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(aka Bike) Part 983 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“I have to go to Southampton,” I informed Simon.
“Eh? Why?”
“Maureen is in hospital, she’s been badly beaten.”
“By whom?”
“A gang of yobs, she’s in the neurological unit at Southampton General.”
“Oh, poor Maureen. Do want me to take you?”
“Who’s going to look after the kids?”
“I’ll ask Tom, go and get ready.”
I ran up to the bathroom and wiped my face and had a pee, combed my hair and shoved some lippy on. I also popped across to Stella who was listening to her iPod and explained what was happening.
“Off you go, I’ll keep an eye on the kiddiwinks.”
“Thanks, big sis.”
She winked back at me, “Never know when I might need a favour in return, you know.”
“You have something in mind, don’t you?”
“I might have,” she smiled like the cat who got the cream–except I’ve never seen a cat actually smile, nor a dormouse if it comes to it.
I dashed down the stairs, scribbled a quick note and stuck it on the fridge door. Then I was about to walk to my little Audi and Simon bleeped the locks on his Jaguar. Oh well, we’re going to travel in style.
As we drove through the night, racing down the M27, Simon asked me what I planned to do when I got there?
“First of all, I have to blag my way in.”
“Just tell ‘em you’re a visiting angel who thought she could help.”
“You’re as bad as Trish,” I chuckled, although my mood was far from happy.
“Oh, there’s a funny story attached to that one.”
“Is there, what are we talking about, Trish or angels.”
“Trish and angels,” he replied.
“Oh, buy one get one free?” I chose to be facetious.
“Exactly, now do you want to hear it or not?”
“Go on, I can hardly go anywhere, can I?”
“Gee thanks, Cathy, here I am trying to entertain you and you find fault.”
“Sorry, tell me about our lovely daughter.”
“She wrote in one of her essays about her remarkable mother, who she said was her guardian angela. Her teacher queried it saying, I thought your mother’s name was Cathy.”
“Yeah, she told me about it.” I sighed and then yawned.
“Sorry, I didn’t appreciate I was repeating a story, I’ll try not to do so again, your majesty.”
“See you don’t, Cameron, us royals leads busy lives, see.”
“Very good, ma’am...”
“Oh don’t, Maureen always called me that.”
“Well hopefully, she will again.”
“Oh goodness, I do hope so, she’s had such a raw deal, hasn’t she?”
“I suppose so, she isn’t exactly an oil painting, is she?”
“I doubt getting your head kicked in would help that,” I muttered as Simon parked the car and we walked off towards intensive care.
“Excuse me, I’ve come to see Maureen Ferguson.”
“Visiting time is over–it’s gone ten o’clock.”
“Look, I only found out my cousin was in hospital an hour ago.”
“She’s your cousin?”
“Yes, I’m also her employer.”
“She’s in a bit of a mess.”
“Could I just see her, go and talk to her–she’s knows me, so she’ll listen to me.”
“She’s in quite a deep coma, which they’ve deepened to try and allow the brain to shrink back down.”
I shuddered.
“They reduced one haematoma–that’s like a blood swelling on the brain, which can cause long term problems if they don’t operate.”
“Is that trepanning?”
“That’s one name for it.”
“Goodness, my ancestors used to do that.”
“Were they neuro-surgeons?”
“No cavemen.”
It took a moment for the nurse to get the joke by which time it was rather old. Simon was sniggering in the background, but whether he was laughing at the joke or the nurse–you’d have to ask him.
She led us to a bay at the end of the unit, where an unrecognisable featured face, swathed in bandages, was attached to drains and catheters as well as a large body, which was also connected up to goodness knows how many wires and things.
Her hands had drips in them at the wrist and I noticed her knuckles were all grazed–so she hadn’t gone quietly–good for her. I grabbed one of her large hands and held it in mine, my fingers buzzed immediately.
“Hello, Maureen, it’s Cathy. I’m not sure if you can hear me, but I came as soon as I heard you were in here. I’m not sure what I can do, but Simon and I will do all we can to help you and to catch the people who did this to you. And don’t worry about your job, that will be waiting for you if it you still want it, no matter how long this all takes for you to recover.
“Now I want you to focus on my voice, come towards my voice and look for the blue star as you approach it, when you see the star, allow its light to come to you, because it will help your healing. I’m just going to sit here with you a minute and give you my hand in friendship and love.” I felt the fingers grip me very lightly and then release me.
“Could you hear me?” The fingers once again twitched.
“Look for the blue star, I’ll make it as big as I can, feel its energy helping to heal you.”
The nurse, unbeknownst to me, stood at the doorway and watched, according to Simon, ‘with her gob wide open and rubbing her eyes.’
I sat there for about an hour pouring in the blue energy as love. Part of me wondered if there was brain or neurological damage, and her face all bandages and horrible bruising, looked ghastly. Poor Maureen, how did she deserve this?
Finally, when I felt the energy stopping, I glanced at the monitors and she was still had a heartbeat and some sort of blood pressure–if it gets too high or too low it damages the kidneys.
Simon helped me up, and it took me a moment to get the stiffness out of my legs, I’d barely moved for an hour.
“Have you come far?” asked the nurse as we passed the nurse’s station at the entrance to the unit proper.
“Portsmouth, why?”
“I just wondered.”
“About what?” Now I was wondering, too.
“You’re that healer woman, aren’t you?”
“No, I told you, I’m her employer and a second cousin.”
“So her cross dressing stuff doesn’t worry you then?”
“No, why should it? She has a right to be herself as much as you or I, doesn’t she?”
“Oh absolutely, but I know some people have a problem with it.”
“I think the evidence for that is lying in the bruises on her face.”
“Mind you, she had a plastic surgeon working to try and repair some of the damage this morning.”
“Poor Maureen, as gentle and as helpful as anyone, why couldn’t these thugs just leave her alone?”
“They’ve arrested one of them,” offered the nurse.
“Oh–good for the police.”
“Well he had her blood on him, and a broken jaw–teeth all over the road apparently.”
“Serves him bloody well right. I hope he squawks and they get the rest of them.”
“I’m going to offer a reward,” Simon came into the conversation, “a couple of thousand for the names of everyone involved.”
“Is that enough?” I asked worried that it mightn’t cause anyone to grass up their acquaintances.
“What a couple of grand for each name? I think it’s plenty. Payable on conviction, of course.”
“Of course, I agreed.”
“How do you do it?” the nurse asked me.
“You pay them after the court proceedings.”
“No, the healing thing–there was a bright blue light all around you and it was flowing into your friend. She’s not your cousin is she?”
“Twice removed,” I winced.
“So, can anyone do it?”
“I have no idea, I didn’t know I could until fairly recently.”
“You saved that kid on the sledge, didn’t you?”
“Nah, that was the paramedics and the surgeons.”
“Not according to my sister, she’s on A&E, works with Ken Nicholls. He won’t say anything about it, apparently to protect you. You’re Lady somebody, aren’t you?”
“Me, nah, I’m just a poor housewife.”
“Whose poor husband drives a Jaguar, and who wears Gucci jeans and expensive perfume.”
“Oh,” I said, “Please don’t say anything about this will you?”
“I won’t if she gets better. You know what the chances are?”
“Of her making a complete recovery?” I clarified.
“Fifty fifty?”
“About five per cent.”
“So let’s see what happens after your blue light intervention.”
“Are you on tomorrow night?” I asked the nurse.
“Yeah, but not the following night.”
“Do you mind if I come again, tomorrow night.”
“She needs all the help she can get, so if you have some direct line to God, put in a word for her, won’t you?”
“Of course, see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, sure.”

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I expect the odds of Maureen making a complete recovery are now significantly better than 5%. After all, despite being in a heavy medically-induced coma, she could hear and respond to Cathy.
Despite the mention of maturity required for effective healing in the previous episode, perhaps if Julie visited as well they could either tag team or one could replenish the other.
But perhaps this incident is one way of cementing Maureen's bond with the family. After all, most of the family have now been healed, as well as several others and Theresa (Leon's mum). And if Maureen does pull through, there's always a chance she'll get "da powah"...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Short and Sweet
I vote. Seems tales of Cathy's powers are spreading. Since Julie was bonding with Maureen, she'll want to come and help when she finds out. It may even help her with her own healing.
The power behind the blue light also seems to pave the way for Cathy when she needs to use her Gift. Finding a sympathetic nurse on duty, coincidence? All these twists and turns in the story do keep it entertaining. Thanks.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
To quote Han Solo.
"Never tell me the odds."
Once again you write a great story piece. Your story whether there's action or not, fightings or healing or mental anguish is a great treat. Today like many day's I've read your story post lifted me up and made my day just a little bit better.
I hope you know you do that for a lot of us:)
Bailey Summers
Han Solo
Hear! Hear!
My vote is equal to however many episodes we are at.
Get Well Maureen!
Bonzi, keep her improving, ok? There will be a nice patch of Catnip especially for you and more tummy scrubies!
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Nurse seems to be underestimating by a lot
suspect Maureen is about to shock some doctors. Hoping the nurse just sits back and smiles to herself.
Bike pt 983
Yes, Maureen WILL heal up AND look very feminine, now. AND thanks to Simon, those yobs will feel the ire of thee bank.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
If you paid attention, the plastic surgons were going to be there soon, that least will start the ball rolling for some nice cosmetic work I'll bet.
When I was in Marines, I had a complete nasal blockage on right side & alot of damage done. I asked since they were working on it, could they maybe straighten it out a bit & reduce size. Was told they couldnt do cosmetic stuff, but The Naval commander that watching from the side of the surgon (Lt.Commander)was going to be performing. He winked and said maybe he'd let a scapel slip a bit, smiled at me. Two days later I had a nice straight nose that was going to be 3/4 of what I origionally had been when the swelling went down.
I thought to myself after I get out of here, I'm gonna have to thank that man as I learned he had left that afternoon for Germany to work on extreme patient there. That is also when I found he was considered one of the best cosmetic surgons in Navy and only was just visiting a friend/colleague that was susposed to be my surgon.
interesting how life throws a curve ball at ya some times
So me and my less than manly nose(how in heck did he figure that out) were very gratefull even tho I never get to thank him properly.
this past chapt. made me think of that. I hadnt even thought bout it for past hmm close to 30 yrs now .... maybe he'll get this & smile again.
Nice to know
that the lowlife that did this to Maureen have at least received a little taste of there own medicine, All we need now is for the police to do there job and hopefully the culprits will be found and punished....
Although if they get one of those judges who believe that all crime is caused by a poor upbringing, No doubt they will get off with a community order or probation.....Which is typical of modern Britain....Unfortunatley.
Poor upbringing, in a disadvantaged environment, definitely contribes to criminal behavior. It does not excuse that behavior. Maureen's VERY nasty beating could easily be viewed as attempted murder. A lengthy prison term is definitely appropriate.
I can easily see the look on
I can easily see the look on the nurse's face as she watches the blue light swirling around Cathy and into Maureen. It would definitely make one think of an angel sitting there. Maureen may just becoming out of her bandages looking a lot prettier than when she was covered with them, plastic surgery or not. Jan
At a time like this, it's great to see that Simon is there for Cathy.
This story continues to be a must read for me everyday. Thanks heaps Angharad and Bonzi.
It would seem that the retards who attacked Maureen have chosen an excruciating way to learn a lesson.
Painful Solutions
Oh bother!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
I must remember to log in before submitting comments!
Possibly Shortsighted
Bike Archive
Bike Resources
At least PS
doesn't stand for Pre Senile :P
I am hoping the police don't try to charge Maureen with anything, as the yobs mighttry a claim self defense...
Maybe not
But the poster is being - Pretty Silly.
Hmmm, funny that Cathy always manages
... to deal with medical professionals who actually keep mum about her. I honestly believe the force behind The Blue Light (tm) influences those around her somehow so that Cathy can continue doing her job. It would not serve its purposes if she was outed. She is not here to foretell the second coming after all.
I mean for Deity ( or Deities ) sake, what are the odds that the nurse on duty happens to be the sister of Ken Nicholl's nurse?
You would think some kind of Cosmic Cat was guiding everything ;-). After all Cathy is a bit of a Catspaw but in a good way!
Feline Deity
Of course you could be referring the "hidden paw" instead.
Michelle B
I'll buy that!
... but then again, in this story universe, there is only One Cat To Rule Them All! and his paw prints in the story can be seen on these hollowed chapters more than you think! ^_^.
... and Angharad is merely a paw-puppet! :).
Hollowed chapters!
I thought I wrote about more solid characters than that, apparently not, unless you mean hallowed.
*embarrassed blush*
Yes, I meant hallowed. It was a VERY late night comment for me anyway.
But hey, you just opened a can of words missy :) Wait until I get my paws on one of your misspellings! lol!
I need a proofreader for my comments. Any takers?
Good ol' Cathy.
Knew the blue light was still around.
I think the others should come tonight to provide back up. You never know more blue light might broaden the 'spectrum' and increase the powers.
Like what broad spectrum antibiotics do against bugs.
Let's hope the blue light also does a little 'Plastic stuff to enhance the plastic surgeon's work.
Still loving it.
The power of 3
... Spread across roughly 3 separate ages, 10 years apart. Trish is roughly 6, Julie is roughly 16 and Cathy is 26.
For Wiccans, that can be a makings for a small coven or a Dianic Trinity to borrow a phrase from another work by Bek Corbin. But not quite the same. Anyway, I suspect their synergy could yield immense power. Something that could be fun to write about.
Unfortunately it may take years before Trish and Julie come fully into their powers.
I suspect she could give better than she got, on a one to one basis. The gentleman (and I use that term loosely) is going to remember that encounter for the rest of his life at meal times. I predicted she might last chapter.
The BLS has never shown to do cosmetic changes (though complete healing could be viewed as such). It will be interesting if it can perform.
Simon seems to like her enough to make her attackers libel too. Good for him!
An Agent of Dog, The dyslexic One
I hope when the bandages are removed, Honor Blackwell isn't too uncomfortable .
Boy, that plastic surgeon worked wonders, didn't he ?
Should at least be written up in JAMA, for us Yanks.