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(aka Bike) Part 893 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I awoke to the sounds of the radio, which somehow had become switched to Radio Solent. ‘Now we have the Reverend David Briars who claims an encounter with an angel at the motorway services.’
Suddenly I went from semi-conscious to wide awake in an instant. ‘I saw a pretty young woman sitting all alone and she looked liked she’d been crying–her eye makeup was all over her face–and I felt moved to try and console her.
She told me some story which sounded plausible until I thought about it, and which was designed just to test me. I obviously passed the test because the next thing was I felt a burning in my back–which she knew about–and she told me to have faith and I’d be healed. I closed my eyes for a moment and she’d disappeared. It’s a miracle–first night for ten or more years that I haven’t been in pain.
She said she was an angel and I just smiled at her–looks as if she was telling me the truth. No human has powers like that, and only one who lived has had them and that was two thousand years ago. I really believe she was an angel and has healed my back–it’s a real miracle. I thank God.’
I lay back on the bed and smiled–I didn’t choose to help him, it happened to him as if the energy chose him and then healed him–weird or what? On further reflection it seemed to heal him only after he’d been supportive to me.
I wondered why the car had played up–and which suddenly seemed okay afterwards–what is going on here? Am I just putting coincidences together or what?
Then a bad thought–they’ll have video of me going into the service area–bugger, the Echo will be round again trying to disprove my denials.
’More on that story of the angel of the service area–we asked the service area concerned if they had any film we could examine of the so called angel visiting the centre–seems like their CCTV system went down ten minutes before she went in and came back on-line about twenty minutes after she left–curiouser and curiouser, said Alice.
If you think you’ve met an angel let us know on...’ my smile went to full smirk, are they that desperate for news. I was tempted to call in and say I didn’t see anything, including the vicar–but that would be lying and do him a disservice. After this, there’ll be hundreds of people waiting in service centres all along the M27 for this miraculous angel to arrive.
’Yet more on our angelic visitor–it seems the Rev. Briars is going to hold a service of healing and thanksgiving in the car park of each of the service centres along that stretch of motorway–anyone who wants to attend can contact him through our information line on...’
Gee whizz, first of all pestilential paparazzi now cretinous clergymen–whatever next? As I contemplated this while listening to Robbie Williams singing, Angel on the radio, I was invaded by aliens.
The rest of the day went as usual–except I got the car checked out and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. There had to be, it just doesn’t act strangely like that without a reason, so I made them check it again–some electrical fault which would get worse as it got warm. They were very reluctant to do anything until I suggested that if it broke down again, I’d be suing their arses off–it seemed to concentrate their little minds.
Funny that CCTV system failing for half an hour–maybe I have a gremlin following me about?
I’d just got home at lunchtime when the phone rang and Stella answered it. “Cathy, can you take a call from Professor Esmond Herbert?”
“Yeah okay,” I picked up the phone in the bedroom. “Hello, Cathy Cameron speaking.”
“Hello, Cathy thanks so much for your talk yesterday–we had about eight hundred visitors to listen to you–apparently, they put it out on Radio Brighton...” I felt myself go all hot then realised he said Brighton–close shave? “We raised nearly four thousand quid for wildlife charities–once they find out, you are going to be so in demand, girl.”
“I’ll charge for the next one.”
“Don’t blame you. Look, I’m sorry about Dilly last night, she and Abi are going through a rough patch and apparently Abi was talking about you quite a lot, so Dilly got jealous–she’s a nice kid really.”
“What for a psychopath?” I threw in angrily.
“No she isn’t–she really isn’t.”
“So that’s why she was drinking–jealousy?”
“Seems like it was.”
“Well maybe you need to tell her about her behaviour–she isn’t a child she must be older than I am, Abi is nearly forty for God’s sake.”
“I have told her off and she wants me to convey her apologies.”
“If she can’t do that herself–tell her to stuff them. Thanks for calling, Professor, I have to go.”
“Cathy, wait...” I put the phone down I’d talked enough.
An afternoon of survey admin and housework followed whilst trying to keep Leon and Julie apart. I sent her off with the girls to go to the cinema to see some strange children’s film–while the boys helped Leon spread manure on Tom’s vegetable patch–they did have a shovel or spade each and not a clue between them. Tom had to go out and show them, then how to dig it in. What do they teach young men these days? How to slit each other up with a knife in ten easy lessons? I went back to my emails.
For dinner I did a huge pot of spaghetti Bolognaise and made sure we had plenty of table napkins to save on the washing. It went down well–especially over Leon’s jeans–he was so busy making eyes at Julie, he missed his mouth dropped a forkful of hot pasta on his lap–jumped up and caught the edge of Billy’s plate–which emptied into his lap–Leon’s that is. Kiki thought it was her birthday and she licked up the evidence on the kitchen floor very quickly.
The boys complained that they had to work while the girls enjoyed themselves–as Leon is actually paid to work, I got a bit cross with them–then calmed down and told them, if they got the rest of the veg patch done tomorrow, they could go for a ride with Leon, if he was agreeable. I was pretty sure he would be–he seemed rather pleased to be the object of attention of two younger boys, except he was watching Julie at every opportunity–who did little to discourage him until I told her to. If the other three are as bad when they’re teenagers, I’ll strangle them all.
Of course all this was new to me–I’d not been bothered with a real puberty or adolescence and certainly didn’t fancy anyone sexually–until it was awakened by that bloke from the garage and I made a small deposit in my knickers. I still think about that from time to time, though obviously, my affection is purely for Simon now, in that respect. He’s supposed to be home a bit later and is taking Monday off for some reason.
I haven’t heard from Nora yet–so I’m not sure exactly what is happening to the children. Mind you I haven’t yet examined the mail which came while I was out this morning.
I glanced through most of it, circulars and other junk mail, then one with a recorded delivery from...I couldn’t make it out, it had ink or something over it. Upon opening it, I discovered that my application to have the boys as foster children had been approved and payments would start very soon. I presumed the Trust which owned the home meant from social services or whatever. However, I hadn’t actually applied for them to be fostered–it was one of those things awaiting doing when I had time. Then again, I wasn’t going to disagree unless the boys felt it was what they wanted–to move on elsewhere.
I was tired–and couldn’t wait to get to bed–although with Simon snoring like a catfish with croup, I wasn’t sure to get much sleep tonight either. Life’s a bitch and then you get married!

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Bike pt 893.
Who came up with that last line of Cathy's? Bonzi, or Angharad? THAT line alone was worth the read. :)
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
‘catfish with croup’
...sounds like a Bonzi effort to me!
Playful Smile
Bike Resources
Just passin' through.
I'm the first to post a comment!
Angharad keeps wierder hours than I do! Like 0500 to 0100 the next day (four hours sleep a day and sometimes less)
Trust the 'come-and'join-us' crowd to get all 'happy-clappy' about a simple miracle. Cathy should have a few words with 'big-man-him-belong-upstairs' and tell him (if it is a him,) to quit dropping her in it.
I'm fascinated by the constant curve-balls that Cathy keeps fielding. She sure leads one heck of an interesting life!
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
Well I thought I was. I'll have to write faster next time. Isn't life a bitch?
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
Hi Bev
Try refreshing your browser window (F5) just before you start writing a comment. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it takes a good five minutes to read through and digest all the machinations in Cathy’s world as contrived by our talented authors. Refreshing picks up any recent comments, I find.
Pulling Screenupdates
Bike Resources
Back to The Routine Again
I guess Cathy jumped right back into the routine of motherhood again. I was glad to see that the CCTV failed just when Cathy was there so they could keep the Echo off her back. I think that the higher powers are starting to realize what a hassle Cathy has been through with the Press. I'm glad to see the Professor calling to apologize to Cathy. Hopefully Dilly will get around to an apology of her own. It may be that Cathy can heal her of whatever has kept her from having children if she is nice enough. I think every parent of teenagers feels what Cathy is going through keeping Julie and Leon from making a stupid mistake. I don't imagine that Leon would be too happy to find out Julie's secret.
So, Nora....
dumped her problem children on Cathy, did she. I'd hoped for better from her. It's that, or expect that the same "entity" that made the car stop and the Vicar show up did the applying.
Hanging up on the Prof from the other school wasn't nice - politically speaking. Wonder what will come on that. He'd been very polite throughout the call.
Life's a beach and then it has puppies. And Cathy has a whole litter of them.
At least Cathy
is out of the running for the latest episode of Blue Light healing....In fact its almost as if the light is protecting its star pupil from getting in the limelight...Which i'm sure is one thing Cathy is more than a little pleased about!
Dilly, Jealous, After her outburst yesterday that is a bit of an understatement, Cathy needs to watch that lady, Jealousy can make people do strange things, Especially when their partner is involved...Just don't go down any dark alleys alone Cathy!!!
I didn't know that catfish could snore,
let alone those with croup.
I guess its true; you do learn something new every day.
First of all, the dear Rev thinks he's been visited by an angel (hmm...has he been listening to the local radio coverage of that "expert"?), then conveniently the CCTV at the MSA dies during Cathy's visit.
Next we get the phone call from the Prof to say how successful the visit was, but evidently Cathy still hasn't recovered from Dilly's acidic comments. Hopefully someone will persaude her to make amends before relations with Sussex get any worse.
And finally onto dinner - Julie is evidently still flirting like mad, and appears to have ensnared Leon. At least he only visits once a week! Then Kiki proved why dogs can be so useful in families - they're very efficient at hoovering up dropped food! Spaniels and Labs in particular seem to be magnetically attracted to food, wherever it may lie! I once heard a story about a Lab that helped itself to a bunch of bananas - skins and all - and somehow didn't suffer as a result!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Did the lab
go bananas or was it already barking?
+10 pun damage! :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Had to laugh about
the Rev Briars (any symbolism in the name?) doing a parking lot ministry. Guess if that's what gets him going who are we to complain as long as he doesn't block traffic.
"snoring like a catfish with croup" ... is that a British saying? Hard to imagine what a catfish with croup would sound like.
The rev.
Is trying to do good. Sooner or later this is going to catch up with our heroine though.
Does Julie still have her 'backfield in motion' (love Motown)...
Hurray ! Leon is not the only one spreading Manure today. Nice to see Cathy took my advice about sunny places.
Catfish with the croup ! where do these expressions come from ?
Poor Leon, But he's practice for Julie, as if she needs more.
(..., going to have to penalize you.)