There are people on this site who have been through (or are going through) more pain than I can even imagine.
People here who know full well that they have been classified as the wrong gender, but cannot change it for many different reasons.
People who have lost everyone and everything, some by transitioning, some without.
People who have been in horribly abusive situations that have left scars that will last a lifetime.
People who are fighting mental illness.
People who have serious health issues or disabilities.
People who are dying.
Then there's me. Miss queen of the overreaction. The one who came to this site originally crying about how she was fighting a drive toward the feminine that she didn't understand and didn't want.
The one who, once she became more convinced she was a she, cried about the impossibility of transitioning, of passing, of any kind of real life acceptance.
The one who cant seem to get over events that happened four decades ago.
And the one who seems to find the cloud for every silver lining.
Well, no more. From now on, I'm going to count my blessings, be grateful more, and look for the positive.
Wish me luck.
Just as long as you stop falling asleep while I talk to you on the phone.
Good luck...
My road's not been the same as yours, but I'm still struggling with the impossibilities of passing and real life acceptance. And I'm still staring at clouds.
Abigail Drew.
May Karma give her blessing
Dorothy, as the title says May Karma give her blessing as being an optimist is somewhat hard to do at times. It is true that some of us here are worse off than others and some are stuck in a rut, However we all can be free when we come here and Erin is a blessing in disguise for hosting this wonderful site for as long as she has.
May everyone find some measure of peace and comfort here.
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
I wish you the best. We all walk a different path than the one beside us. Sometimes they cross but are never exactly the same for no two are ever alike.
As you walk your journey there will always be the pitfalls that come before us. The hills and mountains we have to climb and once we make it over we look into the horizon and still see more awaiting.
The difference is how we see whats ahead. Some are able to make it better than others. Others don't even want to try before they've even started. But remember this. For every hurtle you make it through it makes you stronger. Oh we stumble from time to time but if you can pick yourself up and continue onward then you are doing more than others who haven't even tried.
If there's a cloud covering your silver lining get a bar of soap and hope for rain. Cleanse yourself and continue on.
I once had an argument with myself. I'm not sure who the winner was.
Hey G*D
As the saying goes "from your mouth to GODS ears"I hope she is listening to your prayers
I wish you well on this adventure
P.S. about time you found out you are not the worst case and people do love you
I for one am not one of those...
..."my pain is worse than yours" types. Yes, I struggle with a disability. Yes, I'm depressed right now. Yes, I too complain about the inability to pass and keep a running inventory of all the things wrong with me (badly curved spine, bad skin, big nose, huge hands, etc.)
But I would in no way accuse you of being "Miss Queen of Overreaction"--for all I know, your problems are worse than I can ever imagine, and I'm the one that's overreacting. At the very least, I'd qualify for Miss Congeniality in any "drama queen" contest. So you are far from alone, and as you've already been told, you have a haven here where you can vent to your heart's content if you have to.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

You are woman.
Now roar, that I might hear.
Excellent, Dottie
Sounds like you are succeeding despite part of your mind trying, full time, to undermine your efforts. Not a criticism; don't worry!
When I read your post and all the comments, I thought of what my best ever therapist used to say All the Time, (yeah, I got sick of it, but it still works!):
It's All Good!
Love and the best of Luck!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
There are people on this site ....
May everybody find the peace/strength/wisdom to be who they are.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Just know you are loved
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
people on this site...
We've all got things to cry about. Whether it's a disability, abuse, inability to be our true selves, regrets at wasted time, what have you. I sure have mine. But it sounds like you're on a healthy change of mindset.
Consider yourself wished a whole truck load of luck, Dot. :)
Angel Lisa
Good for you Dorothy! we all have bears to cross... um...vice versa... but we also have great blessings to count. just do your best and know you have people who love and support you.
Hugs Sis,
Read this right after you posted, but had to think about it.
Thank you Dorothy for saying this, lately I've been bitching about work to often. But I have a home, a job and I have healthcare for my family. Some people I know here don't have any of that. I will join you in trying to be more positive, sure I still have issues but I can try and keep smiling and laughing. Does the plumbing problem weigh me down yes but anything I will do about it is very long term so "What, me worry?". In the mean time I will continue to enjoy my time here with the friends I've made, where I can be myself. Looking for that silver lining, Jenn. ~.o
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair