Maid to be a Man? Chapter 3

Mia is out shopping on her own. Really, how much trouble can one maid get into at a mall?
Maid to be a Man?
By Maid Joy

Chapter 3

She knew that she needed expert help in selecting clothing and jewelry for herself, so instead of heading to a small boutique or consignment shop, she decided to go to the mall.

Luckily there was a large mall nearby with large retail shops as well as the little stores that sold specialty things. So it was off to the mall for Mia.

As Mia entered, she realized that people were staring at her. Some were obvious and some were covert but the stares and whispers followed her progress to the main mall entrance as she moved quick as she could without running.

Until now, her preferred choice of clothes had been so right so normal. Now her cheeks pinked as she realized just how out of place a Victorian maid was in the modern world. She chose to make her way to one of the larger retail outlets. She would start by finding some clothing that was more appropriate.

Before she could reach the Women's department of the store, a sales woman at the cosmetics counter caught her attention and beckoned Mia over.

"Oh my dear, what a quaint costume! Are you going to a party tonight?"

Mia was given no time to answer as the sales lady went on. "You are in such good luck today. We are doing free make-overs and you know you will need a bit of something special for your party."

She led Mia over to a chair in front of several mirrors, chatting nonstop. Mia wasn't given much chance to respond as this lady kept talking to her. It was as though if Mia wasn't allowed to say anything, she would surely buy everything that was put in front of her.

Mia had never worn makeup in her life, so this was a totally new experience for her. The sales lady was a very good one. She knew not only the products she was selling, she knew how they were formulated and how it all worked together.

The sales lady finally introduced herself. Delores had flawless skin and her make up was subtle. She was a walking advertisement for Ladies Glow cosmetics. The first thing she did was pull a huge lighted magnifying glass over and begin examining Mia’s face.

"Oh dear! You really have been neglecting this skin! Have you been using regular soap on it? It will absolutely ruin your skin my dear! No, no this will never do! I can see your pores coarsening as we speak! The very first thing we must do is choose your cleansing routine!"

Everything Delores said ended in an audible exclamation. She asked Mia about what she did and where she worked. When she found out that Mia really was a maid she almost shrieked. "Those chemicals! The harsh detergents and cleansers you must have to use! No wonder your skin is in this shape!"

Mia had to assure her that she did take precautions like wearing rubber gloves and had shown no signs of have any trouble with allergic reactions.

The sales woman looked unconvinced. "My dear Mia, don’t you know those fumes reach your face? That’s how they damage you, it doesn’t have to be direct contact. Now tell me, what kind of skin and hair do you thing you have, Oily skin and hair or dry or both, what is your age, and have you ever had any kind of surgery on her face?

With the probing questions answered Delores went behind the counter and began lining up products.

"Make up remover, skin cleanser, toner, and a very gentle moisturizer. Now! I am going to give you a real treat! Before we begin putting much of anything on once a week you should use this!"

She added a facial steamer to the collection on the counter top and started in again. Use absolutely ONLY deionized distilled water in this!" She pulled out a bottle and placed a small amount in the bottom. "Just lean forward and place your face right here. There’s an automatic timer and it takes only a few minutes to open and refresh your pores allowing for a really deep cleansing." Once the gentle chime rang Mia was instructed to sit back and gently pat her face dry on a special pad that the company naturally sold. "It’s hypoallergenic and disposable so you never use the same one twice, so very good for your skin." Delores seemed to purr with pleasure at the very idea. "Ordinarily I would suggest at this point you use our wonderful hydrating cucumber and aloe gel masque of beauty but we don’t have time for that today. Just use it once a week after your facial for maximum results."

Step by step Mia was shown how to apply all the products to make her skin as smooth as possible. Delores was happy to tell her how to use them, and why it was so important to have a smooth surface to start with. "These products are used in the morning. Of course at night you will want a deeper moisturizer before bed. That’s when you use this one instead of that one! And naturally you’ll want to keep your eye area as smooth and wrinkle free as possible as long as possible so use this anti-aging eye serum last of all! With the steamer and this weekly masque of beauty you will be giving your skin a priceless gift.

"Your coloring is exquisite! I can tell you listen to all the warnings about staying out in the sun without proper protection. Our daytime moisturizer had an SPF of 15 to protect that lovely porcelain complexion of yours! And with your dramatic wavy dark hair and green eyes I bet all the boys have been chasing you since your got out of the crib!"

Mia blushed at the implication of the compliment and dropped her eyes.

Then they went to work with the makeup. First there was a foundation to match Mia's skin tone. Then she was shown how to apply it to her face. When Mia naturally started spreading it down her neck and under her chin, the saleslady made a point of correcting her. She told her that a foundation was supposed to be like a mask on the face, and that spreading it further would cause makeup to stain her collar. Just under the edge of the chin, and no further. That was why it was so very important to get as perfect a match as possible. "Mia my dear, it’s to enhance not to plaster over! You aren’t a wall in need of repair!"

"Now it’s time for some real fun!" Delores seemed to glow. "Of course you’ll need an every day, day time, evening and going hunting look, every girl does!" The eye shadow, the mascara, the eyeliner, the blush, the lipstick and lip liner, then eyebrows and pencils were all discussed at length and shown to Mia and then put on her. At first the change was so subtle that Mia could only tell there was a nicer look. If she hadn’t been watching she would never have known anything had happened.

"This basic day time look can then be enhanced if you are going out to lunch or shopping by adding this blush and a bit of eye shadow." Again the change was subtle but more noticeable, the lipstick actually showed on her lips with the slightest gloss shining in the light.

"Of course if you are out and decide to go to dinner you can add a bit more drama to the eyes, use some more mascara a deeper tone lipstick and voila!" This time the change was noticeable. Mia certainly didn’t look like a clown but there was a definite enhancement that made her look like a lovely stranger, someone Mia didn’t know at all.

"Finally, we darken this part of the shadowing, use this gold mascara just on the tips top and bottoms of your lashes and this deep red lacquer on your lips and girl you will get any man you set your sights on!" Soon the sales lady had Mia made up in an exotic style that would look very commanding and daring at a formal party of some sort.

Then all of that was stripped off, and Mia was allowed to put it on again and again, and again. With each repetition, applying and taking off the makeup, Mia became more proficient, and her confidence rose.

Mia had learned how to add to the makeup depending on the time of day, and how to match the makeup to the mood she wanted to project. Light colors and light browns for a more wholesome innocent look, dark smoky shades when she was feeling sexy and vixen like. Deep shades to make her eyes recede into her face when she wanted to project and air of mystery.

Three hours later, the sales lady pronounced her "as skilled as I can make you in the time we have."

If she wanted to be much better, practice would be the key, if she felt unsure or wanted to learn more styles they were offering an evening of pampering in two weeks. There would be seminars, a really lovely dinner, advice and more. Mia smiled and thanked the lady, and without a qualm purchased everything she had used. It even included the facial steamer and disposable makeup wipes. Mia also noticed that a book of makeup schemes and a video of how to "do even more with your makeup" was for sale on the stand behind the counter. She purchased them and reserved 2 spots for the seminar too. Hesitantly she asked Dolores for her opinion of a nice perfume. "Nothing too heavy, something, uh mild?"

Dolores smiled and nodded -- only too happy to add another sale to her tally for the day. After more discussion, they settled on a light floral scent that was a perfect compliment for Mia. It smelled like lilies and honeysuckles and was just marvelous in Mia's opinion. Dolores also put a few samples of other perfumes into the bag, "in case you want to try something different, for things like that hunting party we were talking about."

Blushing she thanked Delores gratefully and gave her an extra tip for all the time she spent with her. Mia understood the saleslady made part of her salary from commissions on cosmetics she sold. Having never bought makeup before, Mia had no idea what a "normal" price was, as a result she wasn't upset at the size of the bill.

As they said good-bye, Dolores took a look at Mia's hands and pronounced her nails "shameful." She then suggested that Mia go by the salon that was part of the store and have them take care of her hands and feet, and maybe do some electrolysis on the hair she had on her face.

Mia's heart nearly stopped at that, but the saleslady assured her that she had nothing to be ashamed about; many women had extra hair on their face. A quick zap with the electrical wires and it would never trouble her again

With makeup was more appropriate to a day of shopping, Mia continued on to the Women's Department to get some real girl clothes. There, once again, she was at the mercy of the salesladies who were all trying to help her pick colors with coordinated as well as matching clothing she would look good in.

Mia had left her apron at home, so she was just in the medium blue top and skirt with the white cuffs and collar. It didn't feel wrong; it was only that it stood out. So the salesladies she consulted with helped her select a long skirt and blouse set that weren't quite so antiquated. Of more modern cut and design they allowed her to feel comfortable without screaming "MAID" to everyone who saw her.

Three hours later, she felt as though she had tried on everything in the store that could possibly fit her, and she was ready to call it a day. Unfortunately she had several more places to go to.

But she was more comfortable now, in a nice skirt and blouse combination that was different than the uniform she had been wearing. The skirt was set off by tiny flowers scattered all over and the blouse had been matched to the pale yellow ones. As it was getting quite a bit warmer, it was important to be cool.

She had resisted the pressure to buy a swimsuit saying that she didn't have any place to wear it, and her employer probably wouldn't want her swimming in the family pool. The salesladies understood and stopped trying to get her into a bikini.

She did buy several outfits. They suggested she have a mix-and-match set of five skirts and eight blouses, which would allow her to have several sets of clothes. There were also accessories to be mixed and matched as well. All this meant that she had up to twenty different ways to combine and wear her selections. Rather reluctantly she added a light weight summer jacket and sundress to the pile as well as several proper "Sunday-go-to-meeting" outfits.

She got some nice underthings as well. This is where Mr. Gerome's grandmother's purchases came in handy. Mia was able to tell what brands would last quite a long time and was worth the money, and what items that looked "hot" would be lucky to last the season.

The salesladies were horrified to hear that she didn't have any bras or panties, just a corset and pantaloons. They were pretty insistent that she get good underthings. This meant that she had to strip down to her unmentionables and to be measured again.

The lady who was measuring her stopped for a second when she found that Mia was actually a boy. She looked up at Mia and then smiled and nodded. She moved the "package" aside and continued measuring, without making fuss at all.

Girdles were brought, some tight briefs that also padded out the hips and butt for her. The saleslady leaned over and whispered "It's okay. A number of our customers are like you, and we take good care of them. Your secret is safe with us. Just be careful when you tuck yourself back or you could really hurt yourself."

Mia wanted to faint. She was so ashamed to have been found out, for it to have been a sales person made it somehow worse and that the woman had touched her made it even worse. She was sure that later her secret would be shared. And then she would be the laughingstock of the store. She could never show her face here again.

She changed into her new panty and bra in the privacy of the changing room. What did she mean? People like me? There are others that like wearing these clothes? That like having skirts and silk blouses? Why haven't I ever heard of them before?

Grandmother had acted so differently toward him after that incident in his childhood. She kept looking at him and monitoring everything he did. She chose his clothes, his friends and is school activities. She was very strict them and she encouraged him to do things that "real" boys would do. Playing outside was natural, but he didn't like team sports. Football repelled him; he had no desire to "be mauled by brutes and thugs until my bones break." Doing things like playing tennis and golf were natural activities and grandmother approved. They were properly sports of the upper class. He didn't want to spend time in the woods camping, but was that because it was so far from everything that resembled civilization, or was it something else? Certainly he was by nature fastidious and his grandmother’s insistence on good grooming and cleanliness were also factors.

Mia carefully pulled the girdle panties up, tight against her. That didn't feel very right, her "package" was being crushed and it hurt. What did the nice sales woman say? Tuck myself back? What did she mean by that?

She reached down into the girdle and pushed herself so that her thing was pointing back, and she felt the testicles pop up and into some sort of compartment in her groin. This left a deflated sack that was just hanging down. It took some adjusting and finally it felt odd, but not uncomfortable anymore.

Mia was now totally confused. What she a she with extra parts, or was she a him with the wrong clothing on? Was she an aberrant or a pervert or an anomaly? It was all so very confusing and Mia really didn’t think the mall was the place for a deep soul searching session about whom and WHAT she was.

For now she would just continue to be Mia, the Canadian Head Maid on her day off.

Once she had something a bit less conspicuous and a bit more fashionable on, she continued her shopping spree through the mall. She took enough time after each store to go back to her car and deposit her new clothes and makeup, covering it with a blanket to not be such a tempting target to thieves.

Mia felt even lighter when she went back into the mall. She was just another girl going on a shopping trip, not someone that should be stared at because of her uniform. Granted she had insisted on the uniform herself, but it was still very conspicuous and really old fashioned.

She took her time actually wandering around and look in the windows. She found herself somewhat repelled by some of the boutique stores, but in others she found things that she really wanted to wear. From admiring to buying was just a short step.

There was a moment of panic when she tried to pay for her purchases in Victoria's Secret. She pulled out her bankcard and the sales person slid it through the cash register. When it came back "Denied," her heart stopped.

She grabbed her Blackberry out of her handbag and went to the bank's website. She found an Urgent Message on there addressed to Mr. Gerome.

Dear Mr. Gerome Phillips,

There have been a number of transactions on your account, none of them signed for by you. As such, we have suspended bankcard xxxx xxx xxxxx x7659 on your account until you manually authorize the purchases and continued activity.

This is a precaution to prevent fraud and to keep the service charges down on your account.

If you are aware of these charges and wish to reactivate the card, please go to this link and sign in with your user ID and password and security question, and follow the directions contained on that page.

Thank you for being customer of ours, we look forward to serving you in the future.

List of charges on this account:

Transaction Amount
4588McyMkp $725.90
4588McyWmns $1358.90
4588McyShs $550.88
3422HotTpc $545.90
5569WldPr $1287.19
8886ATM-4355 $200
5874Gap $877.25

Mia recognized every charge on this list, and she had made them all. She quickly went to the link that the email had in it, and authorized the lot, and then turned off the "Shopper's Protection" for the day. She knew that the amount of purchases and the amount of money spent had triggered this freeze, and she really didn't want to have it happen again today.

The saleslady looked skeptical when she presented the same bankcard to pay for the three nightgown sets she had just tried on and wanted to purchase, but when the transaction finished without a hitch, the saleslady was all smiles again. "Anti-fraud measures gotcha, huh honey?" Mia smiled and nodded.

She took her bags and made her way to the car again, depositing them into the "trunk" which was up front, not in the back. I wonder if you call a storage space in a car in the front a Bonnet instead of a trunk? Not a boot, something very German I suppose. Who knows?

She sat in the car for a few moments and changed out of the vintage boots that she had been wearing until then and changed into a new set of sandals, a modest 1 inch heel and lots of strappy airy goodness. Her feet were so happy with her now.

The boots she’d found in Hot Topic were to die for. They had a nice selection of boots that looked just like they were out of the 1900's. Four inch solid chunk heels, all leather, with large brass buttons up the outside of the boot. There weren't as many as the work boots she had been wearing, and they were for show more than anything else, but they looked lovely and would go with the uniforms well.

She knew that she should call it a day and go home, but she wanted one item from the jewelry store. So she sighed deeply and went in again.

She had to look at the directory inside the mall entrance to find the place she wanted, Jewel Time. She headed down there fairly quickly hoping they had what she wanted.

When she walked into the store, she knew that she had made the right choice coming to this store instead of someplace else. She wanted a chatelaine watch to wear on her uniform as a broach instead of a necklace.

She couldn't resist looking at the other selections that were on display. There were some beautiful watches that she knew would be destroyed quickly given her job. So when she found the watch she wanted, she called a salesman over and they talked.

It turned out that the watch she wanted was not only a beautiful broach, but that it could be pulled down from the pin on the blouse, so that it was easier to see. In the process of pulling it down, that wound the watch. You couldn't overwind it since it had an automatic "clutch" mechanism to prevent the spring from being drawn too tightly. The pin was made in such a way that it might destroy a silk blouse, but the heavy material of her uniforms would be safe enough.

She paid the manufacturer's asking price for it willingly, knowing that it would last for many years unless an accident happened.

It wasn't until she passed by a Piercing Pagoda that she thought about having her ears pierced and getting a selection of earrings for herself. The thought was parent to the action and soon she sported a set of earrings in her lobes that were a match for her birthstone. She got the cleaning solution and the stuff to make sure she didn't get infected, and then bought another dozen pairs of earrings for changing out later.

While walking out, she finally spotted the salon that the Delores had mentioned so many hours ago. She went in and made an appointment to get some electrolysis done and while she was there, they talked her into a haircut and styling.

She had never really taken good care of her glossy dark hair, but she figured that they could help her out. It was another four months of growth that probably needed to be taken off. She had simply been putting it in a ponytail and making sure the cap she wore covered that up.

When the stylist started discussing styles and "processing" with her she vetoed most of what he suggested, to his frustration. She pointed out that her appearance was very important and it was not completely up to her how her hair was styled. She accepted that when it was down that it needed to frame her face, but when it was up, the hair needed to be off her neck and be able to either disappear under her cap or be complimented by the cap.

They taught her how to do a crown braid around her head and to finish it off so that it looked like a single continuous braid around her head. She then let him style her hair so that it would compliment her face, frame it just right and be very low maintenance. As her stylist Jack worked on her hair, a manicurist worked on her hands. They were soaked, the cuticles trimmed and her nails carefully shaped. An almost clear layer of nail polish with the slightest tinge of pink and her hands looked amazingly pretty. It had felt so good! She was in love and made a return appointment for two weeks for a "mani-pedi."

Finished in the spa, she noted that it had grown dark outside and decided that it was definitely past time to feed her body as she had fed her soul today. She was surprised the growling hadn't alerted the mall security guards.

Once she had a meal at the Red Lobster attached to the mall, she ordered a plate to go for Angie. She felt bad that she and Angie hadn't gone shopping together, but someone had to be available in case the house was being shown besides she was proud of all she had accomplished on her own.

Making it home quickly so the food wouldn’t be TOO cold Mia discovered Angie was waiting for her as she drove up.

Without hesitation Angie ran to the car and opened Mia’s door. "Mia are you ok? Did anything happen? Where have you been? It’s dark for heavens sakes!" Mia had never been this lovingly fussed at since Mr. Gerome had left his nanny Miss Ann and the nursery.

"Angie! Slow down! Goodness, I did leave you a note after all and I brought you back a nice lobster and scallop dinner to make amends since you didn’t come with me. I just really wanted to shop, you know?

"Shopping? You -- went shopping?" With every word Angie’s mouth opened wider. Her voice ran down but her mouth didn’t close.

Mia had to smile, it was the first time she’d ever seen Angie at a loss for words. "Yes, I did and I really need help getting all this in and opened and tags removed and shaken out and..."

It was Angie’s turn to smile, "Ok I get the picture, but if you hear my stomach,"

"I brought you dinner to apologize, and it’s getting cold. So please! Let’s get going."

Carefully Mia reached in and retrieved her purse and Angie’s dinner. Once both were safely deposited in the kitchen she went back out and popped the front trunk. Angie whistled.

"Where on earth did you get all the money to buy all this stuff? I recognize every name on every bag and as far as I know not one of them is having a 90% off sale!"

Mia’s brain went into overdrive. "Well, you know that attorney set up a bank account for me and deposited my paychecks for the last two months right? It turned out even with taxes to be quite a bundle. Did you know we’re supposed to work eight hours a day five days a week?

Mr. Gerome had been quite surprised to discover it. He’d never realized what the cost of employees was or that there were actual laws regarding how many hours in a week one could work and when overtime had to be paid. He’d almost gagged when he realized just how much Mia and Angie had been working and how much they were owed as a result. According to the attorney, an employee -- any employee was supposed to receive overtime. The one saving grace was the exemption for domestic workers who lived in. With the "girls" working from 8 am until 5 PM and then from 6 PM until 9 or 10 at night six days a week he would have been paying for a minimum of 72 hours a week each. If he’d had to pay over time for 32 hour a week that would have been a bundle in deed.

Fortunately the ladies in question had quite a bit of compensation to make up for the lack of cash. Still, he might have to think about a raise for Mia since she was doing much more than an ordinary maid would be doing.

Once Angie had been distracted by the thought of having a forty hour work week dinner, the clothes, makeup, and more had been brought in very quickly. Angie looked at Mia closely. "You look different Mia." She looked closer, "you’ve got on makeup! And your hair -- it looks styled and cute. Is that a manicure?"

"Yes and yes and yes so eat and let me tell you all about it."

While Angie ate, Mia started at the beginning of the trip and told every last detail including showing off everything she’d bought. The one thing she didn’t divulge was the cost.

Angie nearly choked on a scallop when Mia brought all the bottles and lotions and make up out of their bags.

"Mia, you really don’t need but about half that stuff. Even the high society lady I worked for last didn’t have that much stuff and she was twice your age! Some people should go to jail for robbery without a gun." Yet Angie couldn’t help look at the high-end cosmetics with envy. Her own meager supplies were Superstore discount discontinued items she had purchased slowly over time.

Mia looked at her blankly. "But Angie, you have to get all this stuff too. It’s part of our employment benefits. We have to look good just like the house. Tomorrow I’m supposed to take you in to see the same lady so she can give you the same make over. Then you get our hair taken care of, no matter what needs doing and manicures and pedicures the works!" Mia was breathless by the time she finished.

Angie on the other had looked like a child on Christmas morning, but there was a doubt a hesitation in her eyes. Mia could see her adding everything up in her head. Mia was afraid that she had exposed herself and kept showing things.

Then Angie spoke up, in a very concerned tone of voice. "Mia there’s got to be some kind of catch. No one hires a domestic, lets them live in, buys their uniforms and all the other things in our contracts and not expect something besides cleaning. I've never heard of any legitimate employer paying for all that plus giving free dental, medical and more. Has Mr. Gerome ever asked you to uh, well you know -- do something that you didn’t want to?"

It took Mia a few moments to understand just what Angie was trying to ask her. Once she did her eyes widened. "No Angie, I can promise you that Mr. Gerome has never asked me to do anything at all that wasn’t legal or that made me uncomfortable. He’s very nice but he really didn’t seem interested in me that way if you know what I mean? He said it was because I’d be showing the house and representing him so I had to look my best on those occasions. Well now you are too, so you get the same thing. But Angie..." Mia looked serious, "you buy your own off duty clothes." Then she burst in to a laugh that let Angie know she was playing.

"OK Miss Smarty pants now show me all your treasures! And you better make sure Mr. Gerome’s credit card is loaded up because I can think of a lot of things I need to look presentable on duty!" They smiled at each other and Mia began rummaging in the bags so she could continue with her tales of Delores, the clothes ladies and all the rest of the people she’d met that day.

"Seriously, about these cleansers, lotions, eye serum, facials and such Delores told me in confidence that the sooner you start taking care of your skin the longer you can look young and pretty."

Angie’s eyes widened, "Oh Mia, you are so innocent! Of course she told you that and anything else she could think of that would get you to buy more things. Did you ever leave the orphanage before you ran away? It amazes me how little you know about sales people. Still, getting to spend a hoard of money on all kinds of fun stuff..." Angie grinned at Mia like they were partners in something very shady and wiggled her eyebrows.

Mia couldn’t stop herself, her laugh rang out of her mouth and echoed in the large servant’s kitchen.

Finally she began again this time about her clothing choices. One by one her blouses and skirts came out. She seriously explained how each one could go with many others to give her more choices. Then she showed off her new bras, panties, hosiery, nightgowns and all the other little treasures a girl needs to have. The sales ladies were sure of it. Finally she showed off the accessories and the dress clothes she’d been talked into buying.

"Well Mia, I have to say this, for someone who’s never been shopping on the high end of the scale you did a really good job of picking out pricy but really well made items. Congratulations, you’re a natural born shopper." As Angie spoke she’d been helping to cut tags off all the items.

They got to the pretty Sunday clothes and they were more beautiful that the rest. Mia showed her how the jacket to the suit could also go with some of the skirts and a particular dress could be dressed up or down. Mia looked at her seriously and said "Angie, I went way overboard on my clothes and personal items. We do get a clothing allowance for lingerie but it isn’t very much... I am stone broke until I get paid again." She bit her lip and held her breath. Would Angie buy her story?

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