TopShelf Blogs

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Couple of things to talk about.

Ok. Folks I've got some stuff to talk about, lend me you ear for a bit. I had a story idea and wrote it out, done right? Nope the idea came from my head but what comes out of my fingers barely resembles the language we call English. If you have been unfortunate to see my first drafts I apologize and hope your eyes recovered after a bit. Why am I telling you this, because I had that story go up today.

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I'm back

I just wanted people to know that I am back visiting this site on a regular basis. I don't know when I will start posting stories again -- I have been busy writing more mainline fiction (under another name, which I don't intend to reveal). I notice that during the three years I have been away there has been a certain amount of interest in my old stories but people rarely left comments. I would appreciate some feedback to let me know if additional stories would be of interest.

Melissa Tawn

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Blending in While Blind (a.k.a My Introduction)

(that's an awful title, but I have no better ideas)

I've been lurking around BC for a while now, two years, sixteen weeks if my profile is to be believed, but I know I was around long before that. I'm finally delurking to say thank you to all the authors. You are all tallented, and I find lots of great material every time I start looking. I also figured this blog might be a good place to get some thoughts out of my head, and maybe find some answers.

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Rule 63 Avengers / Dark Knight (Photoshop)

Spotted courtesy of the "Geeks are Sexy" blog, a set of rather impressive photo manipulations to illustrate what (live action) female versions of a trio of Avengers characters and a trio of Dark Knight characters could potentially look like (links to original source) - the series is dubbed "If women ruled the earth"...

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Windows 8

I still have 1 discount code for Windows 8 Professional upgrade that will let you get Windows 8 for $15. The offer expires at the end of the month. Send me a PM if you want it. I'm not selling it or Windows, this is straight from Microsoft.



P.S. I ran it for 2 months and went back to Windows 7 if I need I can always reinstall it in the future.

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feeling down!

Feeling down... my mother passed away on Monday. She caught whatever is going round on the previous Monday and I called an ambulance on Monday morning because her breathing was awful. The doctor spoke to her on Sunday and said she just had a cold. She was admitted to hospital at 9.30 am and was dead by 7.20pm. Pneumonia and septic shock leading to Cardiac arrest.

I often wonder why doctors call it a practice... I suppose it's because they've yet to get it right!

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Has something good come out of what happened with Kylie?

Well, its possible that something good has come out of what I've been posting about my friend Kylie. A friend got a hold of me, and confessed to having struggled with suicidal thoughts over last weekend, and we talked for a long time, and I told her to go to the hospital even if the feeling had passed. She said she would, and thanked me for being there.

Does that balance the scales of my failure with Kylie? No. But if she follows through, I'll feel a little better about it.

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Omega Wolf Pattern

Wolfpacks have a hierarchy of respect, obligation and deference. At the top of this hierarchy are the Alpha Wolves, usually a mated pair but sometimes a single individual. At the bottom of the structure is the Omega Wolf. The Omega eats last and is chased and bitten by all the wolves higher up in the structure.

If the Omega wolf dies or leaves the pack, a new Omega ends up being chosen quickly and is not always the wolf that was formerly the one just above the old Omega.

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Got even worse news regarding Kylie

I got even worse news about Kylie tonight. Her best friend messaged me on Facebook, and told me that the local sheriff had come by. Apparently, Kylie had told the shelter where she was living that she was moving in with her friend, and the shelter was quite concerned about her mental state. And since her friend had not even heard from her much less have her show up, it seems clear to me that she had this well planned so no one could possibly stop her.

I wrote a poem in tribute to her:

"Dont give up" she said,

The last words from her lip

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copyright ?'s

hi all i dont mean to be mean thats why im asking here rather then talk to a single person as im unsure if anything needs be said as i dont know the copyright laws and the issue has appeared before i think . well anyway i was surfing netflix the other day on my ps3 and i noticed a movie from 1975 and a story here share the same title but the 2 stories are diffrent as far as i can tell . and i will not say what the movie or story are unless required to do so as dont want anyone in trouble just trying protect site authors and the readers

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went to my 2nd group counseling session today

Went to my 2nd all day group session at the Grey Nuns Hospital today, and it was really good. One of the more interesting things was an exercise in grounding where we each took a piece fabric and focused on it, looking at the color, any patterns, how it felt to touch it, even what it smelled like.

It was a very interesting exercise, and I might use it in the future when I'm having a flashback....

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OK ladies, here is the deal! In parts of the Nation (world?) Influenza is pandemic and I'm pandemic too. So, in the last two months, I've had a collapsed lung, Pleursy, Pneumonia and that other thing we are not speaking of. I'm still burning there!

So, today I went grocery shopping and felt like I was 2/3 conscious, you know the feeling? It makes me sad and whiny too. I wish one of you lived close so that you could come by and spank me once in a while; a tune up you know. So, if I make some bad sounding comments, just yell at me! I respond to that.

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Sorry for doing this

I do apologize for doing this. I know that a few months ago I changed my nickname from Little Katie to K.T. Leone. I didn't know that my life was going to spiral into control (see what I did there?) and that I would actually transition and be so immersed into being me so quickly. I have decided, that since I am so fully committed to being the real me that it is time to drop the damn initials. At first, K.T. was a clever way to make people say Katie anyway but gave me an out. If I introduced to myself to someone as Katie and they gave me a sideways look I could counter with ...

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To all of you wonderful authors

I like to thank all of the authors here, for their amazing skill, and time. Some of you are simply brilliant and easily could be publishing non TG stories and making money for your effort. I am glad you have taken the time to write and publish here. You all have touch my life, good or bad. There are insights so close to my own life that I find in many stories, by many different authors. The entertainment is priceless, as are your wonderful characters and adventures.
Everyone who has written and publish here should be applauded. Bravo to all of you.

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Updates On Life... (Read with Caution)

So it's been a long while since I posted an update about myself here. I've still been around, working behind the scenes but many may have noticed that I've not been very "public" at all lately.

Truth is, I've been through hell and back, and I don't think I'm done yet.

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So it goes

Okay, so, between the new Tegan book, Written In The Body and vacation, I am a bit behind the curve. Just wanted to let you all know what is going on. I haven't forgotten you all and the stories I have been working on, it's just that life is continuing to be what it usually is... crazy. So, as things change I will let you know.

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2012 One Winter's Eve Story Contest Results

The 2012 One Winter's Eve Story Contest is over.

But who won?

and what happened after the contest was over?

2012 One Winter's Eve
Story Contest Results

by Sephrena Lynn Miller

No Copyright Intended © 2013

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More "Ivy?"

Whether I won the recent contest or not, my intention was to finish the story I started. I stopped because the demands of real life intruded, number one. Two, I came to a decision after talking to the person who kindly consented to edit for me, Rebecca Anderson. Although I already had the story plotted out from beginning to end, I decided I needed to rework and expand the middle section, so I could flesh out the characters and incorporate a "B" plotline.

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good to know

" How To Make Girls Behave Themselves According to a news report, a certain private school in Victoria, BC recently was faced with a unique problem. A number of year 12 girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints. Every night, the maintenance man would remove them and the next day the girls would put them back. Finally the principal decided that something had to be done.

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looking for a story

Hello. I am trying to locate a story I had read here not too long ago that I thought might have been written by Bailey Summers but I am not so sure now. It involved a boy who was mtf inside and had a sweet demeanor and his friend was a ftm hiding from him and at the end of the first chapter, the ftm was carrying the mtf boy - an injury I think? and the mtf noticed that his friend was bandaged around the chest, underneath the shirt. I also believe they both acknowledged who each other was and the ftm was having a hard time coming to terms with who he/she should be.

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Dispelling Misperceptions

I know I have been on this kick for quite some time (for me 11 days is an eternity), but I can't stress how much it has affected me that I've come out. I am relaxed, I am at ease, I am comfortable. I am me, and I am happy. I haven't been happy for a long time, so most of you might not know I have the emotion, but I do.

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Writing under a nom de plume

Like many writers on this site, I write under a nom de plume, and I'm wondering how this affects my rights to assert ownership over anything I write. How can I assert I am the author of a piece of work when I'm not using my own name?

I'm currently writing a piece which I may consider selling on Kindle. If I do, what's to stop other people copying the text and selling it on one of the other ebook sites, or even publishing it in hard copy?

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Writing In Secrecy

Does anybody else on Big Closet write their stories in secret? What I mean is that nobody in my life knows of my TG interests and desires and probably never will. I don't have any problems in keeping it to myself nor do I find it necessary to let people know because, in my opinion, it really is a personal aspect of who I am and I'm happy with it the way it is.

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Word spacing and its importance.

One of the Facebook walls I often read posted something I thought people here might find interesting. If it has been mentioned before, I am sorry. It was about the logo off a company call Kids Exchange. It reads 'kidsexchange'. If you put it in your favourite search tool you will see for yourself. Just goes to show how important the spacing of words can be.

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Been some time

So it's been a while since I've written a blog. Thought I'd catch you guys up on what's happening in my life if you still remember me. My life is slowly getting better. Still working on my story, haven't actually got the chapters typed out, been more working on the time line and has gotten so big and detailed that I need to take my time with it to get it right. Got myself a job at Home Depot as a lot associate so if you see someone pushing carts around or loading vehicals, might be me. Not sure I enjoy it but this job is paying for my next bit of news.

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not the same Katie

I know I have rubbed a few people the wrong way with my bluntness and the way I approached things in the past. Probably most of them have me on ignore and won't see this, but I will put it out there anyway. First off, I wanted to say that I am sorry that I offended you. I will do my best from here on out to be supportive and nurturing. It is not my place to criticize and it is certainly not my place to judge.

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Ok folks it is predicted to snow in San Antonio. Its teased us before with little bits that melt as soon as they hit and other times its all ice. The last snow we really got was 1985. That was a fun time the city was paralyzed for days schools were closed. Anyone who had a 4x4 made a killing in cash pulling cars out. I will believe it when I see it. And of course I work all day tomorrow so I will probably be the only one dumb enough to drive in. Oh yeah I said this would happen in my Christmas story, well its a few days late but I'll take it. Bundled up smiles, Jenn.

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No Bike tonight

I have spent most of the evening trying to buy something on line and I still haven't succeeded, it seems my card numbers don't upload to the site. I've tried two different computers and two cards and I am now so angry that I shall dream about how I am going to sere the eyeballs of their customer service department tomorrow morning before telling them I no longer want it unless they offer a bigger discount.

As I can't settle to write - likely to do something irrevocable to a character - I'm going to have an early night.

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Looking for a story

I'm trying to find a story I read a while back, maybe 2-4 months ago. It's Sci-Fi, about a General returning to Earth to be court martialed for losing a battle to take a planet. The one who organized the defeat was a former academy friend that saved him some 30? years before and was left behind with some other wounded. He was changed by one of his captors into a daughter. They were called elves, and were one of the oldest races in the universe.

This former friend was 'caught' and is travelling with him on a shuttle to Earth. She tells him her story on the way.

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Check out Carol Burnett's Star Trek TG parody

Her Captain Kirk is so Shatner-esque, with Andrea Martin as Spock. And the woman who does McCoy is laugh out loud spot-on!

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Like a Phoenix from the ashes - More Better Wishful Thinking

With a new artist on board we have decided to continue the weird and sexy , silly adventures of a simple boy genius turned into a auburn haired cutie, Yes Wishful Thinking 2.0 is back, commence rejoicing now :)

Here is the link to the new page.

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Had my first all day counselling session today

well, I had my first all day group counselling today, and it was pretty good. After spending time doing some self-evaluation paperwork, I was able to join the group for the 2nd "class" of the day - which was all about early warning signs of an oncoming emotional crisis, and what you do to nip one in the bud. After lunch, we had a class on boundaries and trying to learn to be neither too soft or too hard in making them. Then for our last class of the day we discussed time management and making priorities.

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Starting the new year cold

First night this winter it actually got below freezing here and my furnace went out at 10 p.m. last night. I didn't get to sleep until the dog got under the covers with me about 2 a.m. because SHE was cold.

Got the repairman outside looking at it now, if it's an electrical problem, he should have it fixed soon. If it's the heat exchanger, well, that furnace is old enough to have run for president against John McCain. Third party ticket though, so no hope of winning.

Got to take Cuddles to her eye checkup in an hour, looking forward to the heater in the Nissan.

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Katie Leonard: A New Life #1

So I've been keeping everyone up to date and just maybe I can help people who are kind of in the same situation as I am. I came out to everyone, and I mean everyone. Were my problems solved? No. I find that my emotions are all over the place as I enter a world where I am no longer wearing the mask of my male self, a person who didn't really exist except for the comfort of others who tried to label me male.

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My New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year all. I'm new here as a writer, but I've been lurking as an anonymous non-member for months. I've also been trying to write for years. I've gotten midway through a couple of novels and then quit. I started writing The Taylor Project some months ago setting it as starting with a New Year's Resolution. It was my original intention to have it done by New Years. That didn't happen, but I've gone ahead and started posting it even though the story isn't done yet. I'm using the public committment of posting to push myself to actually finish a work this time.

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Finding Jenny now on Kindle

Finding Jenny, the epic length conclusion of the God Bless the Child trilogy (unless I go all Douglas Adams on everyone which is highly probable) is now available at Amazon for the kindle

As always, I appreciate the support in sales, but also, if finances are tough, I can always use the page liked, the tags checked and nice, honest reviews. The book is still available on site (but it is so much easier on the kindle, I promise).

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Happy New year to All

I will be out for most of tomorrow and tomorrow evening I am going against the grade and actually going out with friends to celebrate New years. My feeling is if I don't go out and go to bed early it still occurs. Again against my better judgment I am going out. I'll be taking all the back roads home to avoid all the drunks. I am a recovering drinker and see news year eve as a chance for beginner and amateurs to play with the big people.
Have a wonderful new year and enjoy yourselves.

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Moving forward (at last!)...

Everyone is posting pictures, I'll give it a try. I am still in male mode, but this is week 3 of HRT for me. Changes from the current photo include new studs (time to train my ears don't you know) and I am mostly wearing womans jeans now, like anyone but me can tell the difference.

They finally decided to give us Christmas vacation at work, after telling us repeatedly it wasn't happening. Good enough, I needed the down time.

This is me and my boy around 2004, he is the only reason I am still here.

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No Good Deed

As everyone is aware, about two weeks ago I received a phone call from a friend who was in dire straights and in need of a place to live. I had been homeless and wasn't about to let one of my friends suffer the same fate. The problem, he knew me as Tiny the wrestler and not Katie. Figuring I knew what his reaction would be, I decided I need to die to self and put being female on the back burner while I helped out.

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Looking for a story...

I can't recall the name of the story or the author, but it's about a young man who was in a motorcycle accident in the "present day" and slipped into a comma. His parents placed him into some kind of cryogenic storage thing and the doctors pulled the brain and transplanted it into the body of a young woman a couple thousand years after that accident. Any ideas on which story this is?

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plodding away at "Jake goes for help"

Well, right now, I'm plodding away at "Jake goes for help". Its a really tough story for me, for obvious reasons, so I can only do so much and then I need a break from it. But I'm hoping to have Chapter 4 finished by the start of the new year, and my basic outline has maybe 2 chapters thereafter before the story ends. I have tentatively planned to have a flashback chapter as a totally separate chapter, so those who would have trouble dealing with such things can skip it without missing much of the story.

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My uneasy relationship with Facebook

I have once again reluctantly gotten involved with Facebook, and have done so with much caution. If they start doing what they were doing before, I will disappear immediately. So, this morning, I signed on to see what is going on in this alternate reality, and notice that I have a half dozen friend requests from friends on BCTS.

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Accepting church in the Portland area

Recently I saw an add about a local church which said they would accept anyone, so I emailed and described my transgender status and said I was looking for a church where I could attend and not hide my true nature.

Here is the reply:


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Last Chance

The free give away has been a rousing success. I mean, I am floored. I have had over 600 people download God Bless the Child while it was being offered free on Kindle. I want to thank all of you for going along with me on this.

Here are some things I have learned.

1. The transgender community is really supportive of itself. I know I had people here download the story, but also people from various TG facebook pages really got behind me.

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The Mrs. Clause: The Christmas Party Notes

Hey everyone! As you can see yes, I did miss the Christmas Contest deadline. However, that's a story in itself. When the idea first hit me of mixing The Santa Clause and truckers together, I thought of Wren. I knew she'd spent time on the road until health matters prevented it. Now bear in mind besides the usual exchange of comments I never really spoke to her, but you can sorta get to know someone here though the blogs and such.

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So Much For Secrets

As everyone who has been following my blogs lately knows, an old friend from high school has come back into my life and is living with me along with his fiance while they get back on their feet. In doing so, I had to sacrifice my life as Katie, mainly out of fear at how they would react to the fact that I was really a girl and had deceived him when I was in high school. I was willing to make that sacrifice. I wasn't thrilled about it, but I was willing. I deleted all my bookmarks that would have given any clue to my true nature.

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Story enroute

So I finally got the new chapter of Kit and Kin out, and it has taken some work to pull that off. Between a lot of work on the new story which is up to chapter 12 with 4 chapters posted already, this thing is really going wild. If you are looking for it, it is called Written In The Body and is on and Archive of our own. It is seriously intense and is pretty long. Over 15k in 4 chapters is a pretty chunky story. This is going to be yet another novel written by me. Le sigh.

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Point of view in stories

I've had an idea for a story circulating in my head; haunting me dreadfully. So, as a distraction, today I am watching 2001, A Space Odessy. One of the first things that I found irritating was that when the apes began to be influenced by the black objects, the first change in their behaviour was aggression. It is discouraging and felt pathetic that the authors saw that as advancement.

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