I have a busy day ahead of me, our cycling club has its AGM this morning and guess who's secretary? Hopefully, I've prepared for everything except the unexpected. So that's the morning fully occupied trying to take minutes and then make sense of them afterwards. I won't be in the tight skirt and blouse traditional of office wear - can't ride a bike in them.
Then, we usually go for a ride in the afternoon stopping for lunch at a pub.
This evening, I've booked to see Skyfall, the new Bond movie as I haven't been to the cinema for ages thought I'd treat myself. So, I can't guarantee to have time to scribble another Bike tonight, instead I'll be watching the world's greatest alpha male in action. No not Bonzi, amusing as that might be - the name's Bonz, James Bonz - miaow!
Day off
As much as we (your adoring and faithful fans) will miss our daily Bike you deserve a day off. Just wish I could join you at the movie - love that Bond.
Hugs, Sarah Ann
Please Give Us A Review
I want to go and see it when it comes here, but it's always much more interesting to get a friend's opinion than one of those head-up-their-backside critics,
Take care of yourself Ang ...
An AGM on a Sunday. Crickey! I can see the logic and all that, only day that some working people can get off, blah, blah, blah. Sounds to me more like the precursor to a good pub lunch. Hope it didn't rain. We got soaked and cut short the ride, too cold for some, to wet for others and too windy for me. (I've got used to hills now, it is after all, Wales.)
Enjoy the film,
Hi. Enjoy your socialiing today.
I have been remiss in commenting for awhile, and wanted to correct that now. I look forward each day to your "scribbles" as my first step in decompressing from my day of running back and forth to the nursing home to be sure my mother eats and is settled before I leave. I appreciate all of your efforts, not just Bike, and look forward to each of them.
Thank You!
Angharad's Busy Day
Okay, so you are going to see Bonzi Bond in Skyfall. Are you one of Bonzi Bonds beauties? or has he gotten Catwoman for the part/ LOL :)
May Your Light Forever Shine
I get to play
M for Mummy!(Not as in the curse of!)
I Can See
The Judi Dench in you, but you'll have to go much greyer, young woman,