TopShelf Blogs

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Overcome with grief

I became estranged from my family on Dec 23, 2004. I don't know whose Idea it was but recently I wrote a letter to my youngest daughter and her husband refused to take delivery, saying she did not want it. I took the loss of the family very hard and some of you will recall that I was hospitalized a half dozen times, tried suicide twice and spent 3 years on some very heavy psych drugs.

The last two years have been the happiest days of my life, until I wrote that letter.

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Reconciliation - at least in fiction

I just finished writing a story in which a slightly fictionalized version of me goes back to her hometown to re-connect with the people she left behind, and to lay ghosts to rest.

In the process, as I wrote a scene where she reconciled with her step-father, I felt a weight lift from me, as if I had managed to do the same in real life.

Maybe it was just fiction, but somehow, it felt like I actually accomplished something.

Make of that what you will.

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Hunger Pangs ebook cover and Ragnarok Rising update

Hunger Pangs eBook Cover

Well, over the last few days I've been compiling my stories into eBook and making them look all nice and 'perdy', but I ran into a bit of snag when creating the eBook for Hunger Pangs. The images I used as the cover here on BCTS just wouldn't work for an ebook well at least not and look good. The dimensions were wrong and they were too small. I really didn't want to recreate the images so I got to thinking and did a redesign of the cover using the existing images and combined them with a new image to make this:

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T. D. Aldoennetti’s Method or Style of Writing

T. D. Aldoennetti’s Method or Style of Writing

Hello Everyone,

As noted in one of my comments to a comment, Denise and I have finally decided the following material should be presented as a blog. Should Erin’s little Elves decide it would better serve the site as a FAQ or forum topic or ???? then they have permission to move it to that venue.

 §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

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I got a truck load of lemons this month.

Started of with getting a phonecall from my sister that my mom was heading to the ER with hartproblems. Gave us all quiet a scare but although she isn't up and ready to run a marathon, or just go to work,she's doing more or less OK. Only had to stay in the hospital over the weekend for observation and is already nagging again ;) >sad smile<. And I seem partially responsible for it due to the etra stress my workproblems are giving her :(

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Still not healthy

I have recently learned my left leg has several blockages in my vascular system. My walking has come to going about twelve feet and then pain up from the heal to the hip and as if it were on fire. I'm scheduled for Surgery in November. When my left leg has healed they are going to operate on my right leg below the graft they put in in April of 2011 . I'm doing as little as possible but I have a riding lawn mower so I have some me time as I ride about my lawn.

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Time to bitch about RL and day(ugh)job. Ignore if you want.

I know employment is a precious thing and I am lucky to even have a job in these trying times (not going in to politics here). In the last six months my employer seems to be doing their best to get rid of me.

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Intersex and A.I.S. documentary for non-Australians

The documentary blogged below, "Orchids: My Intersex Adventure" is not available for streaming outside of Australia, as many have found out. The US cable channel Showtime will be showing it September 17th and 30th, according to their site:

And go to the filmmaker's website for full information about the movie and a trailer that does play outside of Down Under:


Hmm ... "Outside of Down Under" ...story title?

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For Someone Who Asked - An Excerpt From A Teenage Jokera

Actually it's a scene from The Dinky Doos Investigate.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Tell me the best, Susie," Mikey chortled. "Have you been banished to the outer limits?"

"Au contraire, mon petit frère, I've been admitted to the inner sanctum. Behold - dad's newest trainee estate agent - and heir apparent."

"I don't believe you," Mikey spluttered.

"You'd better - I've got the tape measure and evidence to prove it."

"No, you haven't."

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Intersex and A.I.S. / Hermaphrodite Story and Family support

I have just watched a story (11th September 2012)on our national ABC Australian network, called -

Orchids: My Intersex Adventure.

I believe this may be of interest to Top Shelf members who relate to A.I.S.

The link is:

It should be there for about a week.


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New Universe.

Okay, I'm probably an idiot but I have new open universe for people to play in.

The premise is that magic is slowly coming back into the world. With some very interesting effects. Creatures from mythology are returning to the Earth, even the story book ones.

The Price of Betrayal and my currently ongoing 'Softly, Zephyr, Oh Come Softly' are in this universe.

If you have an idea please contact me and we'll discuss it.

That's all for now, other than the universe is called The Magic Returns'.

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If you're struggling with me being a girl (Posted on FB)

Just posted this on facebook where my sister-in-law follows my post:

If you are one of the people who are either conflicted or opposed to my transition, I'd like to tell you a few things.

First, Bless you.

You could have easily decided to just cut me out, have nothing more to do with me, but you're sticking around, and that's an amazing thing.

I'm going to assume you care, or you'd be gone, so let me try to explain the biggest thing about this transition.

I'm a better person for doing this.

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Creative drinking and doping

I am about to shock you all because I have done something that none of you would ever suspect of me. In years past, sometimes I would get good and smashed on beer and legal drugs and start writing. I've recently found more stories lurking on my hard drive that I had no idea I had written. I thought that "Houston, We Have A Problem" was a fluke, but after finding these others, I wonder what else is hidden on my drive that I have no knowledge of?

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2 Broke Girls

I just saw a commercial for the show 2 Broke Girls (I never heard of the show). The commercial caught my attention with the phrase "lesbian Justin Beiber." It went on with a character saying "I have a secret." The responses are "You are a woman trapped in a man's body" and "You are a little boy trapped in a little girl's body."

Here is the IMDb page of the actor with a secret.

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Firstly thank you for all the support, its very reassuring! I am doing my best to finish Nicole in a reasonable time frame without compromising my studies.
As to Ellen Hayes I will say when I wrote this story I Had never heard of Tuck or the author thereof so it's purely a coincidence. I'm working on finishing it well.
Once again thanx for the support!

Sydney Moya

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Wow, what a review

Like always... I check up on things, and just saw a brand new review of God Bless the Child on I can say that I was pleasantly surprised. I got a real lengthy and positive review. It was the second review from a verified purchase (the first being my mom over 7 years ago) but they really went above and beyond. That now makes a total of SIX five-star reviews. I am still looking for 4 more.

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The Cure... where did it go

As I often do, because I am anal retentive, the first thing I did when I got home was check to see my reads on my latest story, the cure. I notice that it had been removed from the front page. Is there a reason for this or an oversight? I already feel paranoid.

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Inspiration! Precipitation! Perspiration!

It's here, it's here!

You know that next part of Princess For Hire: The Second Semester that I promised, like, months ago?

It's finally written!

I've just sent it off to my official reviewer to read over before I post it, so expect it sometime late today/early tomorrow I guess, depending on how it is received by she.

No, it's not up to my old quality. Yes, it will get better. Heck, to be honest, I'm just glad I managed to sit down and churn out about five and a half pages in one sitting!

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Any Drop Dead Diva Fans?

Just finished the season finale. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but would love to dish about the finale and what it portends for next season. Are there any other fans? I figure a day or two before it would be okay to post what happened, and give fans a chance to watch it. :)



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Sales hit 9000!

Today marks the sale of my 9,000th book.
My heartfelt thanks to all those of you who have bought my books.

I now have twenty-eight titles on Amazon Kindle, eleven paperbacks on, one (ePub etc)on Smashwords and one paperback on CreateSpace.

Here's hoping to hit 10,000 by the end of October.


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Tut tut... it looks like Rain

Hey... guess what... It's raining again. :D

I just thought I would state the obvious and let you know that I posted the next chapter of 300 Rains. I am already working on the next chapter, as I said earlier, so there will be more of this. As you can see, the thot plickens. Who knows what is going on now? What madness is this? Poor Melanie has to wear another hat. Yay! So, clearly I have not been idle in my down time. There will be more, never fear. The end is drawing near and soon Melanie will be able to find out answers to all of her questions.

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Snap, Crackle and Pop?

Snap, crackle and pop may be good sounds to hear in your breakfast cereal, but not so much when its your body making it.

Yesterday, I noticed that my left shoulder makes some ugly noises when I try and rotate the arm, and things only seemed to spread from there.

First it went to my neck, actually causing me pain when I tried to stretch at work, and then my knees started doing it too, almost blinding me with pain.

Thank God for painkillers, but I'd prefer to have not too many days like that if there is a better choice.

Ah, well.

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Chris Kluwe responds to anti gay marriage politician

Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe responds to anti gay marriage Maryland politician. The Guardian gives a link in the blog to the full letter, forthright doesn't quite do it justice.

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What Foods You Eat IS Important!

I've blogged and commented about how some foods, that are greatly enjoyed by characters in many stories, are unhealthy. I've singled out bacon, because of it's additives, it's fat content and it's high heat preparation. I'm not really trying to save American Hogs; I'd rather help out and reduce the suffering of BCTS readers.

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Working retail blows! But not this weekend.

Woohoo!!! I am off the whole weekend! We are now fully staffed no more 12 hour days. Woohoo!!! Did I say that already. The family will be gone during the day on both Saturday and Sunday. Woohoo!!! Blessed peace and quiet me time. I want to work on some story ideas to post and take lots of naps! Woohoo!!!

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Made a good impression at work last night

Well, last night we had a new manager (dont know it this is a permanent thing or temporary) and I managed to make a good impression with my speed, my flexibility,, and my willingness to jump in wherever needed.

Then this afternoon I overslept and had to really hurry to get to pick up Sam on time and not ONCE did I berate myself, which would be the norm before. Instead I just did my best, and she was there just before I got there and everything was fine.

I think I'm starting to get some traction, and its all due to liking the person I see in the mirror, both physically and otherwise.

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Just FYI

The next chapter of 300 Rains is written and I have started on the following chapter. Once I edit it I will be ready to post it. It won't be tonight or tomorrow as I have a party tonight and tomorrow is my birthday. So I have things to do. But when I get to it you have another chapter of that and then I will finish up K&K 7. More happiness on the horizon for you all. Yay!

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How Girls and Women Really Speak (with link, below)

Like many BCTS authors, I work hardest at making my characters' dialogue sound real and unique to each character. Sometimes readers call me on the carpet, the usual complaint being that "real people don't talk that way". I believe they do; I constantly eavesdrop --especially at malls and schools--and listen critically to the word-choice and sentence structure and the general flow of real people speaking.

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What's in the works

Ok... I've decided that I want to be a professional writer. What, with three really good novels already completed (The God Bless the Child trilogy) I think I have a good foundation. As for the original book GBTC I have it available on Amazon, Lulu, and now Smashwords (After 2 hours of trying to figure out the editing and resizing the title page).

Wren is editing Growing Up Jenny (I hope I get an update).

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Save the SciFi

I discovered this site very recently, and thought some folks here might be interest: Save the SciFi

According to their blog, they are trying to get the publishing rights to old science fiction novels that are long out of print, with little expectation to be reprinted/published in the future. What's cool, is that people can join their club and get the right to vote on what is published next (in addition to getting a free copy of one book each month in ebook format).

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A Husband/Companion

As the years pass, it becomes increasingly painful and lonely to not have a husband/ companion. The need to talk this out and think about the practicality of the idea has grown really clear to me. So, earlier tonight, as I was out riding, I began to consider who that I know could offer the best council.

The Mormon Church has been wonderful to me; supportive, dependable and gentle. But are they my family? They say they are, and in the next months they will have the chance to show it.

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What's up doc!

So I went in to see my GP for some allergy relief (yes your teenaged son is allergic to grass not just a type of grass, all grass.) and he said he needed to get an update on all my particulars. Break here for background info.

Most Hispanic males are short. I on the other hand tipped the chart at 5’10” upper scale of height for my ethnic group. Hello all you shorties down there. That was the height on my license at sixteen that was the height I had always been right, right. Back to the doctors office.

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Now I understand BDSM

Previously, I had thought that "Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism" were, creepy, perverted and lewd. However, today I had an epiphany about it, at least some of it.

I have often joked about needing a spanking, and finally understood that being raised in a loveless, brutal childhood, I came to see being beaten as a sort of affection.

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Wish me luck

Well tomorrow or Saturday I am sending off my query letter for the Young Adult novel I have written. All the positive thoughts you all could generate would be appreciated. Granted that my first foray into the publishing world did not go so well, I believe this story has a lot more going for it. The story appeals to a wider audience and this field is open to a lot of interesting storytelling. I think I might fit right in.

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Accidental Editing

Four or five of us have editing priveleges for comments. Usually this is used to prevent comments from destroying the look of the site by editing any bad HTML. If you think about it, you will realize that we have to have this capability. Usually, we leave a note when we edit something like this: [Redacted bad HTML - Editor]

When someone is half awake, as Piper was last night, it is possible to hit the edit button instead of the reply button and then hit the save without realizing that one is not on the screen one thought one was on.

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Any interest in eBooks?

Any interest in eBooks?

So, I decided to make eBooks out of my stories. Originally, my intent was to create them so that I could put them on my tablet for my own use (for reference purposes), but I got to thinking that maybe other folks might like to have copies.

So I guess what I'm wondering is would people be interested in having a copy of my stories in epub, mobi or pdf format?

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Something exceedingly stupid.

So, a good friend of mine at church, mostly figured me out, or at least I thought she did. But, later she told me she had not and to have me talk to her about it was really jarring to her. I've been with this church for 18 months and am extremely happy. Now this latest stupidity on my part feels really awful and I am very frightened of the consequences.

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And you think you have problems

Went to funeral for my uncle yesterday. Was there crying my eyes out and not really all that able to walk after when my brother makes a fuss over my choice of clothing. Simple pink shirt and black dress pants. So he pushes me outside as he wants me to leave, since I wasn't all that steady I was in no shape to drive.

So after he pushes me I push back when he punches me in the mouth really hard.

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Might be disappearing for a while

I was taking a shower, and when the water hit my right leg, a very large piece of skin fell off My doctor says this could be a sign of infection in my leg and sahe wants me to go to the hospital. If you don't hear from me for a while, I'm probably there!


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When the heck did I start looking so good?

Went out for coffee with a friend yesterday, and caught sight of a pretty woman while outside looking in.

Then realized, the pretty woman was me.

I looked good.

When the heck did that happen? When did I start looking so good?

I've even noticed my walk is more feminine now, and its not like I spend a lot of time practising. It just ... happened.

I dont think I've ever been happier, and it wouldn't have happened without the amazing support I've recieved from "team Dorothy."

Thank you. Thanks and beyond thanks.

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Strange thing happened today. First time in over 20 years.

This morning I was going to my office and a lady... basically kind of street vendor... said near me "Miss, would you like to buy..." (it does not matter what she was trying to sell). I looked around, and yes, I was the only other person in 20 meter radius... Jeans, fleece jacket, not exactly cleanly shaven. In no way trying to look female.
Last time it happened more than 20 years ago, but then I was young, slim, blonde and beautiful ;-)

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Need advice

I kinda need advice right now.

See, since all the recent flashbacks, I uncovered some new memories, and now I have this urge to tell them to someone, as a way of getting them out.

But I'm not sure about publishing them here, as many people have had enough of their own nightmares that they dont need mine as well.

Would you recommend publishing, or not?

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Stories: when tears are appropriate

This morning I found one of my stories in Random Solo. I was surprised to see it there because I had previously felt so embarassed with my early work, that I did not want it to be seen.

Reading it took me back more than 10 years to before I transitioned. And yes there were the usual word order problems and awkward sentences.

One thing that struck me was how easily Credence was driven to tears. In the past, I have been critical of other authors in their liberal use of the tear in their stories. Now it looks a bit like the pot calling the kettle black! GAD ZOOKS !

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I have to stop....




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DC comics Question

I see that they are pairing up Wonder Woman and Superman. I don't read comic books for a couple of decades now, but didn't they make her a lesbian a couple of years ago??? I do think they are a natural pairing though....I'm also sure the idea has been around since they both existed :)


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best present

Hi everyone I haven't blogged for a while but just had to share my experience I had yesterday, It was fathers day here in Australia and I was invited to my daughters house for lunch, The difference is I am living full time as a woman and I pass without any problem.My daughter took me shopping for make up at the local shopping center. I am still on a high as i write this blog.

Hugs to all Carla (Roo)

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fingerless gloves

Last night when I got to work, I noticed a dispenser beside the gumball machines with the logo "Trendy girl" on it, and since whatever it sold only cost a 2 dollar coin, I figured what the heck.

It was a pair of fishnet style fingerless gloves.

So before work, I decide to put them on, and I had a reaction I dont get very often.




My self-confidence rose, my tiredness lifted, and generally it was an amazing boost, which I really needed after spending dinner at my brother's place and have to listen to my family use male pronouns for me ....

Ah, well.

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Be careful, I'm in a really, really bad place tonight. It might be a very good idea not to read this.

I’m trying to write a story, but I’m so ANGRY! I was visiting some relatives, and I heard somebody talking about “those Transgender freaks, and how anyone who would let their child think he is transgender should have their ass kicked.”

My own family.

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Looking for Reviews on Amazon

As I've mentioned in an earlier post.... God Bless The Child is available on Kindle.

If you have read this book, whether or not you liked it or not, I would appreciate a review on

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WTF? Where is Bike 1801

I know bikes get stolen regularly, but surely this hasn't happened to my latest episode has it? I posted it last night and when I went to bed it was still there - this morning - gone.

Anyone who knows of its whereabouts please let me know.



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Anyone Looking to BE a roomate?

Anyone looking to BE a roommate?

I have a short window of opportunity to purchase a Mobile Home from a friend at a low monthly rate direct from him.

It's in North Vernon, IN about 65 miles South of Indianapolis and I can't afford the Mortgage + Utilities and Food on my own. I'd bee looking for someone that could contribute between $300 and $400 per month which would include rent, electric, water + sewer and internet.

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I Got A New Job Yesterday!

I have some wonderful news! I start a new job in 3 weeks working for an organization that provides job training for veterans who are transitioning out of the Military back into Civilian life or have been out of the military for a while, but need re-training to meet the demands of the modern technological job site . I am so excited for this wonderful opportunity!

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"You're very feminine"

That was the verdict of a co-worker, adding that trying to go back to being male would be "living a lie" for me.

So why is that a big deal? The co-worker in question is a high-functioning autistic person and pretty much incapable of lying, so that's her true opinion, not because she wants to make me feel good or anything.

Nice to get that kind of recognition, you know?

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Damn, I'm Jealous!

Meet the latest sensational androgynous model, 20-year-old Stav Strashko.

Japanese tastes in fashion and popular culture are often described as... strange, but it makes things like this ad possible.

Yes, that's an official Toyota ad. Like, from shown on television. The tagline on screen translates to, "Not in trend, not casual, not for everyone.” Fun, no? Also, no one in Japan is trying to burn down Toyota's factories over this. Can you imagine this ad in the U.S.? LOL

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I finally have a date for Surgery

I've been living with a lot of pain for the last two years. The rotator cuff in my left shoulder is pretty torn up. I've been able to function, barely. Yesterday I received word surgery to repair it has been approved. Yeah!

September 24 I go under the knife.

This is critical for me. I have at least two surgeries too get through before I can even contemplate SRS. I'm happy this is finally under way! December I should be able to have surgery on my right ankle. That means I'll be on track for SRS sometime late next year!!

Please, keep me in prayer.

Love, Hugs, and Blessings

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So I was supposed to go out this evening with a friend...

For those of you that don't know, Bill has been in the hospital for 7 days now... I won't go into what got us there, but he has a UTI, a pretty bad one, and he should be going from hospital to Nursing Home, and from there to another Long Term Nursing Facility...

I don't get out of the house much... In the last several months, I've only been able to go about 2.5 blocks from the house, due to the fact that I'm Bill's 24/7 caregiver when Bill is at home, and we don't have a working car.

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one foot in front of the other

Had a bit of a tough moment today, where all the stress of my mom's job, our potentially losing this place, and a realization that I might just possibly be attracted to men all hit me at the same time.

Fortunately, Tels was there to talk to me on the phone, and she recommended I get up off the couch where I had been huddling, stand up, and walk with one foot right in front of the other, tightrope style.

It helped.

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I'm back.

Hey all Jenn here. Well I have been away for awhile, most of the time I access the BCTS site through a smart mobile device. It has more privacy than a computer and I can control who has access to my data. Smart phones have come a long way and other than a 4.3 inch screen I can do most of my mobile computing on one but they do go wonky occasionally. This is what happened to my last device so for awhile now I have been only able to read stories and post short comments with an older device I had until my new one came in. I am now back on the air and will be posting and messaging again whoop!

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A strange breakfast

I just got back from going out for breakfast with my mom, and it was a strange experience. Our server was not only a cheerful and talkative young lady, she seemed to want to touch me as often as she could - rubbing my back, my arm, and once actually sitting in the booth beside me.

I have no idea why.

Otherwise, it was an okay day, I got my blood work done, so that's one more step taken care of.

Each step, even a baby one, is a good one, I think.

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Being a gift from God

During my last down period, several Christian friends remind me of the meaning of the name Dorothy - A gift from God. During dark times, its hard to see myself in that light, but every once in a while I get a little bit of a reminder that yes, I'm a gift, a special creation, loved and cherished in ways beyond my meagre understanding.

I dont know if I will ever know all the answers to the "why am I like this?' question, but I can trust that there is a reason, a purpose for me being the person I am, and that said purpose is a good one.

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Update of current work

Just so you are all aware, I am working on Chapter 7 of K&K as well as I am 797 words into chapter 44 of 300 Rains. So, there will be an update of that story as well in the near future, as things go along. By and large I am feeling alright, with nothing seriously impacting my typing ability. Sure, I can't walk much but that is in favor of the whole writing thing. :)

Once I am done with the writing and editing I will get those stories out to you, as well as the updates on Transitioning Home. It should be fun and plenty of reading for all of you.

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Beta Readers (or editor)?

I recently posted a story I had written a couple of years ago. I've been writing part two (probably of three) and am wondering if there are a couple of people who might be willing to give what I've written a read and offer suggestions/comments. I'm not completely done, but I imagine it will be done tonight or tomorrow (part two, that is).

It's current'y about 6300 words, and needs a few more pages to finish up, if that matters.

Anyway, I thought I would put the word out now so that I'll have the addresses once I'm ready to get some feedback, in case there is interest.


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Why was my blog removed?

Every once in a while quotation marks and apostrophes seem to do this to stories. I was just curious as to why this happens. Sometimes, it gets cured. This is from the latest episode of Bike.

"á¢â‚¬Å“I thought that was only when I did the cookingá¢â‚¬”talking of which itá¢â‚¬â„¢s Davidá¢â‚¬â„¢s day off, so I suppose I suppose Iá¢â‚¬â„¢d better see whatá¢â‚¬â„¢s in the fridge.á¢â‚¬ " This was from the latest episode of bike.

It's fixed now. Just wondering. That's all.

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50,000 words

50,000 Words

Well I took a look at my current word count on the third story in the Ragnarok Rising Trilogy 'Destiny' today and I realized something. I have over 50,000 words which makes it my longest tg story yet. Hunger pangs is somewhere around, 38,000 words, Incompatible is around 27,000 words and the revised version of Transfigured is about 16,000 words.

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Hard hats and Pony tails

Well, I finished my first shift at the new store, and it was okay, despite some glitches to start with. After being told I had to come to my old store first, it turned out I dont - which I didnt learn until I was already at the old store. Once I got to the new store, and found someone to let me in, the day went well, and I think I accomplished a pretty good amount.

I didn't mention my transition to anyone, so I have no real idea what they think of when they're looking at me, but I suppose it doesnt matter, as long as they are polite to my face.

Princess and the Jock rewrite

after a busy summer of fun, I'm starting to get back to writing. This is hard after an eight month absense.

I am reworking/rewriting Princess and the Jock. I'm going to try something new with it since a majority of you hated what I was doing with it last time. of course you may not like it this time either, we'll see.

It may be a while before I post any of it because I want to get at least a dozen chapters written before I begin posting.

Just wanted you all to know that I haven't forgotten the Saga of Erika. ; )


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Neuroscience, Guilt and Innocence

I listened to "Science Friday" (USA-NPR) last friday; on the program was a neuroscientist talking about his research and a new book of his. There was a link to his article in the 2011 Ideas section of the Atlantic Monthly. I read the article, mainly about his 2011 book, and was impressed.

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getting stronger, just in time

I feel like I'm slowly getting stronger again, and its a good thing. I might need the extra energy the next two weeks as I'm going to a new store to help get it set up. Being with strange people, wondering how well I'm passing, trying to work in an unfamiliar store - it could be very interesting ....

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And the father of the year award goes to...

I found an interesting article about a father who started wearing skirts and dresses to support his son's desire to wear them.

Now if that father isn't great to be secure enough in his own masculinity to do this, I don't know who is.

grtz & hugs,

Sarah xxx

ps: but all in all, I do hope my father won't start wearing dresses to support me :p Everyone would think he's pregnant! At his age! :o

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God Bless the Child on Kindle

I think I got the formatting right and am now offering God Bless the Child on Kindle(edited and reworked a little). For those of you who would like to help, buy a copy or at least leave a glowing review. I am offering it for 5.99, though that might be a bit pricey. I need to know where else I can offer the book. I lost all my bookmarks for ebook pubs. I am hoping someone discovers what I wrote and maybe I can go somewhere.


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