TopShelf Blogs

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TG PMS-ing

I was reading a story that mentioned some things that girls apparently do instinctively, and it set off a round of "TG PMS" where I found myself wondering - do I do those things? Did I do them as a child? And what if I didnt, what does that make me? I'll be okay, it will pass, but it sucks.

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Paperback out: Behind the Enemy

I'm starting to get things together. I have just published a paperback version of Behind the Enemy (revised and edited)
It is for sale on

I am now revising and having edited all my published work, and working on several of the books I had to finish, so here's hoping that oldest and youngest members of my family will let me be for a couple of weeks.


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U.N. Secretary on LGBT

This is a video from the United Nations Secretary on his views about LGBT issues. It is positive and worth taking a look.

U.N. Secretary Ban Ki-moon: The Time Has Come For LGBT People

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Taking a step forward by taking a step back

Well, I just got a call from the endocrinologist, and my testosterone levels have gone back up to 19, so he's increased my estrogen dose to 3 mg twice a day, and he's also sent a prescription for progesterone to my pharmacy, and I'll hopefully be able to get it in a couple of days.

Neat, huh?

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Road to Myself 28: Mythbusters

Road to Myself - 28: Mythbusters
Annette MacGregor

I generally enjoy the Mythbuster's TV show... And, I don't know about any of you, but I know I've wondered about some of the things I've read in stories about transitions, hormones and the like. Some of them are repeated over and over in story after story. Other things, I see only now and again.

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Help! There are too many great stories!

There are so many great stories by my favorite authors going up that I'm having a very hard time focusing on writing! My hospital visit came at a lousy time!

I just want to thank you all for making this such a great time to be a reader here, even if you're making it hard to be a writer!


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I dont know what to do next

I'm kinda stuck in terms of a transition. I cant change my name until I get my birth certificate, and I 'm stuck waiting for the forms. But I'm feeling desperate to feel like I'm making progress, and I dont know what else I can do in the meantime.

Ah, well.

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High school PE

It's been a *lot* of years since high school, and I find myself needing a better idea of what sorts of things they have the kids doing in PE these days. Especially at the start of the year, and at the start of the second semester. Both boys and girls PE.

Heck, I'm not even sure what sports practices would be going on those times of year (Sept/Oct, and Jan/Feb)

So if you have recent experience (either yourself or your kids, let me know. It's for some of the story plotting I'm doing.

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Writers Block

Hi everyone,

I'm kind of stuck with my writing. I'm currently writing four stories at once, two others abandoned somewhere in the middle and one more or less finished, but I'm kind of unsatisfied with it.

I have to write a sex-scenes for my new werewomen story and totally no motivation for it... then I need to write another sex-scene for my "Tomgirl Revolution" story which explores a world where sex reassignment surgeries are available for everyone, but most people just switch the sexual organs and keep everything else the same.

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Routine Face Makeup and Necessities

I’m not a girly girl. At least I don’t think I am, but then again I find it hard to go to work or pretty much go out of the house without some BB cream* and eyeliner. The problem is I have a hard time waking up early, so I’m always rushing to work. I end up putting my makeup in a cab and I’ve become quite good at it. I guess it’s a legacy from my mom who’s an expert at putting makeup in a moving vehicle, especially when she’s hurrying to a performance as a soprano singer, so she'll be putting on sophisticated stage makeup inside the car.

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Heading off to Utah.

I was supposed to start my trip tomorrow on my trip to Provo, but with the snow here in Portland, I plan to leave a day early so I do not have such long days traveling. I plan to take my lap top, but do not know about wifi access. So just checking the roads, they seem to be snowy but open. The Columbia Gorge is known to be treacherous and it is open now so I though it good to get while the getting is good. So, those who check on me, nothing bad going on here, just going to a re-union. Planning to return home Monday or Tuesday, Inshallah.

Much peace


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Event Horizon or My life is now.

I do not want to alarm any one here but you may not of noticed that a large white wolf has been watching you ,from the cover of the shadows, all sitting around the camp fire the rest of you refer to as BC. This wolf watched for a couple of years before leaving the first foot prints about 1year 44weeks ago. Now the wolf has sat next to Bailey Summer and had the pleasure of her company. Yes the wolf is me and yes I come to be a comrade not looking for a cheep lunch.

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Several people from different compartments of my life have asked me to write my autobiography and I am finally feeling well enough to take on such a task. It will be a transgender (inter-sex) story, and it will also include every aspect of my life, including my success, failures and embarrassing moments. It will include all aspects of my spiritual journey.

I still have a lot to think about, but I think if it has to be sugar coated to avoid offending someone, then it is not worth the effort. It will include it all both smelly and fragrant.

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trying to find or use tag's

hello there everyone I hope you have as nice weather as I have been getting here. I have a question I am trying to find some stories not buy any-one author but with a type of topic .((((Good boy's who are turned into bad girl's)))) I tryed to type this into search and lot's of hits for bad boy into good girl any ideas ? or where I can look or narrow my search I am not too good using computers thank you kitty purrs hello (anyone need some fur? )


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Gaby - The Anime Days

Can you believe that Gaby first appeared over 9 years ago and that the first printed editions came out in 2005? Me neither.

Over the years, many people have contacted me about inconsistences, bad spelling and so on and finally I've done something about it! From today you can get Gaby - The Anime Days 2nd edition which has been reformatted, re-edited (with help from Angharad, thanks again A)and a new cover treatment produced. I hope that overall its a bit slicker and this version will become the definitive one.

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Two years

Well, I was going to share about my trip to the endo doc in a skirt, but I made the mistake on my way home of turning on the radio in time to hear the sentence for Graham James for raping two kids while their hockey coach. Two years. Two years for destroying two lives. Two years for humiliating two teen boys into being his sex toys. I'm going to scream and cry into a pillow now.

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Fighting fire with gowns?

At a recent St. Patrick's Day parade a fire broke out, fortunately the volunteer fire department was on the scene, unfortunately they weren't dressed for the fire. That didn't stop them.

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Progress, but some tough moments too

I've noticed that as my body slowly feminizes, I'm getting better in terms of dealing with self-doubt. I feel so much .... lighter now I cant understand why I fought against this for so long. But it hasnt been all sunshine and roses. For example, today I was out walking our dog with my daughter, and had to introduce myself by my male name for my daughter's sake, and I actually choked saying it.

Ah, well.

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Job finding frustraitions...

I am soooooo frustrated right now. On April 8th, 2011 my employer of 21 years decided to liquidate the company and me and about 30 other coworkers were basically shown the door. We knew it wouldn't be good when we got word they were 23 million in debt. I'm trying to do the right thing and have sent out countless resume's as well as fill out applications but no one...NO calling back. I think in the entire year I have only had 2 interviews...just 2...ugh!

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COMDEX COMDEX - Coming to a computer near You! COMDEX COMDEX

I know a LOT of people have been waiting for this for far, far too long. Now that I've got a timetable, and even more, my Muse (or whatever I'm calling inspiration) has decided it's time.

In two weeks I expect to send the next chapter in my Comdex series to the editors. Hopefully, that means in about three to four weeks I'll be posting it.

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New Chapter, new chances to tell me things

Well, the new chapter of 300 Rains is up. It is a bit longer than usual, as there were things that had to be covered. Things are certainly moving to conclusion and plot threads are tightening up. All that pretty much remains is NatGeo and the tribe. :) Should be fun.

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Ok, so this is little old me with my brand new butch haircut :) which, according to some guys I know, makes me look cute. This way you peepz know who you are talking with ;p mtc.jpg

PS Why is it always guys that call me cute???? Have never been able to figure that one out .... go figure

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I'm like a baby

I was talking to a friend at work, and mentioned my age, and then it hit me. I might have lived 45 years on this planet, but in some ways, I'm actually only about two. It was about two years ago that I went to my rape therapy dressed, which has led me to starting a transition. It would explain why everything feels so fresh, so new to me.

Maybe someday, I'll take things like having my hair long or developing boobs, or being accepted as a woman for granted, but it hasnt happened yet, and I kinda hope it never does.

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Back again

Hi everyone I'm back! I got out of the hospital yesterday, and I've been reading some of the stories and commenting, but I'm having a few issues finding time to do everything. I do have the next chapter of Wild Magic, I'm just doing some editing and polishing before I post it. I'll have it up today.

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Life's little reminder

Today, life gave me a little reminder. I remember now that it does not matter how hard you try, how hard you work, how much you want something or how much you need something. No matter what, it will never be enough. I would like to thank Life for giving me this reminder. I really needed it. I was actually starting to feel good about myself and the direction my life has been going. I have never been one for alcohol but today I could use a stiff drink.

Jessica Marie

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addy 2

When I was bringing my mom to the trainstation (ok with 2 stop in between, getting petfood for the cats and one very long one in the café :d) I had a GP passing by from the external health service of my employer. Checking up on me. Ok that's twice in not even a week that I had a check-up. What are they going to do??? Contradict their own firm/collegues??? >first one confirmed my leave from work till the summer which is officially sick leave while I'm NOT sick)< Grmbl so here I am.

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Update on transition

Today I had my first counseling session so I can transition. It went very well. I am happy that the counselor doesn't want to dwell on the past, because neither do I. I am tired of doing counseling where I relive all the past traumas of life. Let's leave it in the past where it belongs and live in the now. I am not disassociating with my past, I'm not saying it didn't exist or that it happened to the boy I am not, but I'm tired of being depressed about things. The counselor is an F2M which proves body swapping should be legalized and we can all find the body we are happy with.

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My hair

One of the biggest improvements I've noticed is with my hair. Not only is it softer than its been in years (feels like silk to the touch, no lie), but its now long enough that I can actually feel it move. I'll be walking along, and I can feel my hair bounce, and it feels so feminine and just ... right. Like something I hadnt even realized was missing has been returned to me.

Now, if I could only do something about the bald spot in the front....

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Application for Name change approved

My name change application has been approved and am now Erin Amelia Fletcher, still with the silly M in the sex section, but the guy at the counter was soooo kind omg he has been doing this forever and even gave me a hug about that silly M, he said he knew a woman from britain a former cop that immigrated to canada, and then after all her procedures decided she had to move back to britain to settle things with her family. made me soooo sad, i hope whoever that woman is found what she was looking for.

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Status of projects

Edeyn So, I received a Private Message inquiring into a couple of my projects that have been left hanging, and my intentions as to those projects... I responded, and then thought that perhaps others would like to know as well. I mean, I may not be worth caring about, but some of my stories might be...

This is what I wrote in response:

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C’est ècrit

C’est á¨crit

Elle te fera changer
La course des nuages
Balayer tes projets
Vieillir bien avant l’á¢ge
Tu la perdras cent fois
Dans les vapeurs des ports
C’est écrit…..

Elle n'en sort plus
De ta mémoire
Ni la nuit, ni le jour
Elle danse derriá¨re
Les brouillards
Et toi, tu cherches, et tu cours

Et tu ráªves, tu ráªves….
Qu'est-ce qu'elle aime
Qu’est-ce qu’elle veut
T’en passeras des nuits
ဠregarder dehors
C'est écrit....

Et ses ombres qu'elle te
Dessine autour des yeux
Et ces ombres qu’elle te
Dessine autour des yeux

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Want to Write but What to Write

I should write more, but for some reason I'm finding it hard to actually do it. I want to improve my writing skill, do something creative and constructive instead of just consuming the stories here, but I've always put it off because I've felt that I can't live up to my own expectations or that I can't match the intricate and clever plots of the authors here or other silly excuses. Maybe I should just write from the heart.

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Question about flying to Canada from US, and back

Hey all,

I'm flying from NJ to Toronto, ON tomorrow to meet some customers at their site. I've never flown into Canada, and never been without my wife before. Should I be nervous about packing Kristy's clothes? Should I just basically choose to be resigned to travel without any of my things for the evenings? Who has had experience with Customs? I've only been a few times, twice while on a cruise, and once we crossed at Niagara Falls. So this is a new experience for me.

Thanks for any advice...


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Research: Makeup tutorial

Hi everyone,
I'm writing the next story of my werewomen series and as it goes my main character feels the need to learn to do her own makeup. Since she's going to fight with it, I need at least a basic knowledge of how that works, but alas I know about as much about makeup as I know about hyperspace travel.

Can you help me and my character with our lack of knowledge? It would be nice if someone could link a video or text and pictures tutorial that explains how to do one's makeup.

thank you,

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Girl lesson 941

Well I am back online, Girl lesson 941 never spray any thing on with lap top open.
Being homeless with the internet as my only connection with the outside world, (I have no phone) I Feel the internet should be free and not cost anything to be on line. I am on most of the time because I know the system and can with my macbook connect to wifi any were using various methods. That being said (were I am going with this is), I love letters and connecting with people, and will write back as soon as I can.

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jobs i cant do

So my roommate Tanya asked me to help her out while she does a girl scout cookie booth. Well my job is less glamorous. I'm watching the 6 month old child she babysits. It's been an hour and I'vs changed a diaper that caused the dog to run in terror. Now the little ball of joy won't stop crying. I am not a child person. I will be glad when she is done, of course that's four hours from now.

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Thirty years on

Thirty years ago a very dear friend was dying of cancer at 18 years of age, I had a beard and my own hair, and there was a nasty but thankfully short war in the South Atlantic. I wrote something I was going to say I was very pleased with that involved that war, but 'pleased' is the wrong word. Satisfied, perhaps.

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Tangled threads and shifting targets

Things can get complicated at times.

Work is finally back to a (relatively) sane level, and I'm *finally* able to settle in and start pecking away at Maureen's 'to-do' list.

I'm finding that, for Amazon's Boot Camp chapter, there are too many things going on to keep everything on track without first writing each thread separately and then weaving everything together. Far more time consuming, but 'ya gotta do what ya gotta do.'

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Big Green Delays:(

I write at work as some of you know which usually isn't a problem but this was the "lovely" St. Pat's weekend and I've had not much writing time dealing with the massive amounts of "Stupid with a more stupid chaser." So nothing until I recover from the asshattery.

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The Wonders Of (Not So) Modern Computing

My little sister is not what you would call the most computer literate person in the world.

Nevertheless, when she said she had a "really good" computer that a friend had given her, I let my hopes get a bit up that it was something I could use, since I'm trying to build a gaming machine at the mo'.

The only downside, even if it didn't work out, seemed to be that attached to the offer was a whole slew of other computer parts and fiddly bits she didn't want to have to mess with, that I would have to take off her hands.

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She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,,,,,, and hurting

She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,,,,,, and hurting

Beautifully shot ... a clip that's worth seeing over and over again ... have a good day !!!

Mother Nature She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,, and hurting ....>>>>

This is an awesome video with great music. Please share. --

I thought you all may find this interesting.


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This too shall pass

My week has sucked immensely because from Tuesday until Friday I was in a VA hospital being treated for kidney stones. I had one that was moving, that was really huge and a veritable zen garden in my kidneys, just not trying to get out. I had stents put into place and they are trying to find a time to put me on the surgical schedule. Loads of fun.

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The Family Girl #036: Back home!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #36: Back home!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Moe n I are back home. Yayyy!

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Delay in Posting Reckoning chapter 8

My laptop, upon which rest ALL my files and corespondance regarding the story, has gone dead on me. It's at the hospital where it will hopefully be repaired within a week. It doesn't seem to be anything terminal. Merely something that won't let the screen light up. An inverter, they said. It's a MacBook.

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Password Attacks?

It used to be that my internet passwords were simple, something easy to remember. After being victimised by unknown people in the last couple of years, I now have a book where I record my passwords, but in the last few days, something seems to be happening with several of my accounts. It is almost as if someone has gotten into some of my accounts and destroyed their password files, because accounts like Facebook, and several others, my passwords have stopped working.

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The Family Girl #035: Imitation of a Regular Life, 2

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #35: Imitation of a Regular Life (2 of 2)

To see all of my Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am a post-op TG girl, as many know, and I have had to make adjustments over the years - from the simpler, visible side of things, like the way I dress and act and sound (and even smell heehee), to more complicated things like learning new ways to live, to relate to others, and to be happy.   No choice, really, especially after I had changed what my therapist calls my "basic physical parameters," which is 21st century doctor-speak for HRT, SRS and the other plastic surgeries.

It's real difficult adjusting to a feminine life.   That's not to say it's unwanted - after all, these are the things I needed to do to accomplish the magical transition that I had desperately wanted, and eventually  have the life I have dreamed about - to have my imitation regular life.

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Silk purses from sow's ears?

According to a link I was sent by a friend, plastic surgery in the US has reached new heights, okay it's from the Daily Wail, but the pictures are impressive. Only two things stop me, finding $30,000 and general cowardice - I'll bet it hurts.

And more on the 'she's my dad' theme:

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C'est de la poésie

Puisqu’on ne vivra
Jamais tous les deux
Puisqu’on est fou
Puisqu’ils sont
Si nombreux
Mem᪠la morale
Parle pour eux
J’aimerais quand
Mem᪠te dire
Tout ce que j’ai
Pu á¨crire
Je l'ai puisᨠá 
I’ en cre de tes yeux


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Last evenings appointement was replaced with an appointement this morning at the main office. After a, not even, 2 minute chat the GP endorsed the demand from my employer to retire me :(:(:(:(. So I'll be waiting for the summons of the retirment commission now.

Still weirded out 'cause the want to retire me for medical reason while I'm >insert curse words< not even sick. Okay maybe I have the start of a cold at the moment (freezing at night and in the 18 °C in te afternoon)

Not feeling to swell

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Wyld Revision or Oops!

After reading AoifeM's latest Wyld chapter and reviewing the Wyld Universe Rules Page I realized I goofed! I'd mentioned somewhere, probably in one of the 'Wyld Conversation' blogs, that Wyld transformations are instantaneous. They are also supposed to be without pain and usually accompanied by a flash of light. I totally forgot to include that in the rules page, so I've now added it under rule #9. Since I goofed on that, I'm giving AoifeM a pass for Ryan.

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Another step forward

As I move towards transitioning to full time I have certain things that I see as small milestones. It would be nice if I could just start wearing dresses and be beautiful, but everything is a process. I don't want to force me being fem on people, but right now the only place I am not fem is at work (where I am androgynous).

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The Heart of it All: A Wyld Universe story- Part 2 is up!

I got part 2 done and up, if anyone is interested. I originally began the story in Ian's view, but then I got to thinking it would be kind of cool focusing this part in Scott's eyes.

This is mostly a flashback, to get to understand Scott and her past. Also I wanted readers to understand her personality.

Lastly this is from the "Wyld Universe!" They're suppose to have some super powers, right? I introduced some of that in their too.

I'll continue with Part 3 in Ian's POV. I'll most likely switch back and forth between the two characters after every chapter.

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Child abuse. It's still going on.

For those of us who were abused as children because of our various gender variances and/or sexuality differences. This just a note to demonstrate that paedophilia and other related crimes enjoy a healthy protection within the Scottish legal system.

If anybody is interested just visit this site.

It seems that the lady Elish Angioloni has a lot of explaining to do.


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"Is she like you?"

I was chatting with my friend Kylie yesterday on IMVU while my daughter was over, and she cuddled up close to me and watched me typing.

She looked at the avi of Kylie, and asked "Is she like you?"

I said, pointing at our avatars, "she's a pretty girl, like I am, see?"

My daughter then said, "No. Is she .... Like you?"

I said Yes, she's a boy on the outside, but a girl on the inside."

She just held on to me, and said nothing.

Does this mean she's getting the idea about me?

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Reclamation now on Lulu!

My book "Reclamation" is now available as an EPUB on Lulu! For the last few months it's been in Amazon's "Kindle Select" program and therefore exclusive to Amazon. It's sold well and gotten 4.5 stars so far (fingers crossed) and now it's part of the Lulu distribution so will be at the iBookstore for Apple folks, Barnes Noble for Nook folks, and Lulu for everyone else.


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My Life as a Iconoclast

20120312_resize.jpgOkay -- as some of may have seen, I've posted some of my meager output here as part of the Female to Male crossdressing genre.

So I thought that I would intro myself and do a few whys and wherefores.

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just came home from the counselors

I had a good session, with one of the things I did was have an exercise where I pretended to punch my rapist, taking time to see how my body moved, what muscles I would use, and so on. Being given permission to be angry at him in a safe place felt pretty good.

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Gay rights - oppression in Russia

According to an article in the Guardian, St Petersburgh is following other right wing local legislatures in condemning 'Gay propaganda'. I wonder if we've seen the pendulum start to swing back to the right after the recent increase in liberal policies around the world.

Looking at the way the church in Europe and America is increasingly trying to undermine personal freedoms and various governments seem intent on the same agenda, are we starting to see a reversion to old hypocrasies, double standards and totalitarianism?

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Lulu Sale: Buy 3, get the 4th book free through March 15th!

Lulu is having a sale--the headline says it all. Through March 15th--that's this Thursday!--buy three books and get a fourth free. The code is "FOURLEAF".

This is also a shameless plug for my "On the Road-Again" series of, ahem, four books ...


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an incident with the ex

I had forgot to mention a little incident that happened between my ex and my mom on Thursday night. They had a open house at the school my daughter will attend next year, and after a presentation, they were supposed to take a tour in small groups starting with the people at the back of the auditorium. My ex, my mom, and my daughter were at the front, but my ex grabbed my daughter and ran to join the first group, leaving my mom behind. Unable to keep up, my mom decided to skip the tour entirely and went to her car to wait.

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looking for a story

Ok can't recall the title, but the story is about a boy who moves to his half sisters place who has two children. There is an aunt and uncle who try to get the now girl back bevcause they want her money from a fund set up by her dead father and the aunt and uncle are absusive

Also a trans male named Sam becomes a boyfriend

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