Had a nice day at the waterpark today

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well, today I went to a waterpark and had a very nice day. I'm still getting used to being in these types of situations as myself, but like always, no one paid me any mind at all. To make things extra nice, I got called Ma'am on my way home when I stopped at the grocery store - despite the fact that the only really fem thing I had was no socks in my mary-janes, and a purse.

One day, I'll just expect that kind of treatment, but it hasnt happened yet.


you are braver than i am sis...

i have a suit, i'm afraid to go use it at the YMCA... they know me and my pass has my real name...but i still am afraid... Sigh... i hate the men's change room...

I forgot to mention in my blogpost,

Extravagance's picture

I did NOT use the men's room. Putting on a one-piece swimsuit in there is madness, even if you're a 7 foot amazon capable of benchpressing three fully grown men at once...
...Purrrrrrr-urrrrrr. :)

...I digress! =| Well, I didn't use the women's room either. Too risky, since I'm not passable enough yet and I'm not legally allowed to. My venue has a disabled/family changing facility, in which I can change AND shower in my own private -and spacious- cubicle. The long bench comes in handy for the stuffing and tucking ritual, if you haven't already been fixed.

If none of your venues have such an extravagant facility, then your best bet is a place with rows of individual cubicles instead of a men's room and a women's room.

Catfolk Pride.PNG


Even though I am still in transition and have not started hormones just blockers but my breasts are coming in due to a high estrogen count already which means I have to wear only women's swimsuits. I do not have worry anymore about public pools since I know have my own swimming pool. I have grown my hair out thanks to taking biotin, eating jello,vitamin d and a multivitamin. I suffered from hair loss which has been coming back due to a vitamin deficiency. Just recently due to the hair growth everybody calls me mam even wearing a t-shirt and shorts that are not even remotely feminine. I do so enjoy being called mam instead of sir.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.