On this special day of spirituality, I wish to be thankful for my 'cyber family'. Thank you Drea and Alison, commonly referred to as Mom and Gram. Without your support and wisdom, and good will, my little world would simply be filled with the pain of others. You have provided me with the love and advise that I haven't had in quite some time.
May you both have strength, full days, and all the blessings this life can provide...
A grateful, emotionally overcome, lil' Irish Brat
And to the friends I've made in our little community, I pray that your words never cease.
Kelly Blake,
I hope you know that you have a big cyber brother in me, lil' sis.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Moms can be our toughest hurdle
I know how you feel and can empathize with you. I could never amount to any thing good according to my mother. I had a brilliant military career, was in the Honor society in college, first one to graduate from a four year cfollege, never once did I hear her say anything positive.
When I transitioned I was reminded by her that she had two daughters and five sons and that I was not one of the daughters. We have no relationship at all.
My mom is the Queen of Denial (Cleopatra if you will). I used to do all I could to appease her and finally in the end I decided disconnecting with her and all my other relatives would be a healthymove for me.
In my story "The Uulogy" it was about me confronting my family, fortunately I see a therapist and don't have to fly to Bllings,Montana to tell my siblings and mom what they have really done to me.
Life is not alway perfect on daily basis, some days we eat thebear and other days the bear eats us. I consider any time I deal with my family its the bears turn to eat.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Kelly...sweet heart...
I can understand your need for an on line 'family' and support group. Certainly Drea and Alison are wonderful human beings filled with the wisdom of their time in this life. But Stainmale...a bro??? Dear girl...you are merciful!!!
Mea the Magnificent