days off, I'm too busy just recovering my mental balance to do much more than veg on the Internet.
I'm sorry everyone. I feel that this is a personal failure and that I've let you all down. I'll try to do better, but I'm not counting on it.
Keeping up my part of the bargain....
...you haven't let me down, and I'd expect that it goes both ways. You're in such a stressful situation right now, which doesn't help your 'self' at all. I really should care more about Joy the person if I'm ever to appreciate Joy the writer, aye? I hope for your sake alone that things change enough in work for your own well being. My prayers to you!
Love, Andrea Lena
If it is not yours leave it alone.
You have not failed us at all. The Drin you are putting up with would kill any ones creativity, and recovery time is so necessary you can not do with out it. You are not the one who is acting like an APE so do not assume responsibility for things that are not your fault.
Stay sweet and keep the faith
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
No, you have nothing to be
sorry about, at all. It is those who are attacking you at work that are guilty.
May Your Light Forever Shine