I posted Part 3 of my story The Accident, and now I can't find it anywhere. What happened to The Accident - Part 3 that I posted earlier? I cannot repost it without writing it over, and now there is no train of thought for Part 4. Will somebody please tell me what happened to my post?
Missing chapter....
Yeah Barbara, I read it earlier, now I can't find it either. Unfortunatly I didn't save it. Was a nice chapter though. Hugs Taarpa
As I PM'd you, I found it by
As I PM'd you, I found it by clicking on the link for stories this week
It seems .....
It seems it got "Unpublished" thankfully I'd read it earlier so I pulled it up out my history, a quick click and it's back :)
Re: Serial chapter missing.
You will find it here:
Do NOT Make us your only resource!
We/BigCloset are in NO WAY responsible for lost stories. If our servers die and data is lost, there is a chance that it will remain that. LOST.
We can not be expected to be your only repository for your information.
I urge you to create other online or offline backups. GoogleDocs is a GREAT resource for this, as is just emailing a copy of the story to yourself.
-P/KAF/PF -- BigCloset Administrator
Checking you stories list
Another way to find something you are sure you have posted is to go to http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/mystories once you are logged in and it will list everything you have submitted from that account.
You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.
Serial chapter missing.
Glad it's back
May Your Light Forever Shine