Worlds are colliding:
Or should I say, my worlds are colliding and I never thought that I would see the day it would happen.
It was one thing to talk to my aunt about being GID, I knew she would love and accept me no matter what.
It was another thing to tell my mother about being GID, because I really could give a rats ass about what she thought and secretly pray that she dies in a horrible combine accident, feet first.
But now it seems that the world of Tiny, the big Christian wrestler who speaks his mind for what is right and was quite a popular guy back in the day, is smashing into the world of Katie, who has been relegated to existing primarily on the internet, counselor's office and behind closed doors where no one can see her cry during sad scenes of cartoons (I'm emotional, what can I say).
But, I did something I wasn't planning on. I shared Katie with those who know Tiny. I didn't come right out and say, "Hey, guess what guys, I'm a chick in a dudes body." That really wouldn't be my style. What I did do is introduce Tiny's world to my writing and it is going to get fairly obvious, pretty quickly, that in the very least I have some questions about gender. Last people I told had me arrested and robbed me blind. What will people who might feel betrayed by the existence of Katie do. Will I wake up one day and see the village outside my door with pitchforks and torches? I might, and it might not be for being TG so bad example. But I find it interesting, that a person who has spent a lifetime of keeping secrets has become so careless.
Wanting to be found out.
Perhaps at some level, you're sick of the deception, the lies, and the hiding?
I know I made a conscious decision to stop lying, but perhaps yours is only subconscious, yet?
Abigail Drew.
I think we are sharing this experience to an extent...
I came out to HR at work,a they are having "Diversity Training". I suspect this is my time, since the signs have been there for all to see.
Adding to the weirdness, the managers at Raytheon have declared we will work every weekend and every day, excluding Thanksgiving, Xmas Eve, and Xmas. Since I am 3rd shift this means I will go in 10PM on Thanksgiving and Xmas, damnit.
K.T. Have you thought that
Tiny might accept you?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Tiny is Katie!
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
One step at a time
coming out seems to have many reactions from those around us. Some are negative, which in a way is good because you learn who your real friends are, The positive reactions are ego boosters and make on feel good about what they are doing. When I came out at work, I met the zealots who wanted me to know God is not happy, but most of all I found support from people I never even knew.
You are doing what is comfortable for you and that is important.
The nay sayers can be ignored. Admitting your GID is not a crime is a part of you ready to express your true being.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
It is very hard to trust, I'd wager.
Your efforts to open up have brought you betrayal. I cannot imagine what you're going through, but I would expect others here who have been through this can share from their own experience. I can pray, though, and send good thoughts, which I will. Anne
Disclosing can....
...have its pitfalls, to be sure, and if they figure out you're trans without your having to tell them, it can be worse yet. I've lived in the same town, and the same apartment complex, for all but a year and a half of my transition (going on fourteen years now). In the early years, the rumors about me could get pretty crazy, and pretty vicious:
--I was a disgruntled ex-husband who was so bitter toward my ex that I "turned transvestite." (Heck of a way to get back at someone, wouldn't you say? What did they think my plan was--sue for custody of her wardrobe? And I've never been married.)
--And here's a beauty: I'm in a wheelchair because of a "botched sex change." (Not only is such an occurrence unlikely, it's only a few parsecs off from the real reason I'm in this chair--cerebral palsy). Normally I could laugh these things off, but this rumor did me harm, in that it lost me a friend. My next-door neighbor at the time believed the rumor, and was very cold toward me for most of the time I knew him. You see, he thought I was taking advantage of the system, and drawing disability for a "self-inflicted" problem.
When he was told differently, he became so upset he couldn't sleep for days, or so I heard. He ended up sending me a lovely apology card that I still have. I sent one back, saying he had restored my faith in human nature.
Sadly, we never really got to be friends. He died shortly thereafter, so I missed a chance to know a really sweet guy. I'll never forgive that anonymous gossip for that.
So, K.T., I do acknowledge disclosure can be risky. But don't be too quick to write off those who initially reject you. They may well surprise you.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Combine accident?
How extravagantly gory. :) I am reminded of that scene in the movie Universal Soldier (?), where the nasty supersoldier gets ground up by the threshing machine on the farm and loads of bloody chunks fly out of it. ^_^
In the case of a combine harvester, it could give new meaning to "feeding the plants" and "going to pot"... :D
Katie AKA Tiny
Please be careful Good :-)luck
as always I stand behind you Hugs Tiny AKA Katie XOXOXO RICHIE@