Okay, so I set the record with writing three episodes in one day. I also received loads of good wishes from my friends here, for whom I write.
As birthdays go, it went and I've had better. I had to attend hospital for a redressing on my back which wasn't hurting until they poked it and me around. I cycled to hospital, wearing my Superman tee shirt, which cracked them all up and they conceded I was probably doing better than expected. I did try to explain about being a superhuman (except for cycling up hills!) but....
I bought a new winter coat as a birthday prezzie to me, it's red and my ex told me not to wear it with black boots or I'd look like Mother Christmas! I still like my coat.
The best bit was coming home and finding my son had sent me a large bouquet of flowers, which nearly had me in tears, although this time of happiness.
Then finally, I cooked some sirloin steak, once I'd prised a cat sized magnet off the fridge door. It looked just like Bonzi! We don't eat a lot of meat, mainly fish, so it was a treat. It also proves Omega 3 oils don't do much for boosting intelligence, the amount I eat, I'm practically floating in them and still as daft as a brush!
Thanks to all my well wishers,
Angharad & Bonzi Kiddle.
Thanks for Three
Well, I'm sure I can speak for many, when I say I appreciated you making the effort to set a new record. The only issue is that you may have set expectations a little higher. :-)
BTW - I understand there's a direct link between intelligence and daftness (or I like to think/hope so anyway).
All my best,
Supposedly intelligent
Apparently, I'm supposed to be intelligent, but then what do I know? You seem to think I'm mad hopping over La Manche to France, but then I do think there's a direct correlation between intelligence and madness. Most intelligent people don't like Madness (well, perhaps Night Boat to Cairo).
Most people thought of as being genius are often quite deficient in common sense, maybe it's not madness, but it's not far off.
I reckon you're after praise from us here because sitting down writing all that prose got you into trouble with the medical people, still I really do hope it's getting better.
I have an intense dislike of birthdays and Christmas. Birthdays because it signifies that I'm now apparently a year older and isn't there something I'm supposed to do as I grow older? Ah yes, grow up.
'Fraid not. Growing old is mandatory, growing up is something to do as a last resort.
I suspect you feel the same.
As for Christmas, with my birthday firmly planted in the star sign of Sagittarius and just ten days from Christmas, most of the gifts I received were supposed to be combined, so I got pretty miffed most years when having foregone a birthday prezzie, I would wind up with no more than my siblings, but rest assured, they'd been seen alright when their birthdays came round.
Nowadays, I couldn't give a hoot for the prezzies (he lied), but it's just become a big festival of commercialism. The meaning has been lost and is being further eroded as time goes by. Plus most kids realise that with central heating and no chimneys, the arrival of a fat bloke in red who drops off presents via the non-existent chimney pot, is all baloney.
Cynical I may be, but I prefer realist.
Continue getting better and regaling us with your prose.
birthday dysphoria
Nick..... I really do feel sorry for anyone born that close to Christmas, getting shorted on goodies
thanks to poor timing on the part of their parents (Oh, had your mother possessed the foresight
to say "Not tonight Dear, it's nine months before Christmas!).
I have a suggestion: Change your birthday! Just go down to the records place and explain to them
that in your heart of hearts you really feel---you just know!---that you should have been born
sometime in May, that you feel trapped in the wrong Zodiac sign. I'm sure they'll oblige...
It's never too late to be the magnificent Taurus you were meant to be!
~~~hugs, LAIKA
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Ten days, piffle!
Now, MY birthday is seven days before Christmas, my uncles is six days before Christmas and I had a Grandmother whose was Christmas Eve or was it on Christmas?
Now those are bad birthdays.
That and this year I catch up with Sputnik -- To be honest I was alive when it was launched, just very wet and warm at the time until Mommy evicted me from her uterus on Dec 18, a natural birth at that. That I'll teach her not to watch Jack Parr.
Fifty. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg!
I feel better now.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Old age
The grandson I'm raising has a b day on the upcoming 9th. And he's not the oldest, at just turning 13. My dad's and a niece are on the 15th. My stepdaughter's is the 5th.
I was long in school when you were born, child. Does that make you feel better?