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(aka Bike) Part 862 by Angharad |
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The children slept like logs, they were all fast asleep when I checked them before going to bed myself–Simon came with me, which is unusual.
“You don’t like the boys as much, do you?” he said bluntly when we got into our bedroom.
“I’m trying not to get too fond of them before they go.” I avoided eye contact with him.
“You’ve decided then, you don’t want them?”
“I never have,” I felt tears in my eyes, “as soon as I offered to have them, I knew it was a mistake. I’ve tried to be nice to them and give them things they might not have had before, including some attention. But I understood this to be a temporary thing.”
“So, you’ve given those kids a taste of the good life and now you’re going to dump them? Just like everyone has before.”
“I’m sorry.” Tears were running down my face and I felt disgusted with myself. He was right, he was throwing back arguments I given to him. I was no better than any of the others those two boys had experienced. What would that tell them? They were no good–no one wants them. It would guarantee they went off the rails almost as much as taking up a section of the track.
No one is born wicked or bad, it’s something we learn. Our parents screw us up–or in the absence of them, other adults, then our peers finish the job and we go on to damage others in the next generation.
Simon came around to my side of the bed and crouching before me put his hands on my knees and said, “You’ve brought them both on so much–they have both had traumatic short lives–the love and generosity they’ve encountered here has shown them there is another way.”
“What d’you want me to do?” I sniffed.
“I don’t know. My heart is with my three girls too–I really hope we can adopt them properly, they all have such potential and I’m excited at helping them fulfil it. I know you have a special relationship with Trish, but I know you love the other two just as much.”
I nodded, “Trish is special–she’s me a long time ago–only I’m not going to reject or punish her for being different, I’m going to love her instead. I’d like to do that with the boys as well, but I really don’t know if I can.”
“Can or want to?” Simon asked, showing more insight than he usually has–he’d obviously been thinking about this.
“I don’t know–probably a bit of both. I want some of my life back too–it’s alright for you, you go off to your office and play with the markets, make millions and come home at weekends. I’m stuck with them every day. I don’t think I could handle five kids.”
“What if we got some help in?”
“We’ve discussed this before–I don’t know, we’d have to deal with Trish’s secret–another one to risk disclosure from.”
“I’m sure we could tie that up legally, plus if we were betrayed–I’d pay someone to track them down and destroy them via the courts.”
“Simon--be careful to whom you say such things, we might be found lacking in suitability to adopt anyone, except Tom.”
He smirked, “I’d be nearly as ruthless as you in protecting those I see as my children. You’d kill them.”
“That makes me seem like a psychopath.”
“You are when it comes to protecting your brood–a veritable tigress.”
“Look this talk is getting silly, one of the complications would be the boys inheriting over the girls if we were able to adopt them.”
“Aren’t we assuming quite a way down the line here? It might well be that a year or two from now, they might not want to stay with us.”
“Si, how is that going to happen–what are you going to do, start beating them or making them wear girl’s clothing? Don’t be silly. We’d be doing our best for them as foster children–trying to help them grow up to be independent and balanced adults.”
“How will we do that, we’re both barmy.”
“No–we’re both half crazy–so we complement each other–we make one nearly grown up whole.”
“Ah, that explains it–together we make a one parent family. Excuse me a moment.” He groaned as he stood up walked over to the wall and banged his head three or four times. He came back rubbing it.
“Feel better?” I asked sniggering.
“Not really, it bloody hurt–but it made more sense than your double single parent thing. Shift over,” he sat alongside me.
“We could talk about this actually in bed, couldn’t we?”
“Are you getting cold?”
“A little,” I admitted.
“I wondered why you were going such a nice shade of blue.”
“Well the heating went off a couple of hours ago.”
“Come on then, let’s get ready for bed and continue from there.”
“I’m only saying that because I’m cold–okay–no hanky-panky.”
“We are actually married, Cathy.”
“Yes I know, Si. I thought people stopped doing it after that.”
“What sort of honey trap, then once you got what you want–stop?”
“Yeah, it happens all the time in books.”
“But you didn’t particularly want to get married, just yet, did you?”
I blushed, “Um–not really–so–rr–ee.”
“So your theory falls apart doesn’t it?”
“Yeah, I guess it does. I’ll have to have one of my headaches instead.” I sniggered and ran off to the bathroom.
“You crazy cow,” he hissed and ran after me–I was laughing so much that I couldn’t lock the door and he pushed in and kissed me while I was trying to wee. After I’d finished, and cleaned my teeth, I kissed him back.
“So, what are we going to do?” he asked as I snuggled down against him under the duvet.
“I don’t know–what d’you want to do?” I asked him back.
“That’s a domestic matter, I let my wife deal with those while I decide which country I’m going to bankrupt or back.”
“I see, so I get to make the important decisions?” I joked poking him.
“Absolutely,” he stroked my nipple and I knew that in a moment I was going to be unable to think about anything much at all.
“Simon–we need to decide what we’re going to do about the boys.”
“Shouldn’t we involve them, in making it?” he said.
“Maybe, but haven’t we got to get our side sorted out first.”
“If that’s first, what’s second?”
“You shagging me, I suppose,” I said quietly.
“I move next business,” he said and lay on top of me...

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Bike pt 862.
Leave it to Simon to answer the question as only a bloke can. Question is, doesn't the Title pass on to all the children? Or is one chosen to hold the Title?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Cathy seems to have a
Cathy seems to have a tendency to complicate issues by over thinking them, don't we all? Simon really wants the boys and has told Cathy so, but she keeps coming up with reasons why not. I do have a feeling when all is said and done, the boys will be staying. Why do any titles or other issues have to come into the forefront when they still have to deal with the actual fostering/adoption situations. Jan
Same ole Cathy
Cathy is rationalizing as she has always done. The passing on of titles is just an excuse for deeper issues. She rationalized not transitioning and getting the surgery. She rationalized not getting married. She rationalizes rather face what she is really feeling. It's an old habit for her. Hugs and love, Cindy
Cathy can be very indecisive, unless there is no time to think. This is probably the intellectual part of her, pondering every side of the issue without getting anywhere. When there is no time to think she has good instincts though.
Thought my screen had gone wonky
About halfway through, then discovered I was crying. By the end I was laughing. All I can say is, bugger the titles, have the boys stay and see what happens down the road.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
what's next
I check twice every day to see if another episode is up and if a second one shows up I check again later to see if another one might be there. Started with the first episode, as I had just finished a chapter of Maddy Bell's "Gaby" and got hooked on another bike story. As of now I haven't missed a single episode (although occasionally I have to catch up with two or three, when I am on the road).
I hope the lords or lordesses or the gods or goddesses of our universe allow you continue this for as long as you feel up to doing it.
Thank you very much for the pleasure you have provided me and all the others that are hopelessly hooked on Cathy's life and times.
( I can't believe it I got in first)
I fail to see
I fail to see the problem, as under British law none of the children are ellegible to acceed to the title.
British law requires that the children, must be the offspring of at least one of the parents, said parent must be legally married at the time of birth and adoptees don't count at all.
Therefore unless Cathy gives birth to Simons child No one will Inherit the title, in that happy event occuring Sons take precedent over Daughters, and elder over younger.
Keep up the good work
I agree Poppykin.
Just what rules of primogeniture are in effect here?
Given that this is a Scottish title, are they the same as for the rest of the UK?
Before worrying about what might happen, I think Cathy and Simon need to establish what rules apply in their case, particularly how these apply or not to adopted children. Somehow, I can see Puddin' as the heir.
Practical Steps
Bike Resources
Good point!
As Puddin' is the only member of the brood directly related to the Camerons, she'd automatically inherit the title and estate.
However, the remaining five could be included in various wills to ensure they don't miss out completely and inherit a fair share of the assets. By default, if Henry or Monica died, Simon and Stella would automatically inherit. In about 50 years time, when Stella eventually dies, Puddin' would inherit her share. If Simon died, his share would go to Cathy. I'm not sure about inheritance rules for adoptees, but presumably the boys would only inherit if they were also adopted - I doubt they'd automatically be entitled to anything if they'd continued to be only fostered until 18.
As for a home help, perhaps Cathy could ask the school if they could recommend anyone? After all, as it's a private school, most of the parents are likely to be able to afford home helps, and as the school has welcomed TG pupils before, there's a chance they might know of TG-friendly home helps.
Needless to say, Simon would ensure a NDA was written into their contract, with severe financial penalties if they breached the NDA.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
The title
Since the titles were created by Victoria they are UK ones, not Scots. However, we've already been told she did something very strange and non-standard at least with the remainder of the baronies. It's possible that the wording she used would allow inheritance by adopted children; this isn't impossible, just very very rare (there are, I understand, a handful of Scots peerages that work this way).
We (including Angharad, I suspect) don't know how it works with these ones, but Simon likely does. The way he talks about it suggests that adopted children can inherit.
How is it that one episode they are both acting like
children and the next they seem to be having a adult rational discusson. Is it Cathy's comment that together they make one adult? I guess they need to discuss it with each other, Henry, Tom, a few lawyers, and the girls, then the boys.
Trusts, Lawyers, and Boodle
I don't know much about the things (Trusts), but I read once that inheritance and probate issues could be solved in advance by establishing a trust and deeding property (personal and real) to it. I know lawyers aren't held in very high regard in some circles, but Simon would certainly have access to a decent one.
I'm not sure you can convey titles in a trust, but I wonder how much it matters. Titles are nice, but they often get stripped of their worldly assets somewhere along the way. As long as the girls get a fair chunk of the boodle, who cares where the titles end up? Scotland is cold. And the bank, which is privately held, isn't a titular asset.
I'm Back!!
As in, caught up again!
I don't know what to say about the current quandary: whether or not to adopt or even foster the boys. I'm of two minds and perhaps Cathy is, too.
Thanks for keeping us on the edges of our chairs, Ang!! It does make for great entertainment, eh?
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Poor Cathy
once again caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea. It is a decision that will have to be made very soon, Does she go with her heart or her head? Not a decision that is easy to make, Maybe a word with someone outside the family might help.... Possibly Cathy's Vicar friend might be a place to start, Maybe she can give Cathy and Simon the clarity of thought they need!!!
i'm glad we're getting to look @ this from outside.
Simon, tho he hasnt said out loud,tho Stella certanly has, he's bonded as well to the 3 girls as well as any man could of. but, any man, if you can get him to open up wants a boy too. He see this is oportunity. I certainly hope he gets his wish.
Cathy, I can see her point also, she's all but put her career on hold and taking on two more children isnt going to feed that desire, she's also wanting more time on her bike, that prob. can be dealt with soon or shortly cause all of them can 'ride' or create "Cathy tiime" and that is something she desperately needs.
in - i'm not gonna say normal family situations because what family is really normal or ideal. sure we compare OUR OWN compared to someone else's, and think they have maybe the ideal, but, looking under the surface, and most often, you'll see just as much turmoil there as in your own, perhaps different types, but it's there.
The old proverb - the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence - comes soooo quickly to mind.
ANGAHARAD has shown us quite a bit of reality on both sides of the economic sides of the fence. Simon & Stella's family tho maybe a bit silver plattered, also shows both the Father & son putting in 12,15,20 hour workdays to keep things running just to keep pace or real world economic changes. The real world rich do this also, tho some pay outragious sums for somebody to do it for them. All good & well, but no sense of accomplishment, and this is where i believe you see Henry & Simon are sooo grounded. Note - Monika is just the toy for henry, or so far as i see her charactor's been written. But, I'll bet Simon & Stella's real mom was the true ground, just as Cathy has become for her family.
I see somewhere in this mess that sooner or later Cathy will come to learn that she can delegate out some thing to a maid,or like person, then she can get her ""CATHY TIME"" she deperately needs. That one of the things being rich can buy you is TIME to do what YOU WANT not necessarily always WHAT IS NEEDED.
I'm in FAV of the boys, but agree, but with stipulations that she has physical help to run her household. Earlier on I wasnt so sure she could let her charges out of site, but she' shown, that by kids in school and Meems in nursery. I dont think NANNY is what is needed, but some sort of domestic help.
Then again, I know alot of lower economic large families that certainly thrive, but, even with them, I see alot of relatives in picture providing needed down time/help ...
be interesting to see which way this storyline goes.
ANGAHARD - Thanks again for such an interesting thrill-ride you keep providing us to enjoy
Get a room! Wait...
Is that how the rug got it's name ?
Well, now all we need to ask is Tom Agnew.
The subject of Cathy=girls, and Simon=boys, was talked about, but it's really Cathy=children. Because of this, as pointed out by Cathy, her career, including additional documentary's are on hold.
Stella would be the most likely candidate, but Our Author doesn't think so .