(aka Bike) Part 814 by Angharad |
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The pressure was mounting on me and I could feel the tension. Hilary was trying to remain rational, although in some ways the time for that had gone. As soon as she asked me, I would have to comply–to try and save her husband, but with something I didn’t understand nor know if it was still with me, whatever it actually was.
She sat at the table and continued drinking the coffee we’d poured for her–it had to be cold by now–as if the action of drinking comforted her or distracted her body so her mind could play by itself. Her eyes were fixed on me, but I don’t think she was seeing anything, her mind was elsewhere.
“Catherine?” she said diffidently, and I thought , Here it comes, “Could you pour me a fresh cup of coffee?”
“Of course, Hilary.” Okay, so I got it wrong, none of us are perfect you know.
“Would you like Cathy to...?” Stella shut up when I fixed her with an icy glance.
“Would I like Cathy to what, my dear?” Hilary said back.
“Pass you something to eat, while she’s up?” Stella changed the subject.
“No thank you, my dear; I’ve quite lost my appetite.”
I passed her the steaming coffee and poured myself another as well, it was as much to keep occupied as anything. Part of me was calculating, if she doesn’t ask soon, it’s going to be too late full stop. Bringing a child back from limbo is different to an older adult, who might have all sorts of other complications beside the cause of death.
I sipped my coffee. “This is excellent coffee, Catherine. I have a niece called Catherine, it’s not you is it? I haven’t seen her for some years, d’you see?”
“No it isn’t me, Lady Hilary.”
“Oh, anyway, this is excellent coffee, or did I just say that?”
“If you did, then I’m sure it needed saying twice–and it is very good coffee.”
“You are kind, and sweet. A very pretty young lady.”
“Thank you,” I said blushing.
“You remind me of someone, can’t think who?”
I nodded, I wasn’t enjoying the conversation, but I recalled the assistance she’d given me when I was practically out of my tree with worry. I wasn’t going to offer–I wasn’t–I really wasn’t. Then I saw her and she suddenly looked about fifty years older than she was last night.
“This is excellent coffee, or did I say that?” she said, again.
I nodded. I wasn’t going to offer–if she asked me, that was different. I looked at her, it was as if she was shrinking before my very eyes. I felt my own eyes forming tears, how long were we going to play out this charade?
She emptied her cup and placed it loudly on the table. “That was excellent coffee,” she said and burped, “Oops, excuse me,” she blushed. “Two years at a Swiss finishing school–obviously wasted.” She laughed to herself. Then she seemed to snap back into the present and she looked at me, “He’s going to die, isn’t he?”
I felt the salty fluid roll down my cheeks, “Probably.”
“It’s too young, he’s only sixty–that’s far too young.”
I nodded my agreement. Stella was keeping out of things but her tear filled eyes were missing nothing. “Would you like me to see–see if I can do anything to help him?” Damn, I wasn’t going to offer–was I?
“How can you help him, a pretty young thing like you? You do remind me of someone–now who is it?” She closed her eyes and they snapped open, “I’ve got it, you remind me of that girl on the TV, talked about mice, or something or other–very pretty–yes, you’re a lot like her.”
“Lady–um, Hilary, why don’t you go and have a rest, it’s been a very tiring morning and I’m sure you’d feel easier if you had a small nap.”
“I am quite tired–but rest? No, I can’t rest, my husband is dying, don’t you see? I can’t rest.”
“Maybe I can help him?”
“How can you help him? You don’t even believe in God, do you?”
Why do they always remember the bits that would have been better forgotten? “That doesn’t seem to make any difference.”
“Of course it does, I’d prefer my husband was seen by someone from the Church of England–they might be poofs–but at least they’re Christian poofs.”
I didn’t see that coming and its absurdity caught me on the funny bone and I snorted–then had to wipe my nose on a paper napkin. I blushed absolute scarlet. Try again. “Hilary, isn’t it supposed to be how you live rather than what you believe, that constitutes godliness?”
“Are you C of E?”
“Do you want him to die?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, of course I don’t.”
“Then I’d better see what I can do, hadn’t I?”
“Don’t you touch him.”
“Because–because you’re not Christian.”
“You knew that yesterday and the day before and you gave me and my family shelter and hospitality. When I was practically out of my mind with worry for my missing children, you came and comforted me and Sir George did all he could to help me. I cannot walk away and let him die–human decency won’t allow it.”
“Please don’t touch him.”
“I’ll make a deal with you, I’ll try and save him, if you don’t like the way it turns out–you can always kill him later.” I touched her on the shoulders and I felt her relax–she slumped in the chair. “Stella, help me shove her on the couch, keep her here–I’d better get up to Sir George before it’s too late, if it isn’t already.”
We dumped her sleeping body on the couch, she was heavier than she looked. “I knew you’d save him, how did you–knock her out?”
“It isn’t by any means certain, in fact I’d still suggest you keep the undertaker’s number handy–I dunno what I did, but I felt a need to touch her.”
“She’s gonna be alright, isn’t she?”
“How do I know, I deal with dormice–you’re the bloody nurse.” I dashed out of the room just as a maid was coming in to clear the breakfast dishes. “Can you leave that, your mistress is trying to sleep–she’s exhausted?”
“I s’pose I could, you sure?”
“Positive, look blame me if I’m wrong, but I’m not. Now, can you take me up to Sir Georges’ room.”
“But he’s very ill–maybe even–you know...”
“I know, that’s why I need to see him, before he does.”
“Oh you can’t disturb him, ma’am, your business will just have to wait and deal with Lady Hilary.”
“I have something which might just help him survive.”
“So why din’t the doctor give it to ‘im then?”
“It’s something we’ve been trying at the university–still very hush hush, most doctors don’t know about it yet.” Once upon a time I couldn’t tell a lie to save my life, now I can do it to save those of others. How the mighty have fallen?
“I don’t think my master should be used as a guinea pig.”
“Would you prefer a live guinea pig or a dead master?”
“Ooh-er, I don’t rightly know.”
“Come on show me the way and then make sure no one disturbs me until I say–okay?”
“I don’t know about this, ma’am,” she said as I dragged her towards the stairs.

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Go Cathy Go!
Crossing my fingers and toes...
Tune in tomorrow...
...same time, same place, for the next gripping installment in this absorbing saga, to see if Cathy's ministrations can save the day.
Thanks Angharad, you've cliffhangered us again.
Potential Salvation
Bike Resources
Interesting development on the healing front
C: I touched her on the shoulders and I felt her relax—she slumped in the chair.
S: “I knew you’d save him, how did you—knock her out?â€
C: “I dunno what I did, but I felt a need to touch her.â€
So it looks as though her 'power' now allows her to sedate a worried related, so she can do the 'heal' in peace. Either that or it's a case of transferring life force from one to another... (Argh! Been reading too much of the Tao philosophy in Whateley!)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Score another one for religion
“Don’t you touch him.â€
“Because—because you’re not Christian.â€
How crazy can someone be? Would she also refuse treatment by a jewish doctor or worse yet an atheist? Let's hope it's stress that is doing the talking here.
You have to figure
The woman is half crazy with grief. Cathy and her both have dramatically different world views, and while Cathy is starting to come around, it is taking the equivalent force of a 2X4 on a mules head to get her to understand there is more in this world than the merely physical.
I Have The Feeling That
This drama is meant to force Cathy to deal with her power and her belief in God. Me, I am a confirmed Christian, and I DO believe in miracles.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
This whole thing is meant to highlight the absurdity of "organized religion", and highlight the fact that Cathy can work without the mental crutches many "believers" use to get by instead of using critical, rational thinking. As a trained scientist, Cathy knows there are facts she doesn't have or understand. Her faith is that she can discover and learn, even if it takes time.
They know they can survive
Do the right thing!
If my theology is correct, God is life. Cathy has the ability to tap into that life force and use it to heal people both spiritually and physically. This life force exists regardless of whether she believes in a religion or not. Contrary to modern religious thought, God or Life is bigger than religion. Life exists regardless of whether religion exists or not. God does not respect religions but people. Life (God) is on the side of life not religion and religious belief. Unconditional compassion and generosity characterize Life or God. Somehow Cathy has gained an ability to channel this dynamic force to help others.
There can only be one Life Force or God. God would not be God otherwise. According to religions, if you are not a member of their beliefs, your use of the life force is evil. I'm smart enough to realize that God does not report to me. God or Life can empower any individual with this ability, regardless of their belief or disbelief. This ability is just that an ability. It is neither good nor bad. Whether the use of this ability is good or bad is determined by the spirit behind it's use.
Unfortunately, God/Life does not report to me or anyone. I figure God's smart enough to become what ever God wants to be, male, female, neutral. Being practical, God/Life will choose the form most appropriate to get the job done in the desired manner. In this case, it is Cathy, a beautiful, intelligent, practical, and kind hearted trans-sexual.
I applaud Cathy for doing the right thing. Angharad, you sure know how to make us squirm. You can be a charter member of Cliff Hanger's Anonymous. Thanks for continuing.
~There is no reality, only perception~
PS: I tried to be gender neutral on God.
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Actually, that could be a pretty good definition of God that could even work for atheists: "Whatever was responsible for creating life + universe + everything."
To most theists, it's a physical, conscious entity; whereas atheists might be happier with a set of mathematical equations. Agnostics aren't afraid to admit "we don't know" (and probably never will for certain).
Personally, I believe that if God is a physical, conscious entity that judges what happens to people post mortem, it's far more likely to make that judgement on how the person lived their life than on which particular set of religious rituals they subscribed to. Of course, that's not saying all religions are useless - billions of people worldwide subscribe to the beliefs of a religion, and many of those use their religion's teachings as a guide to living a 'good' and 'wholesome' life. The danger occurs when you're lumbered with a preacher who focuses on exclusion rather than inclusion, and twists their religion's message to focus on vendettas against those that don't 'fit in'.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
This is delicious
Oh this is good, now Cathy can send people to sleep when ever she wants.