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Muse-eo, oh Muse-eo, wherefore art thou, Muse-eo

...or, What does one do when one's muse hurts them?

When I write, I draw deeply on my life's events. With that as a wellspring, I then try to either create a cohesive story out what has happened to me, or embellish these events to create 'worlds' that didn't exist yet are things I wish would have happened. In Andy's Diary, the events are all true and little is embellished -- only as it said on Dragnet, names have been changed to protect .....

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Prayers, white light and healing thoughts?

I received some disturbing news this morning and would appreciate it if you could take a moment and turn your thoughts towards Douglas R. Howe and send healing energy, white light and prayers his way? we aren't positive and are awaiting tests but he needs your strength against possible lung cancer... thank you all

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$1300+ in Two Days! Thanks everyone. :)

I was actually a bit worried, nothing was past due but things were getting tight. And knowing that everyone has their own expenses I wasn't sure anyone would be able to help out. But plenty of you cam through with donations and in two days, we reached goal for June and got a start on July.

Yay, us! :)

I'll be gone for a week in July but I'll have my laptop with me and Piper and my other helpers will be around to keep things on an even keel. Let's have a great summer!

Hugs to all,

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So you wanna write a villain...

I got a request to expand a concept for someone, and to do it publicly, so, here we go. It might end up a little long, but consider this to be a little bit of my personal view on what makes compelling conflict.

So, you've come up with the wonderful hero, Peter the Protagonist. He'll save the damsels, stand for the eradication of bigotry, and generally be a swell guy. Now you just need to throw a villain at him and everything will be set and you have yourself a story.

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need new editor and other stuff

Earlier today I got notification from the editor who I've been working with (partially successfully)to edit my story 'Down the Rabbit Hole' that she no longer wanted to be the editor because we reached an impasse-she didn't understand the universe I was writing for and was saying stuff I had written was inane. Sadly, that kind of editor is the kind I need. Also what is sad is that after over 2 months we were still editing part 1 of a 5 part story. For those waiting for the next part, I have it written (and up thru the end of that story) but they are in a 'rough draft' kind of phase.

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Having a flashback in public

Well, apparently I cant hide it very well when I'm having a bad flashback.

I was at the pot-luck dinner for my trans support group, and started having real problems, when a couple of people made a point of asking me if I was okay.

Of course, I wasnt, but by keeping myself engaged in my surroundings through what I could feel, see, hear, and even smell, I was able to ride it out and get back to normal.

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I try not to Blog on my stories...but.

In my latest chapter of Covered Bridges... LoneWolf put in a comment about the story with a totally wonderful YouTube link that really in my opinion adds to the story and lends such a feel.

Thank you once more LoneWolf:)
Please check it out it's a pretty cool thing.
*Big Hugs.*

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A wonderful Father's Day card from my son.

I got a very nice card from my son today, in addition to the nice ecard he picked out,

his personal note to me was:

Happy Father's Day to the best of the best! I hope Kristy has a wonderul day too.

Love, ...

According to my wife, FanFicWriter, he wrote it himself (with her assistance on spelling and grammer lol)

A very nice treat for today.

Here is wishing to all of you out there that are Father's, a very happy Father's Day to you as well.



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R.I.P. My Dear Familiar,ShadowFax

My Familiar & best Friend ShadowFax had to be put to sleep Yesterday.I have had her since she was a Kitten & I was 14 yr's old at the time & I am now 25 yr's old.So u can tell how heart broken I am right now.She was there when one of my ex-boyfriend beat the shit out of me when he found out the real reason why I wouldn't put out to him when I turn 17 yr's old.She will be missed.Rest In Peace My Friend!


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Dryads Tale, Third Request

I am looking for the author of an incomplete story sent to me in November 2002.

Brief synopses:

John is shot interfering with a carjacking. His wife, Krista and her two sisters give him some of their life force to save him. It worked and makes him female and genetically their sisters. The three original sisters are from a parallel universe. In one section they travel back to the other Earth.

If this is your story or if you recognize reading it please let me know

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How can I be pregnant? Wasn't a born a boy?

The weirdest thing happened and it might be one for the record books.

I was having some stomach discomfort the last few days and was feeling really sick. Normally I don't go to the doctor's office but things were getting really bad and I decided I better get checked up before I keel over and die.

After a few test I discovered that I was seven months pregnant, and here I was thinking that I was just getting fatter. I don't know how it happened... I mean, I have a penis and everything still.

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Memberships Below Goal for May

It's June 16th and we're a bit in the hole. We didn't make the subscription goal for last moth and this month is half over. I know not everyone can do so, but if you can, please, send us a few bucks via the Hatbox Membership request box on the side bar. It really does take about $40 bucks a day to keep this place open.

Thanks and hugs,

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the father's day paradox

Well, on Mother's day I talked a bit about how that day and Father's day can suck for people who dont fit the gender stereotype, but today, with Father's day being tomorrow, I wanted to talk a little about some of the challenges I have being one.

First, you have to understand that I was totally not prepared for parenthood, to but it mildly. This was not just because of my gender issues, or my overall mental health, both of which have played a part in my struggle to be a good parent, but because I had no role model in my own life to draw on in terms of what a good dad looked like.

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Has anyone else seen this?

I was shown an interesting article from The Oatmeal, for those who don't know, the oatmeal is written and drawn by Matt Inman and he makes cartoons, some really crude and crass, but most of them funny. Well People take these and post them all over like with the lol cat pages. Last year, Mr. Inman contected a website, Funnyjunk and asked them to remove his copyrighted material. they also have stuff from Calvin and Hobbes, The Farside and other comics from the internet.

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Arrested for having a big closet account

Some people here know my background and many people probably don't. Because it is a matter of public record, I have no problem divulging information. Due to circumstances out of my control, I was arrested back in 2003 and in order to escape 650 years of prison I took a plea deal. Part of that deal requires me to register as a sex offender (which makes my life oh so joyful).

Anyway. I did my time, I finished probation, have been gainfully employed, own a house, have 2 cars, am owned by 2 cats and I thought life would just continue on this way until I died.

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tired, sore, in pain, losing my up state, and flashing

Well, I had a super hard day at work in terms of trying to get stuff done, and I'm paying for it with a stiff neck, sore shoulders, and general tiredness. Added to that, I'm losing my up part of my bipolar cycle, which means I'm headed down, and fast ...

To make things totally yucky, after reading a story on here that had a forced sexual moment, I started flashing, and really havent stopped so much as have small breaks between flashes.

Ah, well.

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Bears Know Best Now Available!

Bears Know Best

First Post Up and Available at
by Tiffany Shar

I am excited to have posted the first part of 'Bears Know Best' here on BC! It is now also available on for those who would prefer to read straight through rather than read a couple chapters week! I hope you all enjoy!

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Another sporting gender controversy

This has to count as one of the most bizzare stories ever to come out of the world of sport:

A female Indian athlete who won a gold medal at the 2006 Asian Games appeared in court on Friday charged with raping her former lover who has alleged that she is actually a man.

Pinki Pramanik was remanded in custody for 14 days to await trial on allegations that she repeatedly raped her female live-in partner.

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Settling on a character's name

Settling on a name

Recently I've resumed work on the final story in Ragnarok Rising and I've hit a small snag, I can't decide on a certain character's name .

Normally I don't have this problem. I'll generally pick a name and be satisfied with it, at least when I first chose it. Sometimes when a character evolves beyond the way in which I original envisioned I will change his/her name.

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New DRU Rules

When I first started this universe, everything was going fine. There was the right balance of story and characters, enough to populate the town and keep it still mysterious. Now however, the town has been starting to get flooded with characters and all different kinds of stories, all of which that seem to be happening at once. So sadly there is going to be a new DRU rule from now: No More Stories in Ravencrest.

I hate to do this but there's really no other way. The town is just too crowded now and not everything can happen at the same time.

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Calling all catfolk!

After seeing several posts by Extravagance, I began to wonder... are there any more catfolk on Big closet? Being a catgirl myself, I also am curious if there are any other catgirls, or catboys on the site too? Or who are interested in talking with other cat furries.

Please note this isn't a dating add, I'm happily taken by my soulmate but just am curious if there are any other cat furries on this site that'd like to make some friends mew. Not to exclude anyone who isn't a furry or specifically a cat furry, I'm just curious is all meow ;3

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That And More I'll Do


I would cross mountains, rivers and valleys if I needed to find you
I would brave storms, cyclones, dragons no matter what
Just to be able to look into those beautiful eyes
And feel the glory of being at your side
Because I have always known that I need you,
That and more I’ll do.

If the cost of gaining that fresh smile from your soul is so high
If one glorious day I can get you here close by my side
Would it mean I must offer up the dearest thing I own?
Gladly would I pay that, whatever the cost

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Dryads Tale

I am looking for the author of an incomplete story sent to me in November 2002.

Brief synopses:

John is shot interfering with a carjacking. His wife, Krista and her two sisters give him some of their life force to save him. It worked and makes him female and genetically their sisters. The three original sisters are from a parallel universe. In one section they travel back to the other Earth.

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Why I Suck At Writing

Heya peeps! Long time no hear, right?

Let's kick this thing off right, then.

How many here can tell me the difference between good writing and great writing?


A tough question, right? After all, there are so many ways to judge a particular work. Great characters, but crappy story line? A great story, but terrible dialogue? Mediocre everything, but nothing particularly wrong with any one part? What makes a work of writing good, and what makes one bad?

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New Book Coming Tomorrow!


Bears Know Best

A New Novel by Tiffany Shar!

I'm pleased to announce that I will begin posting my new novel, 'Bears Know Best' tomorrow evening here on BC. I will be releasing it here as a serial work, or you may purchase the full edition on beginning tomorrow as well. This book is a standalone work outside of my Standing Up to Life Series. I hope you will all enjoy it!

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Finally after 9 weeks the cast has come off my right arm .The good thing is it was a good diet plan as I could not get a spoon or fork to my mouth & I learned how to shave with my left hand.Now I am off to take a nice long shower and get all the dead skin off the arm & get it wet for the first time in over 2 months


I'm a little conflicted about "Quest"

I'm conflicted about what to do with my Quest story, now that we managed to make it available on Kindle. Part of me wants to encourage all of you to buy it, and use what has been posted as a teaser to hopefully help, but I have really enjoyed the feedback I've been getting on each chapter here, and would miss it if the rest of the story wasn't posted here.


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Five years and Fifty-Two Weeks.

Wow have I really been here THAT long? :) I recently was asked a question and I had to go check. How many stories have I written. The answer is a little vague, but this is me after all. More than 50 not including two novels. The sad part is I probably have at least as many incomplete sitting in a stack of notebooks and my hard drive. I do hope to complete them someday, but I'm dependent on the fickleness of muses. I'm also not as functional as I would like which is a sore point with me since I'm not nearly as challenged as many here.

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Formerly known as Tom Gabel, here's Laura Jane Grace of Against Me! in her first live performance since announcing her transition. (Previously blogged by Rami and others) I'm happy for her; she looks like she's having a great time! Good for her!

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belated tribute to my mother and TWO in ONE YEAR????

June 13th 2005 my mother died from cancer, at home in her sleep.

Though she was in a bad way the day before she was able to carry on an intelligent conversation with our former neighbor -- a childhood friend of mine -- and his wife.

Her death is what encoursged me to become active here as an outlet for my feelings.

Still makes me cry thinking of this active lovely woman all but helpless as the cancer took away her ability to move.


And the punch line to the question, how many years does it tale the Nwy York/San Fransico Giants to win an Perfect Game?


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Armstrong accused of doping (again!)

It appears as though the US Anti Doping Agency can't leave Lance Armstrong alone - they've written a fifteen page letter to him littered with yet more allegations dating as far back as 1996, claiming a "pervasive pattern of doping" over many years.

Unsurprisingly, Armstrong has hit back: "I have never doped ... These charges are baseless [and] motivated by spite ... These are the very same charges and the same witnesses that the Justice Department chose not to pursue after a two-year investigation."

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Bit the bullet and went to the V.A today

I am a Desert Shield/Storm Veteran. During the war I was a Field Artillery Surveyor in the 1st Infantry Division. As such, I directly participated in the liberation of Kuwait from Iraq. This also means that I actually witnessed the results of what happened on the "Road of Death". This is the main road between Kuwait City and the Iraq border. Needless to say, the sights were not very pretty (I actually stepped on brain matter). For years now, I have been having difficulties so, I finally forced myself to go to the V.A. Medical Center in Bedford MA.

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Ontario Human Rights

Since no one seems to have blogged about it yet I thought I'd mention some tidbit of good news out of my home province of Ontario. It seems that all three parties (seriously, even including the Conservatives) unanimously voted to adjust the Ontario Human Rights Code to prohibit discrimination against transgender people.

It's a first for any Canadian province but I do believe it won't be the last. Hopefully other provinces will follow suit in time. :)

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I have a CENTER story idea to give away

If anybody would like to do a story in the CENTER Universe please send me a PM. I am not creative enough for writing a full story, but I think my idea could be a interesting story with one of our talented authors working thier magic with thier creative minds


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publishing nibble turned out to be a dud

well, the nibble I got regarding publishing my novella turned out to be a dud. The whole thing was all about selling me on a publishing service that charges to publish, with prices starting at 600 dollars and going up from there.

Ah, well.

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Nice Video

Maybe some of you are like me, a good song can change my mood, so I share with you this beautiful video that fills me with joy. Enjoy it you too. I was not privileged with a beautiful voice to sing, but likely I can dance like the small pet in the video. Isn’t it lovely ? Hugs.


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interesting day

well my day started last night really. To get a better Idea though I'll give a bit of back history.

A friend has asked me to fix his car. It's a 1966 Chrysler, nice car but the old rubber needs replacing. Since there is very few people that can do the job correctly I get to do it.

In exchange for the work I am getting a 1991 Power Ram. Its a 4 x 4 that also needs some work. However in the meantime it is still his truck. So he uses it and while driving the exhaust breaks he keeps driving it breaks more and he runs over the exhaust pipe and breaks some stuff.

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Success sort of snuck up on me

For the vast majority of my life, I've felt like a failure. No matter what I tried, I failed at it, or at least that's how I saw it. Then, having nothing left to lose, I went looking for help for my rape, and then for my gender issues.

And a funny thing has happened since. I've made amazing amounts of progress on both issues.

First, with the rape, I can now ground myself through a flashback, and my nightmares have gotten much better.

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Muppet Therapy

I have been having a bad day, can't find the root cause and have spent most of the day retreating into sleep... oddly, the one bright spot today was watching The new Muppet movie... i'm not looking for anything...just observing the fact that the Muppets rock.

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This is quite interesting:

I hadn't taken it to quite the extreme that the author did, but he is exactly right.

The article mentions the Old Testament prohibition of homosexuality, but it is equally applicable to what the OT says about cross dressing.

There are lots of other examples of rules that people universally consider to be Christian commandments, when what they really are is cultural norms masquerading as morality.

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Why The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips By r

Why The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips By rachel76m Delay

By Stanman63
She sent me this e-mail

Hello Stanman,

Yep, my phone line went dead late Friday night or early Saturday morning. I had to wait until Monday to call ATT to place the repair order. I thought it was fixed while I did the call, but then it went dead again. Hopefully it will be resolved by Wednesday.

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I overheard some men enjoying this rather rude joke at a party on Saturday, so as part of the language studies that my brother and I are doing, I translated it into my semi-bad Spanish:

Una vez Caperucita Roja estaba caminando por el bosque, para llevar una cesta de cosillas buenas a su abuela. Caminaba sola cuando un conejo se acercá³ a ella y le dijo: "Me temo para te, Roja. Hay un lobo en el bosque y él podrá­a intentar herir te."

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I'm back from a brief hiatus!

Had a busy few weeks, mostly moving to another neighborhood. It was quite hectic, among other things. Didn't know if you guys missed me or not (I hope you did! ;_;) but I figured an explanation was in order.

In any event, I'll have another chapter of Ithycca done soon, then resume writing more of Scott Ryan's story in the Crossroads. I really haven't worked on that in awhile, and I'll most likely focus the next few weeks on that. Of course, it may not be released as fast as I normally do (which is fast!) but I'll be doing what I can while I unpack and get settled in.

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Transgender comics

After seeing that blog about misfile I thought I'd start one about other transgendered webcomics I know of. It's not many and please add to the list, because I like reading web-comics. Keep in mind I'm just putting the few I know that have updated somewhat recently.

The Princess: (Her personal site) the Drunk Duck site

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Whedonfest Fundraising Concert

Okay, as many of you know, this is the time of year when I start posting stuff about Whedonfest, the three day charity festival that celebrates the works of Joss Whedon and raises money for Equality Now and Kids Need to Read. If you are interested in coming to Whedonfest, which is being held near Nashville at a campground just outside of Scottsville KY, then please follow this link and check it out: Whedonitesunited.

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Got an amazing compliment today

My mom took me to Pennington's today to get a ladies bathing suit, and to say I got treated well is an understatement. When I told the sales lady I was transition, she told me she couldnt even see me as having ever been a boy, I was so feminine.

Neat, huh?

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Wiggo takes the Crit du Dauphine again

For those with an interest in things cycling, Bradley Wiggins has just won the Criterium du Dauphine for the second year running, and on current form could be a good bet for the TdF, for at least a podium place or possibly (dare I say it) an overall win. If so he'd be the first Brit to do so. This win also places him third in the UCI rankings, with Team Sky, the top ranked teams. Yep, cycling's full of rankers!

Well done, Brad.


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045) Busy Week

OK, so, I've been "out" for a while. Just about everyone knows about me, lots of people who passed me with only a casual glance were already seeing a girl... So it was time to take the next step and drop the male facade completely.

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Being safe

Last night as I drove to work, I listened to a marriage therapist talk about the different needs men and women have in a relationship. According to him, Men need to feel successful, women need to feel safe.

If that's true, then I really am a woman, because safety was the quality that was really missing in my marriage. I dont blame my wife, a lot of it was my fault - I was the one with the massive secret called "Dorothy", after all.

But regardless of fault or blame, the fact is that I never felt safe in my relationship with my wife.

Or with most other people, in fact.

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Puppy Power!

By Stanman63
My dog friend Moo-Moo recently gave birth to a passel of puppies. She is a German Shepard/Poodle mix with German Shepard markings, but the size of a Toy Poodle. The father is a black mongrel about her size. Talk about Puppy Power! Scrappy Doo, you have no way to meet their cuteness.

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hurt my knee last night.

At about 615 this morning I dislocated my knee, and unlike the usual when this happens, it stayed out for several minutes, leaving me in enough pain to have to call my supervisor for help. I spent the last 45 minutes of my shift having to move very, very slowly and carefully, doing light work as I went.

Hopefully, this is a one-off, and not a sign I'm going to get in further trouble with it ...

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I had a very strange evening

I went out to eat at a fast food restaurant and felt a bit lonesome and bored afterwards. So I did something I do once in a while and headed over to the nearby casino to people watch.

As usual when I do this, I leave my purse and money in the car, taking in only myself, my keys and my phone and a small amount of cash in case I get hungry.

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Shorted out a flashback at work last night

Last night, I started to have a flashback, and I found a new way to ground myself. I started clicking the button on my safety knife (its the knife I use at work to open boxes). The sound of the clicks somehow kept me from spiraling out of control.

Interesting, no?

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Sorry about the mix up

I'm sorry that the wrong story has been posted.
SamanthaK does all the posting for me, and she is visiting with a friend this week, and I think she was having a little bit to much fun when she made this mistake.
I've texted her and pointed out the problem, but I'm not sure when it will be fixed.
Please bear with us for the time being and I hope to have it fixed soon.



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Work progresses

Work progresses quite well, though slowly, as there is a lot of backstory in this chapter and I am hindered by both my shoulder and wrist, not to mention the occasional migraine. That and I am doing another edit on Tegan, to deal with a couple of issues that were noted. So I am a busy girl typing when I can and trying to keep my health up at the same time. It's just so much fun. Good thing I have practiced at one hand typing.

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Odyssey faith - my faith - a brief explanation

I get a lot of comments about the faith morality of Odyssey. I obviously support Christianity, but I do not believe it is exclusive, the only way to God. It is man who tries to limit access to God, not God.

True Christianity is the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Everything else is clutter. Faith is belief in God, a one on one relationship. Faith is God reaching out to us. For me Christianity is a good fit. THe problem with Christianity is religion. Religion is MAN making rules to limit God. Religion is the work of Satan to corrupt faith.

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Doubts - quite long

I suppose it was bound to happen. Nay, it was destined to happen. In fact I've done it to myself on purpose. In a little over a month's time I am set to begin hormone therapy, if I decide to go through with things. I purposefully set a time in motion for HRT as sort of a way to "put up or shut up" and it looks like shut up is about to win out.

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Snoopy & the Red Baron to return to the Emeryville mudflats

The artist, Tyler Hoare, plans to install them this weekend.

Not counting the time they were taken down as eyesores, he says they only last about 5 years maximum before the forces of nature destroy them. Some of his other creations have lasted as little as a day, because they were down at the waterline.

This may be the last time he can do it, though, as not only he is getting older, ( he's in his 70s), but there are only 3 posts left of the 20 or so that were there to mount his masterpieces on when he started.

For more, and pictures, go to:

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Don't be afraid.

The latest update of Wishful Thinking is not yet coloured, the artist has some school work she needs to do, so instead she has posted the rough pencil sketch, which actually looks awesome in my opinion.

here is a link to the latest comic.

Enjoy please.

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Two big pieces of news today

Well, just got two big pieces of news. First, the federal government has passed a law extending anti-discrimination protection to trans people, meaning we no longer have to worry about things like losing a job or being denied housing because of who we are.

The second big announcement is one that effects me personally. The Alberta government has announced that they will once again cover SRS. This means that once I get my 2nd opinion in December, I will go on the list, and once they clear the backlog, I will be whole.

I actually cried with happiness when I heard this.

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SRS funding re-instated in Alberta

Although I do not follow politics... a friend of mine does, and just mentioned to me something I thought I would pass on. Especially to Dorothy Colleen... and anyone else in Alberta.

The new Premier of Alberta seems to have broken with tradition in a big way, by re-instating funding for SRS patients in the province (up to 25 per year) -- without waiting to be forced into it by the legal actions still winding their ways through the courts.

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Denmark allows gay marriages... in church!

Spotted on Google+, shared by a prominent Googler (Kristoffer Sorensen):

The Danish Folketing has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a full ecclesiastical marriage service in the national Evangelical-Lutheran church for homosexual couples, to be instituted as a full, official marriage equal to that of heterosexual couples.

After a lengthy and sometimes heated debate, which ran some three hours over its expected time, 85 members voted in favour of the law, 24 against and with two abstentions.


Apparently, the reason the Folketing can rule in this way is that the Protestant Church in Denmark is a State Church.

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Coming soon, honest...

It's been a while, I know. Unfortunately, that's how life has been for far too long now. I have about 6,000 words written of the next chapter and the rest planned out ages ago. So why is it not up yet?

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Doubting myself

There are some trans people who somehow never doubt who they are, and can easily withstand any pressure to be anybody else.

But not me, I get moments of doubt.

When I was young, this doubt came partially out of fear - the fear that I had to be insane to have this feeling of femininity coming out of a body that was anything but female. So trying to disbelieve the feelings came a form of protection against that fear.

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The Indy: "...let's forget gender altogether."

There's an interesting comment piece in today's Indy. It mainly deals with gender roles in the workplace (so arguing from the WISE / MICE point of view1), but could be applied more widely:

Instead of fighting for gender equality, let’s forget gender altogether

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California - Prop 8

There saying on all the Net News spots thaT CALIFORNIA'S PROP 8 (SAME SEX MARRIAGE) IS HEADED TO THE FED SUPREME COURT IN WASH. DC. I just wonder if this will change the laws in both the states that voted for Same Sex Mar or voted against Same Sex Marriage like the voters just did in North Carolina reasonantly

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How much to write each day

In the past, it seemed as if I could knock out 5000 words a day without any problem. In fact, 5000 words was my minimum goal a day when I was working on my novels and those words seem to come with no problem. Now it seems that 2000 words is about as much as I can take and 3000 words is a chore. I don't know if maybe it is what I am writing that is causing such a lack of production or if I have been over extending myself.

I wonder, how many words do most writers get to each day? Is it every day? Every other day? Once a week?

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Nastily Exhausting Important Exams :(

Well tomorrow, my three-week stress fest commences as the biggest exam I will ever sit starts with English. Therefore, I won’t be on Big Closet (or the internet at all) until the 21st of June when I will be free for the rest of the summer. I cannot wait! The relief will be incredible! Anyway the first story I will be posting when I return will be Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch — Part VI, the final and concluding chapter of the fan fiction novel along with the regular posting of a new Crossdressing Charlie episode! So, um, yep! That’s it!

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My Plans (ragnarok rising update and sneak peak)

My Plans

Well, maybe a few folks in these parts are wondering whether I'll ever finish the final story in my Ragnarok Rising trilogy and the answer is: YES! Hunger Pangs, my entry in the DRU universe is completed, but I decided to post it as a serial as a sort of test run for possible future serials and I'm rather pleased with the results. In particular I really enjoyed the more speculative comments. It's interest for me to see where people think the story might be headed.

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When I'm feeling weak
and my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
and I know I'll always be blessed with love
and as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
and when love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

And through it all she offers me protection
a lot of love and affection
Whether I'm right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call , she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

Perhaps to the world you're just one more,
but you're all the world to me

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Worth a link to

This link is to the blog of an acquaintance of mine, Mark Evanier, who writes the Groo comic book and the Garfield television show among many other things. Mark is a whiz at words and here he does a marvelous job of expressing part of what I mean when I say, give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

Hugs to all,

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A peek inside my head

Well, I had a better day at work last night, and now I'm off for a couple, so I'm going to try and get a few things accomplished. But its not all rosy, as you can guess by the title of this entry, and that's because there are things in my head that kinda scare me, and I have a number of almost-mental-illness like conditions that are less than fun.

They include having some OCD-like traits -I'm not a neat freak, or a germ freak, but I have a number of "magic" little routines that seem to serve no purpose other than keep me calm. ...

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Had a great day today, though feeling childless and barren

I had a great day today, i went and visited one of my best friends, shes totally cool with me and treats me like nothing is different from me then her, though asks some awkward questions to learn which although awkward makes me very happy that she enjoys learning, about my transition.

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Janet Jackson to produce a documentary on Transgender

Janet Jackson to produce transgender documentary

June 4, 2012, 8:39 PM EST

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Janet Jackson has signed on as an executive producer of a documentary on the lives of transgender people living around the world.

New York-based Brainchild Films announced Monday that Jackson was working on "Truth" and would do some of the on-camera interviews. The documentary begins production this summer and will focus on the lives and struggles of transgender persons.

Bing: Miss USA supports transgender contestants

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No Bike tonight

Sorry folks, real life has intervened to prevent me having time to scribble tonight. Hope to do one tomorrow. Yesterday I drove up to see my daughter, today and tomorrow I have a visitor so have been busy. We did manage a nice twenty mile leg-stretch this afternoon on the bikes - rain forecast for tomorrow means we won't have that option again.

I'm really down on my mileage this year, only four hundred odd, a hundred of which I've done in the past fortnight.

Sorry about tonight, but I'm off to bed with two squabbling cats.

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"Fool Moon" Reviewed and Revised

My ebook "Fool Moon" has just been reviewed at as well as three 5-star reviews at Amazon! Coincidentally, at the same time it was reviewed, I was already doing a fine-tuning on the book that answered some readers' questions, and the New and Improved is now available, as all my ebooks are, at Amazon, Lulu, and Smashwords, as well as mostly available at Barnes Noble and iBookstore.

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Wow! What a dream

I felt like sharing a little bit before I go away. Lately I've been having a lot of dreams and remembering them, which really isn't that odd for me but I know some people would be envious. A week ago I had a dream that my Aunt was back living and approved that I bought a house. I was more worried that since she was officially dead and I spent the inheritance, she didn't have anything to live on monetarily (though she would always be allowed to stay with me). Anyway, that's not the dream I wanted to talk about.

First off, real life back story or the dream won't make sense.

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Congratulations to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and I

To all Her Majesty's subjects, and to all who honor her, I extend my feliciations on this joyous anniversary of her coronation.

To all Britons, Scots, Welsh, Irish, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and even Normans, I wish you all a pleasant and well earned hangover.

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