Most words in a day?
Here a few weeks back when I was pounding away on my keyboard working on 'Destiny' I broke my own personal record for most words written in a day. On that day I wrote a little over 4000 words, but most days I'm lucky to get 1000 words in. Typically, even on my worst days I can force out about 500 words, but there are a few scattered days where I cannot even finish a single sentence. Generally, anything that gets forced out is either heavily revised, discarded or completely rewritten, but I'd rather force something out then not right anything at all.
Anyway, I was wondering about the folks hereabout... What's the most you have ever written in a day?
I have never written that much before or since. I am collaborating with another author on this site on a story and I banged out the prologue some time back when I had a weekend off.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
but that was like seven years ago in college when I could live on no sleep and junk food. And I spent the next three days editing what I had put down. But hell, most of the text survived in one form or another.
When I am in the groove I can do 4500 a day. Always try to do at least 1500 a day even if it sucks. The trick is to not get out of practice, much easier to cut than to add.
21,550? Now that's pretty darn impressive.
Have a delightfully devious day,
It all depends on how focused I am on a single story
I tend to be able to get many many more words out when I skip around between ideas than when I simply sit and concentrate on one single story or concept. Back when I was writing at my peak, I could sometimes do as much as 4 or 5 thousand words in a single sitting, especially without distractions like the internet at hand (it being my biggest distractor, games taking a marginally close second.) Any more, though, I'm lucky if I can pound out about 2 to 3 thousand in a day, and that will usually be followed up by as much as two weeks without touching any of my stories at all.
Melanie E.
I am almost constantly letting myself getting distracted. The Internet the most prominent among them, but oddly if I find myself robbed of my web access I actually have a hard time getting anything written.
Have a delightfully devious day,
We're all amateurs
compared to Jack Nicholson's character in The Shining. You know, when he was writing that novel (or supposed to be) and just filled a book with nothing but "all work and no play make Jack a dull boy"? That looked like a 20,000 word day right there. **Sigh**
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
lol... ^_^
If only it were that easy!
Have a delightfully devious day,
A few good words?
...truth? I can't handle the truth. Don't mind me; I haven't had two of my meds since the storm hit. :)
Love, Andrea Lena
I once managed
10,000 in a day, but spent practically the whole day writing and was wiped out at the end of it. I usually write 1,200 - 1,500 most days and regularly knock out 4-5,000 words. My biggest inhibitor/obstacle is working quite long hours to keep two cats in the manner to which they have become accustomed!
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
10,000 words in a day? I'd be absolutely thrilled if I was able to write that much. Work tends to drain away my own creative energies so I can understand that.
Have a delightfully devious day,
I once researched and wrote a
I once researched and wrote a 10, 000 word essay with formal
grammar and feetnotes in a day but there was zero creative
Ps didnt do anything else either
Writing formal essays
I find formal writing difficult, so to me that is quite impressive.
Have a delightfully devious day,
If I'm really into it I write about 1000, maybe 1500, words in an hour. The most I wrote in one day was roughly 6000 words I think. I'm not completely sure. However, I don't write very regularly and I have a hard time really getting into it, which means that on average I don't write much in a week. A productive week, for writing that is, would mean I did 10 000 words in a week. I also have many weeks where I don't write anything at all.