TopShelf Blogs

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Masterful writing style

Well, I finally overcame the heat of my shyness and bought "50 Shades Of Grey". The thing I find amazing is the writing style. It just flows so naturally and there is never any need to stop and go back to figure out what happened. This is how I want to write when I grow up! :)

On another note: the protagonist is ME, and I need to get back to the book to see what happens to me.


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Connecting with me via YM is impossible these days...

Connecting with me via YM is impossible these days. I have several programs, one in particular that interferes with the connection. If anyone wishes to write to me, have any questions and or suggestions for any of my stories please use the message systems here on this site.

I wish to thank those of you who have welcomed me back with open arms. Those of you who have read my stories and gave me a few kudos for my writings. I'm not used to receiving anything other than a few comments for my writing, the kudos are a bonus! Giggle, giggle...

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Le Gasp!

You may all gasp in surprise and fear, for yes indeed it is another chapter and in a timely manner. The world must surely be at an end!

I know I am notoriously slow for a number of different factors, health and other projects being but two of the factors causing this. But I just had to crank this one out to keep you all from hanging. Besides, Takeshi was so sad in my head and I needed to do something before he got my brain soggy... so I was in effect looking out for me.

I was feeling good and Terpsi was feeling spry, despite being evil with Tegan. So there you have it. Enjoy.

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Jessica's Journey - Part 14

I just wanted to let my readers know that I will be posting part 14 of the story sometime this week but it could be 2-3 before there is anything new. I am moving to my new apartment on Friday and will be arranging to have the internet hooked up but not sure how long it will take. I plan on continuing to work on the story so when i am finely online I should be able to post right way.


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I am a person who doubts almost everything. probably because I already believe in two completely impossible things already, and despite what Alice in Wonderland recommended, that's probably my limit, or maybe even over it.

What makes my impossibilities even harder to deal with is the fact that they are regarded as totally incompatible with each other in the sense that people who have tried to assure me that one is impossible, almost always believe that the other exists.

What are these two impossibilities?

Simple. The existence of God, and the existence of Dorothy.

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I struggled and fought until I was too exhausted to continue, but felt that I had succeeded in resisting temptation. Heavenly Father had been kind to me in a very special way.

The attraction of a young college student to a rich and powerful man who led her to face her darkest weaknesses somehow drew me and made me feel guilty in spite of the fact that I did not sin. I was tempted but did not sin. So why did I feel so guilty, as if I had sinned?

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Lorraine B. (Fictionmania author question)

I was rummaging around, re-reading older stories at FM, and ran across an unfinished story set from Lorraine B, called "The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed". Part 1 and 2 were posted in mid-2004, with the name given for part 3, but it appears that part 3 never emerged. I'd normally put it down to the author no longer writing, but she continued to post for another 2 years afterwards.

I figured I would ask if anyone knows about the author, or the story.

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Changing story names

I just put up a new story last night named "The Cure." Several people have jumped to conclusions about the story that might ruin what the story is about and I don't want to do that. Some people have assumed that the cure refers to making someone no longer TG (which I assume is different than doing a body swap or transformation style story). I also wonder if such an assumption has kept others from reading the story, another thing which I don't want.

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Black Mold

This is partially an FYI, partially a request for help.

Bill and I (and our Chocolate Lab Penny) recently had to re-locate to a local hotel.

The reason, as you probably suspect, is that "Black Mold" was found in our home.

Much of our furniture and other things are going to be tossed out in the process of cleaning the house.

This process includes tearing up all the carpets, and scrubbing all the walls, floors, and ceiling with bleach to make sure it's ALL GONE.

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Mr. Sun

Good Morning Mr. Sun

Early in the morning comes through my window Mr. Sun
I just thank God for another shiny day
today as another day I’ll keep on trying being better girl
and also I will add a small pinch of love

Good morning to life
good morning to love
good morning to joy
good morning Mr. Sun

I’ll keep on trying being the best everywhere
I’ll keep on trying doing my best anywhere
good morning to all

It is good to give thanks to God
and to make melody to His name.

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I Been sick!

Sorry, everybody, I've been very sick, and I haven't been online much. I spent today editing Jessica's Journey, Chapter 12 (Sorry!), and now I'm working on the next Wild Magic. Warning-While I was sick, I read a few books on witches, Wicca and Magic, and things will be changing to reflect that. I hope I can surprise some of you!

Once again, I apologize!


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To all who called me on my being a drama queen

An apology, to all who called me on my being a drama queen over the incident with my car. I just got off the phone with the insurance company, and it turns out I'm NOT going to have to have a year's worth of coverage up front. Once again, what looked to me like a mountain turns out to be a mole-hill, and boy is my face red over my over-reaction.

Hopefully, this is a lesson I can learn for the next time something happens - dont make more trouble than is actually there, and take it one breath at a time.

Thanks to everyone who puts up with me anyway.

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The Family Girl #046: At Least I'm Still a Size Zero

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #46:  The Upside to Mental Problems, or At Least I'm Still a Size Zero

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I spent Friday evening and the whole day Saturday in the hospital for a checkup. Just a checkup, no big deal.   My therapist thought it a good idea for me to have the checkup, and I did.   And since the set of tests to be done was just a hop, skip and a jump from those required for a full-blown complete physical, I agreed to the extra tests, x-rays and whatnot and made it a full physical - at least the kind of tests that my company's insurance carrier requires for a "full physical."   That means I doan pay nuthin'!   :-)   It's all on the company's bill, and it satisfies the yearly checkup requirement.

The results came Monday (the hospital apparently doesn't process test results on weekends), and then the squad of doctors that my therapist required did their thing and interpreted the results and typed up their findings, and we got everything Tuesday, which we brought to my therapist for her further perusal.

Anyways, my less-than-perfect bod was mostly okay.

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Amy Lynn's new story has given me an idea....

Reading Amy's latest story has given me an idea. Most of you know my history, but just imagine what if the doctor who abused me instead helped me? What might have happened? I'm going to noodle that and see where it goes ....

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Interesting article at on children and gender

Interesting article on NPR "Can Children Know, At Age 2, They Were Born The 'Wrong Sex'?"

It refers to a longer article in the washington post on "Transgender at five". That one is a very intersting story that could just as easily show up here. Hope all goes well for the little kid.

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Swimming upstream

Every morning, I get up, look at this body of mine, and wonder how I can possibly make being female work. I mean, put it in a suit and have it lose 50 pounds, and it would probably be called "handsome".

And yet here I am, trying to change that, and somehow make this body pass as a woman's.

Its dam hard, and sometimes, it feels like a hopeless task, so why do I bother?

I've never had enough discipline in my life to reach any goal I've set, so why do I think this will be any different than when I tried to become a nurse, or before that a teacher?

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The Hard Way is now published through Smashwords

For all those who have asked me to find additional formats for my books, you will be pleased to note that I am now up and running with SMASHWORDS.COM, and have started publishing versions other than KINDLE...i.e. for Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, and others......

You can even purchase Kindle versions through the Smashwords site. (the price is the same as on the Amazon Kindle site)

The first one is THE HARD WAY

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Andy's Diary Background

First -- the diary is very autobiographical. My mother ruled the roost with an iron hand and used terror to control me. I was subject to bullying not only at home but from her. She also bullied my father. He was largely absent from my day to day life because he was working as well as attending night school 3 nights a week to get his MBA. He never knew what went on until I was 25 years old, some 12 years later, and by that time I was so deep in my substance abuse that it didn't matter.

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On a completely lighter note

On a completely lighter note from my last couple of blogs, I have passed the three-year mark here a little while ago, and in celebration of that, I would like to thank all the wonderful people here.

First, Erin and her administrator elves, take a bow. I only wish I could do more than just say how amazing you guys all are.

Secondly, to all the members of "Team Dorothy" who put up with me. You guys rock!

Lastly, but not leastly, to all the people who have left comments on any of my stories, bless you all.

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the bad news, and the worse news

Well, finished dealing with the insurance company for the moment, and I got both the bad news and the worse news. The bad news is that due to the non-payment I was cut off as of April 1, and to re-start a policy I'm going to have to pay the yearly cost up front. So somehow over the next little bit I'm going to have to come up with 18,000 $ up front to have coverage for the upcoming year.

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Children and Gender Expression

I found this article/blog on WOOT earlier about CHILDREN and GENDER EXPRESSION. The resulting forum thread is surprisingly intelligent, well discussed, and seems completely non bigoted. will get you to the forum thread that I was speaking of.

Both the article and the responses are quite interesting food for thought, and there seems to be no biased involved!

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Today could be my worst day

Well, today I have to deal with the insurance company, and to say I'm not looking forward to it is an understatement. This is like going to the principal's office as a kid, only a thousand times worse, because if I walk out of there without coverage I will lose my job, hurt my family, and generally make my life suck for the foreseeable future.

I'm scared, which always brings out the PTSD, so I'm having the shakes so bad its hard to even type.

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Looking for a title

It was a several part story. The boy who runs away, has a rich father who has money set aside for when he gets older, and there is a way that only the boy knows to get to the money. In the mean time, the Step mother, or could have been regualr mother, tried to kill the child and if I recall she was french and the boy actually was intersexed.

Turns out the father was loaded and to make things right, she helps out her mothers family.

what was this story?

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Joining the "I hate my Muse" club

I don't have NEARLY enough on my plate, if you listen to Maureen (my Muse).

With 'Amazon', 'Ma'at' (rewrite and new chapter), four new stories, and the odd editing efforts, Maureen has decided to delve back into my college days for more ideas.

"Wayyyy back in the old days" I was one of those who was into "Dungeons and Dragons." I was fortunate enough to know a couple of good DMs (Dungeon Masters) who had imagination and patience -- and evil; don't forget the evil.

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Book 10 in print

For those impatient readers out there - Book 10 of the Gaby saga, Wheels, see's the first 10 chapters available via Lulu from today!

paperback -

ebook -

I'm working on the next string so watch this space!


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But you don't reply to comments

While looking through things, and seeing some criticism about the fact, I notice that I am inconsistent on replying to comments and feedback. Some authors make it a habit of replying to every comment they get, I am more picky and choosy.

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KIDS -Got to love em

My wife and I are middle class and in 1999 we loaned are boys $5,000 to purchase a house(it got them out of our house LOL).Now 13 years later they are doing a short sell , when I said I was part of that short sell because we would not see our money back I thought we lost are connection do to the silence. YOU GOT TO LOVE EM -- RICHIE2

P.S. My older boy is a C P A at least he does my taxes for free

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Cats- the musical hits home

I have two cats. They are both tabby cats with bushy tails that like to collect things likes stickers and twigs and maybe even small gnomes that aren't fast enough to get away. I got these cats shortly after I got my house because I didn't want to be alone and I knew if I fed them that they would love me unconditionally (on the condition I feed them, so maybe not so unconditionally).

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A little story

When I was a very young creature of uncertain gender, my brother began having vision troubles that ended with him having operations and needing to wear glasses. Not long after, I began to complain about my eyes as well, but something funny happened.

Nobody believed me.

They assumed that I was just trying to being like my big brother, and so patted me on the head, and told me to stop being silly.

It took months before my teacher finally told my parents to have my eyes actually checked, and it turned out I did indeed need glasses, and I wear them to this day.

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Bob Arnold - Zapped

I really don't know what started this, maybe reading a Julie O story, but I found myself wanting to go back and read "Zapped" by Bob Arnold. The more I thought about it the more I thought I owed it to Bob's memory. It had been a couple years since I read the story from beginning to end, but it is good to go back an re-experience the joy, hurt, sadness and adventure of Jen Stevens life.

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Lost my rhythm

I have gotten nothing done, and I'm at my wit's end. >

I am half way done with half the chapters I set out to finish WEEKS ago. I can't get into the same mindset that I had before I got the flu, and when I try to write it doesn't flow correctly from the work I've done previously.

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Real Life

Hello my lovelies:

I haven't been spending much time on here lately and expect to be here considerably less in the future. It is not that I have become a snob, or that I am depressed, but am just too busy to breathe any more, and I love what I am doing.

In truth, aside from the sadness of my losses once in a while, these are the happiest days of my life and I am pretty glad that I quit sucking on gun barrels.

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Forgiving myself

Well, yesterday I made the first steps to getting myself out of the hole I've dug. My brother took me to the police station and I made my statement regarding the accident, and was given a ticket for distracted driving. My insurance company is closed for the holiday weekend (Its Victoria Day Monday), so the next step will be on Tuesday, and that one could be worse.

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MY possible mortality

I apologize in advance, for what i am about to tell u all, fair warning this is very sensitve announcement and im scared, im so scared i fear what i thought i concered,

I am shaking and crying, i feel my end is coming near.

I have had 3 spine operations in my teen years and at the last one i was led to believe i never had to worry again of scoliosis.

today i went to the er, to see why my namonia hasent went away

I was told i no longer have namonia,

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Fun with pigtails

Your ragtime gal can't help herself--I have what I call "little girl moods", though I'm...well, let's just say, way past the little-girl years. When I'm in a little girl mood, out come the Hello Kitty scrunchies and the barrettes with the little pink flowers on them. I never got to wear those things when I was little, so I go out of my way to make up for lost time.

If I'm lucky, my home-health aide--the person who drags me out of bed and gets me showered, dressed, and somewhat presentable--will be in a similar mood.

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Morpheus's stories

I am not sure how many people here follow the yahoo group TG Fiction, or even FM. But many stories appear first at the TG Fiction group before they are ever posted to a story site. There is another group I am writing about. Morpheus has his own yahoo group where he posts a lot of stories that never get posted to other sites. If you follow it, my apologies for taking your time. If you don't you may wish to look it over. He currently has one going titled The Changling Chronicles, it is an excellent read. You may wish to look it over. He also has a couple other going also that you may like.

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About Leigh Anne

I was just thinking about my story Leigh Anne. What if I could somehow make her chromosomes very, very unusual? Like maybe, YXXX, or XXYX, or even XXXY? I need to do a little research to see if maybe that is even plausible. It would explain Leigh Anne's circumstances.



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Have you ever tried to picture

What your characters would look like? As I wrote on and am trying out a few different plot ideas, the more I write Mrs. Molly Hallmark in Through the Years, the more I see Missi Pyle, but I see her as Mrs. Beauregarde from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate factory. When she's getting mad in the stories, I see her just giving that creepy look that Missi pulls off so well.

Not sure why, but that was the first face I thought of when I kept writing her.

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I'm scared

Many, many years ago, I accidentally slammed a car door on my brother's fingers. Afterward, I had an almost PTSD reaction to the event - I had nightmares about it, had it replay over and over again in my mind, and to this day can get a little leery about closing a car door when I have any passengers.

The point of me sharing this little story is that I seem sort of primed for trauma. And if a minor event like that can set me off, you can just imagine what's going on in my head right now.

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Sorry for the drama, everyone.

Sorry for the drama everyone. I'm okay, I'll be okay. Yeah, I probably made my life a thousand times more difficult, but somehow, I'll find a way through this. My feelings came out of exhaustion, hormones, and being an UN-medicated bipolar person with a life history that has produced a "failure tape" - a list of my mistakes that seems ready to play over and over again in my head at a moment's notice.

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My life as Dorothy is over

Well, I've managed to screw my life up for the last time. I was driving home from work today and hit another car, doing serious damage to both vehicles. To make matters worse, I've been having troubles with payments on my car insurance, so I'm not sure I'm covered at the moment.

This just goes to show that it makes no difference if I'm Todd or Dorothy, I'm still a fuck up, and nothing will ever change that. So I'm going to throw everything away associated with Dorothy, and quit living in fantasy land.


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Happy Birthday To Me

Yes, well, erm, I've notched up another milestone on my journey through life. In years gone by, I'd be exactly half way through my allotted three score and ten, but with the way both longetivity and statutory minimum retirement ages keep rising, I might still be as fit as a fiddle and in work by then. I can but hope :)

So... thirty five years I've been on this planet (well, I will have been as of about 5:45pm tonight, as mum will frequently remind me at this time of year!) - here's to many more.

Cheers! :)

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Funny coincidence

I'll start by saying I may have drawn the wrong conclusion here but it makes sense to me.

I was laying in the bath scrubbing my feet amused at how events completely unrelated to me being TG gave me a girl foot and a guy foot(yes I gave my feet genders!). I wear a size 6w (comfortable fit)and a size 9w(a bit on the tight side) U.S. sizes(yes, I buy 2 pairs of shoes every time) there is supposed to be something I can stick in the end of a bigger shoe for my girl foot but hell will freeze over before I make either of my feet look bigger then they are.

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Take that, all you tea sippers!

Noticed a lot of tea-drinking in the stories lately. Well I'm gonna speak up for all us who are addicted to our cuppa joe. Found this on Gizmodo after hearing about it on the news.

Coffee Drinkers Live Longer

Millions of us start the morning with a coffee and think nothing of it. But new medical research suggests that it could be helping you live longer–if you drink enough of it.

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I may have saved a life last night.

Last night while I was puttering around here I got a message that someone wanted to talk. Turned out it was a young woman who was feeling suicidal. Among other things, she was struggling with having been sexually abused at a very young age. She sounded quite serious about killing herself, saying she had a wire around her neck, and I desperately begged her not to do it. I used every argument I could think of, and got her to take off the wire. Eventually, she signed off to go to bed, so I can only hope she will seek some professional help. I hope I helped her.

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Having a late night writing session

It's been a busy day, I started working on a new story that I have been wanting to post, lately I have been fighting with my muse and not feeling very inspired. So I decided to start working on something new and see if it would get my creative juices flowing again.

well 17 hours and 7 chapters later, i am sitting here and it's like 1:30am wondering where the time has gone.... can you say

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A different perspective on being a victim

When I was 3, a teenage boy that was living in my uncle's house pulled down my underwear and ejaculated on me (though in my memory I remember it as him peeing on me, I think that's because at 3 that's the only liquid I thought came from there). At that moment I was a victim.

When I was 10, my cousin sexually molested me, causing me to perform oral sex on him, having him penetrate me anally, and finishing off with ejaculating in my mouth (which caused me to run out of the room, into the bathroom and vomiting). At that moment I was a victim.

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Those Damn Onions

Found this on

Today, after I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying. And just before he died, he licked the tears off my face.

Today, someone else's tragedy provided the miracle my family had prayed for. Thanks to this stranger, my dad will have a heart. It's so odd to think that an accidental death just saved his life.

Much more can be found here:

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Health update and an apology.

First of all. I am better. Whatever evil, mutated virus was attacking me seems to have given up most of the ghost. I say most because I am still having some after effects such as nose constantly running, multiple explosive sneezing, and a vague ache in my head and neck. I have been checked out by a doctor and he says that nothing is seriously wrong, just my general lack of anything resembling a healthy lifestyle, which probably led to the attack of the mutant virus in the first damn place.

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ZW politician blames women for HIV

You might want to move your keyboard out of the way so you can bang your head against your desk in desperation at this...

It's about what you'd expect from many African politicians - effectively putting the onus of the blame for the spread of HIV onto women (presumably under the impression that it's completely impossible for their menfolk to control their philandering ways).

The synopsis of what this latest politican to make a completely bonkers statement on the issue can be neatly summed up in this tweet:

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Health and Writing

Since I am feeling better and my health seems to be on the plus side I wanted to let you all know that I am starting to get my strength back and getting back in shape. This is a good thing. I also lost about 20+ pounds thanks to the stones and their making me sick to my stomach. Good fun was had by none in that process, but I can live with the results at this end.

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A scholar posts his take on homosexuality and the bible ble-really-says-about-homosexuality/?hpt=hp_c1

The fella in the post above seems to have a pretty good handle on the bible, and what it says and doesn't say. Not sure if it will make any difference in the current politcal bull crap though.

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Jumping on the posting merry go round!

Does anyone else frets about the posting thing or is it just me? I, like us all, like having my story having some page time before falling off the bottom. I've found myself watching to see if a slow time shows up. It's like timing the merry go round so you can step on.

Should I post now? No, wait until after Bike. Is it time yet, hey here's a new one by Maggie. Got to read that one. Should I post now? No, let's wait for tomorrow. :)

So yes I finally got this one posted.

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Can't PM Admin, & we have an obvious spammer here,UPDATE

Most of you have noticed already but the spammer spawning season is upon us.

PLEASE make sure your anti virus, malware dection and fire wall programs are up to date as I see the creeps are at it again.

John in Wauwatosa

UPDATE: Erin squashed the spammer. GO ERIN!

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Mixed day yesterday

Well, yesterday was a bit of a mixed day. First, the good - I was pain-free, and that's a very good thing. Second, the bad. I had a nasty little flashback at work, so bad I felt like I couldnt breathe properly, and I was stuttering. Fortunately it didnt last too long, so I didnt miss any of my work. Last, the I-dont-know-what-to-think - I had a bit of an argument with my ex last night, and in the process learned that she understands perfectly what I'm doing, and thinks I'm crazy, but she shows no signs of keeping Sam from me.

Make of this what you will.

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The Family Girl #045: Reunited with my Sweater

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #45:  Reunited with my Sweater, or Whatinheck's Wrong with the Weather!?!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Moe and I are back home and found our house to have been meticulously cleaned as only my ma is capable of.   Kitchen, living room, bathrooms all spic n span, and bed clothes nice n crisp n clean (I know ma did the wash coz the sheets smell faintly of Huggies), front n back yards clean and well raked (probably Dad) and a note on the living room table saying that two of the microwavable "Friends" mugs got broken (Aha! That's my sister!).

Anyway, the at-home feeling came back slowly and we settled in.   But what didn't come back was how the weather felt.   Egads, it's cold!!

So Moe n I broke out a couple of our long-unused sweaters, and made plans to pick a nice n wooly sweater ensemble for work the following day.   But why was it so friggin cold all of a sudden?   I checked the thermometer. It was a nice eighty degrees. Eh?

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Lost my zeal, where can I buy more

For a lark, I went on Fictionmania and looked up my first story. I didn't read it, but I read the comments. I had written something magical, that had really touched people, and it made me feel good about myself that I could connect with people.

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I'm embarrassed to be asking for help finding a story ...


About 3 years ago I asked for help finding this story, and must have just read it, but not saved it.

The protagonist is at a private school for boys at the start, and is asked to sing with a well known orchestra ... as a girl.

'She' is a hit and goes on to national, ( world?) renown.

It turns out she is intersexed and marries her one time roommate.

She also takes down a professor who was taking credit for work his students had done, and she exposes him.

Help, please?


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Like quite a few people yesterday, I was feeling quite down and out of it. I still am in fact...

But last night I managed a bit of inspiration as often happens when I'm feeling ick.

N-E-Ways, since today is/was Mommy's day I decided to make this...

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A busy weekend so far

Well, my weekend has been pretty full so far. First, on Saturday morning at work, I pulled my knee and spent the last hour or so basically doing my job on one leg. Its not hurting now, but its a reminder that one day, and probably sooner than I would like, I'll be either disabled or looking for another job, or both ....

Then Saturday evening I had the dinner for my mom and ex in celebration of Mother's day. Went okay, except having my mom use the male pronoun stung ....

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To another great MOM:)

That's our Erin here at BCTS.

You really do fit the mold y'know.
You guide and encourage us.
You're that Mom that has the home all the kids in the neighborhood are welcome at.
You scold us when we need it.
You make peace between us when we need it.
You have good recipes.
You tell great stories.
And you have made so many of us here a family, some the only family we have even.

Thank You Erin.
Happy Mothers Day.

*Grateful Hugs*

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Disability in TG fiction revisited....

Well dear readers, this ragtime gal goofed...I tried to post this earlier, but a glitch caused my entry to post twice (those troublesome Babbage engines will do that if not properly oiled....) In my attempt to delete one of the copies, I deleted both, so I had to repost. If you had commented before my abrupt deletion, I apologize...Rachel

Not long ago, while re-reading my introductory blog post about the need for more disabled TG characters, I was reminded of a book I read which was as far removed from the subject of TG fiction as one could be. Nonetheless, it provided what I consider to be a most intriguing idea.

The book was a series of profiles of influential disabled people--one of whom, a cerebral-palsied individual named Bernard Carabello, had spent his childhood in Willowbrook, a notorious institution for the developmentally disabled in upstate New York. His account of his years there was more chilling than the darkest Gothic horror--untended children sitting in their own filth; children restrained for torturously long periods; children poorly and hastily fed by an overworked staff, as well as poorly clothed. These unspeakably awful conditions were first brought to the public's attention in the early '70s by a young investigative reporter named Geraldo Rivera. His findings led to the eventual closing of said institution in 1973. (This turned out to be wrong. Incredibly, it stayed open until 1987.)

One particular passage of the chapter on Carabello and Willowbrook caught my attention immediately, and set the idea machinery in motion. The Willowbrook staff, it seemed, had an unusual method for distributing the clothing donated by charities to the institution--they would throw it into a pile, and the kids who could dress themselves would grab what items they could. Whatever they got they were stuck with, whether it fit or not, whether it was appropriate for the time of year or not.

You can, no doubt, already sense where this is going--it doesn't take much of a leap of the imagination to picture one child who happens to be fascinated with a pretty dress at the top of that pile. The child grabs it, puts it on, and proudly displays it to the staff.

The problem is, the child is a boy.

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Emergency! JadenSkywalker8

Can anyone contact, phone, text, IM Jaden? See er Blog: I'm about at my limit 5-12-12 2:57pm.

E sounds clinically depressed. E might be getting close to irrational. One can not count on appealing to er reason, faith, charity, love, family, etc.

E needs to call er parents and go to a hospital emergency room or similar! Talking might help, but OTOH it might not. I think E needs to be with people who can physically stop er from hurting erself, taking those pills, etc. E also needs to see a psychiatrist ASAP.

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To the Mother of my Heart, on Mothers Day

My bio Mother passed away 13 years ago and i do miss her, but when i came here i met a wonderful, loving, giving woman who adopted me and took me into her loving heart. Andrea Lena DiMaggio is Mother to myself, Diana Michelle Howe and two other loving girls, Aunt to others and Sister to many. But to me, the very new girl that i am, she is my Mommy and i love her with all my heart.

This is the first time i can say to her, Happy Mothers Day.

Happy Mothers Day

Love Always, Diana Michelle

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I'm about at my limit

I don't know why I'm still alive anymore, I realized I just don't care anymore on my birthday two weeks ago when my family came down to see me for my birthday and I felt nothing. If I don't get a callback from a therapist by Tuesday evening I think I'm done.

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An Interview with the Author

Seeing as I act as agent of sorts for Koz's stories, we put together a Q&A about the story he just had me post, The Ghost of the Summer of 85'.

Q: Koz, what can you tell us about your story 'The Ghost of the Summer of 85'

A: It was one of the earliest FTM crossdressing stories I ever wrote. I was still in a mode of trying, rather unsuccessfully, to write your bog standard crossdressing story about guys in panties, bras, and dresses. Nothing ever seemed to work, so I started writing FTM fiction which brought one of my greatest fantasies to life.

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Mother's day sexual stereotypes

Well, tomorrow is Mother's day, and my store has been pushing hard for sales, but looking at all the pink signs pointing out discounts on home appliances, weepy movies, and flowery perfumes got me wondering.

What if you had a mom who didnt fit the nice neat little stereotype? What if your mom would prefer to watch an action film than a three-hankie weepie? What if she's more comfortable with power tools than with knitting needles? Do those types of moms get left behind?

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R.I.P. Tori

I found out just last night that my cousin, Tori Nikol Swoape, took her own life on Monday, May 7th 2012. She was only 15 years old. I know I haven't posted anything in a while. While I am working on new material, this turn of events has derailed all of that. Please bear with me while my family and I mourn our loss.

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The Family Girl #044: Flying Around

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #44: Flying Around

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

To anyone who's read my random conglomerations of words here before, they probably know I've been shuttling back and forth on planes between work assignments for some time now.   Used to be there was novelty in flying. Now, its pretty much like going on a long trip in a bus.   And the airport inspections in DC? Grrr...  

Anyway, Moe n I are flying home tomorrow morning for our scheduled two weeks.   It'll be good to go home of course, but I all I can think about right now is the hassle of it all.   I've done this so often now, I sometimes think I can do this without the airplane anymore...

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