It's been seven years (and a day) since I officially joined the BCTS community and became a member. Although I've always been a writer and still make a pretty decent living writing ads, brochures, and other marketing material, Big Closet gave me a place to put my fiction out there so it could (hopefully) do what fiction is supposed to do – entertain, and (if I was lucky) say something unique about the human condition.
Over the years, posting here has helped me so much. The work I've done for Big Closet has sharpened my skills as a writer, helped me create some truly memorable people, and in the end, made me a better storyteller. Although my husband wishes I would have put all my energies into finishing my novel for publication instead of posting my work here, I have BCTS to thank for my being able to go back to the beginning of that book and start reworking it from page one, using everything I've learned here. Now, if that book ever does get published, it's going to be a better book than it would have been – because I found this place, and became a part of this community.
I've met some very special people here, and I'm lucky to have them in my life. So I guess, even though I've already used a lot of words to commemorate this anniversary, there are just the two I haven't said yet ... and those are the two that matter, most of all.
Thank you.
A big yay for one of my
A big yay for one of my favorite authors!
Same here,
what more is there to say?
happy anniversary!
congrats on the anniversary hon. I've loved all your stories so much, I've made sequels to two of them!
Three words from me...
...No! Thank YOU!
Love, Andrea Lena
I hope there's many more years ahead here, and lots more from you.
Big hugs,
Sorry Randalynn, I can 't accept that!
I think we have to 'Thank You' so very much for all your stories.
I think I'm almost 4 years, but never written anything but comments. One day, a story hopefully!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Thank you also.
I really do love your work and it has been an encouragement for me. My only complaint is that your output here has not been greater. :)
Seven years and a day ...
Have enjoyed your stories. Any plans to finish your ongoing stories?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Of course, Stan!
I'm not going anywhere, and I plan to keep writing and posting here for a good long time to come. Life's just been ... time-consuming lately.
Besides, I couldn't leave all my people to fend for themselves now that I've taken them this far. *grin* Where's the fun in that?
You've always been one of my favorite BCTS authors. Please, if you ever do publish that novel, hit us up here with a linky. You already have a strong fan-base for it here, whatever kind of story it is.
Abigail Drew.
Wow that's a long time. And
Wow that's a long time. And many stories :D Anyway, don't let your husband stop you, I certainly can't wait for your next story.
Thank you for all your writing,
I always find time to read your stories. They make me think and have the best characters ever! From Brown-Coats to Cat Burglars I love them all. If that wasn't enough your comments has helped others including me improve at this writing thing. So like so many others have said, NO! Thank you so very much!
Happy Anniversary
to a well respected author, may there be many more.
Randa... 7 years and a day!
That does make you one of the "Oldies" for the Top Shelf site! I do remember a few exchanges we have had over the years. Giggle, giggle...
I would also like to add along with the others commenting here and that is to Thank You for the wonderful stories you have posted here.
I joined the old classic site back in 2002 and according to my Top Shelf account page I have been a member for 7 years and 40 weeks, just a few weeks older than you Little Sis... More giggles...
You keep posting your wonderful stories here and save your special works for publication OK? I mean, to publish means you cannot have any copies online anywhere and that is a big shame.
Um, there are a few online publishing sites that don't seem to care that much and one big and very popular one is SmashWords I believe. Some pretty well known authors of many different genres publish their.
Huggles Randa and wishing you another great 7 years and more here at BCTS!
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Ack! I forgot to congratulate you, Randa
One of the nicest people here AND a damned fine writer.
Plus willing to tilt at windmills for us. Your occasional pieces that try to find justice for charcters abused in other's tales -- or based on them -- are always an eagarly awaited treat for me.
BTW I looked and as of today my account says I have been hear, um here, seven years and TWO weeks!
Nah na na na na na!
-- GRIN --
My hat's off to you Randa.... Um, do wear sunglasses. The glare off my head is quite strong this time of year.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. This calls for a celebration... A song and dance!
John in Wauwatosa
Congratulations Sis
My heart felt congratulations to a truly superb writer and a beautiful soul my beloved sister. I am also thankful for all the love and support you have provided me over the years, without it, there were times when I wasn't sure I could make it alone sis.
Keep on doing what you love and what you do best and you will be certain to have a loyal bunch of admirers that can't wait for your next story to be released.
With deepest affection, your sister,