I used to keep a secret, and yesterday I kept a secret.
They were sort of the same secret - That I'm transgender, but how I feel about it is totally different.
For most of my life I hated the girlishness in my head, feared it, and dreaded that someone would ever find out, and kept it as secret as I possibly could.
Keeping that secret caused me grief, pain, and led to me almost killing myself before I was willing to tell someone.
Then for a while, it seemed like all I did was tell people - councillors, doctors, my employer, my co-workers, my family, just about everyone.
But I went to my day long counseling yesterday, and reinforced my decision to not talk about being trans while in the group, and I think it was the right call. This group isnt about me being trans, its about me fixing the other problems in my head if I can, and it would have been a distraction that I dont need while I focus on them.
Now, I dont actually know if what I am is a secret to these women or not - do I "pass" well enough for them to not have doubts about my gender, but it hasnt come up, and that will do.
Baby steps forward, that's what its all about.
Amen girl,
It can be amazing how similar our experiences can be, and how different. You pretty well summed up my coming out to myself.
Baby Steps
Baby steps are indeed the best way forward. We are with you for the entire journey, or for as long as you want us around.
Keep us advised as you can.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm