TopShelf Blogs

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My daughter's recovery

The surgery went well and she seems to be more awake than I expected. My ex has been to see her and confirmed it. I hope the recovery will maintain this rapidity of rate, but at the same time accept some of this might be adrenalin.

Thank you all for your good wishes and kind thoughts, it's much appreciated. Now if only you could have a word with the man who controls the weather...

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Women's clothing in 2076

Well, frankly I am in shock at today's news that Women will soon be in combat. I wonder if the pendulum will swing back at any time? I actually doubt that combat will work out well for women since some of them are 5'5" and some GI's are 6'0".

I don't know enough history to know if women's roles have fluxuated in the 6000+ years of recorded human history. Of course, it is likely that humans have been round for perhaps 60,000 years. Who knows what happened back then.

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Some constructive criticism, maybe?

I am new to writing so I might regret this, but can I get some constructive criticism on my story "a boy and his dog" from a few people? Your going to have to be gentle since I'm not used to getting critical feedback. Also don't worry about spelling or grammar mistakes, those are going to happen and the reason I make sure to get editors to read it over first. (I have dyslexia, though not as bad as when I was young.)

Maybe you could also include some things that I did well or that you liked in the story to help get down the bitter pill of criticism?

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Banging head against Wall!

So I just had someone point something out to me that makes me want to drive my head into a wall repeatedly. In case you all are not aware, Japanese is a very formal language with very different levels of formality. It is crazy and kind of cool and takes a while to get a feel for things. Given that I have not studied Japanese in about twenty years, that I have slipped about the language is not a surprise but what I slipped over is.

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Progress report on my daughter

My daughter is in hospital and goes down for surgery tomorrow morning. Her tumour is in C1/C2 so right at the top of her spine. As I can't do anything except worry, I shall go and see her at the weekend when I hope she'll be alert enough to at least recognise me or know that I came to see her.

She is very frightened and given the circumstances, I would be, too. In fact I am but from a sightly different perspective. I can't even send her flowers because that unit has a no flowers policy.

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Bob Arnold

So I have started to go to church again....My birthday is this saturday and I had a dream last night that my uncle was wishing me a happy birthday which was so nice also I got to wish him a late birthday and he told me to make sure I told everyone that he is doing ok up in heaven and that he is watching all us keeping his memory alive and that he is thrilled that everything is going as good as it is

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my trip

So I thought I would have some enjoyment in this sad trip and relate my travels. Got on the train and all was well, till we stopped in Battle Creek Michigan and they had to call the fire department for an electrical fire in one of the cars. Almost an hour later we left. Got to one station and they missed it by a block or two. Had to back up to get people.almost to Chicago and with the fact we are late, it shortens my wait in union station, that is good.

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Before I post anything else, just thought I'd take the time to thank everyone for all of their wonderful comments. They are much appreciated and help to keep me motivated. I've wanted to reply to all of the comments for some time now, ever since I posted my first story back in November, but I'm not entirely sure I waited until now, just like I'm not sure why I hung around this site for so long as a guest reader, just like I'm perplexed as to why I didn't start writing until 2011.

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Ok, I'll admit it I've been a bad girl.

Alright like the title says, I've been a bad girl. Before the end of the year, some of you might remember me posting about my walking. I was doing four miles a day and was getting close to a fifteen minute mile. I know, I know some of you more healthy people can run four miles in twenty minutes. But for me this is huge, I had it a stretch goal to be running by March I think.

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so why do I feel guilty ?

For the 2nd time, I had someone assume I had been married to a man. As the last time this happened, I didnt correct their assumptions, but I feel different about it now. I feel guilty, that I lied by not correcting him. I always wanted to pass, to have people assume I'm a woman full stop.

So why do I feel so guilty?

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Jazz on 20/20

I watch 20/20 about Jazz ,what a brave and very beautiful young lady. She is smart beyond her years and OH so lucky to have parents who are open minded enough to allow her to live the way she should with love and support.She is on blockers at age 12 and has zero "T" so she will never get a deep voice or HAIR
We need more stories like Jaz
A link to 20/20 was posted yesterday(I don't know how to do a link)
Hugs & Kissses to all :-)

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More than a bit breezy here this morning.

Woke up this AM to winds blowing trash cans and various bits of lawn furniture about the yard and streets. Seems like we have gusts of over 50 MPH here although some seem higher than that. Kinda worried about losing power at some point if this keeps up, since usually if a squirrel farts sideways we tend to get brownouts. (pun intended)

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Different versions on different sites

Does anyone publish different versions of their stories on different sites? At some point my story will have some story arcs that will deal with some rather intense issues. While I deem them to be important to the overal large picture of the story, I am also sensitive to my readers, and would like to offer a toned down version on one site, an uncut version on another. Wondering what other writer's thoughts are. Also I am still trying to get a grasp on the audiences on BCTS, FM and TG Storytime.


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a request

I would normally not do this, but I am asking a simple request. I just found out my mother is dying from cancer and there is a possiblility she may not make through the night. I understand if it is her time, The good Lord will take her, but what I am asking is for prayer. Not just for her but my father too.

Please and thank you

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Nervous for Monday

I am a bit nervous about Monday I am finally going int to have the left and right removed from the bottom. It will be the first of a couple procedures and the first time I have ever been under. I tried several times in the past, but ended up chickening out. This time, I am determined, and know, in the end, it will all be worth it, I have no idea why I have put this off as long as I have. Ever since I was young, they have been tormenting me causing pain and other issues.

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Saturday's 20/20 episode

I just saw a commercial for tomorrow night's (Saturday's) episode of 20/20. They are doing a followup story of a young transgirl named Jazz that they featured in a previous episode, if anyone wants to check it out.


(ps. if you miss it, you can probably view it on their website)

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"But I'm not trying to be a girl!"

Had a conversation at work with Aurella, and I was grousing about my lack of progress lately with my transition, and she said. "Oh please. I've had SRS, and I can wear a skirt and pigtails and still get called 'Sir.' You met my mom, and just yesterday she referred to you as 'the woman who came over once'. You cant complain about your progress."

I was taken aback, and said, "But ... I wasnt trying to be feminine."

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Great Story for the Fantasy, Role Playing Game Fans . . .

Okay, you all know that Brandy Dewinter is one of my best friends, and that she has on many an occasion (as in just about every time), infinitely improved my scratchings with her wit, her eye for just the right word, and her ability to ferret out and then help correct story inconsistencies. On top of that, she is one of the best storytellers in our genre.

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Thank You ! Number 50!!!

I randomly check my 'Stories' page just to see if anyone's interested in my very short, VERY infrequent postings.;0 Whoever gave me the 50th kudo on 'Life Drawing 101', Thank YOU!!! That's a milestone for me.;)

It's been sitting at 49 for many months. Probably since the first!;0

It's just further proof of why I'm here and consider this place my home and my family.;D

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It never rains but it snows!

My daughter has finally had an MRI scan. The good news - she doesn't have MS. The bad news - she has a tumour on the top of her spine which is causing the symptoms of muscle weakness, loss of coordination, tremor etc. She's on the urgent list for surgery at the University of Wales Hospital, Cardiff.

We have heavy snow forecast for tonight & tomorrow, so it looks as if I won't be able to get to see her this weekend.

Life's a bitch...

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Entering Fictionmania

I tried to kick over the traces on Fictionmania where I used to post stories since 2001. I have forgotten my old passwords and even my old user name. I don't even have my old email address so I cant go back to my stories and add new chapters. Bummer!!!!!
I used to have over 200 chapters on fictionmania and I used to rate as one of the most prolific contributors. Now I can't even edit my own profile or anything. I cant even use the new formats nor can I contact the site administrators.

In my eyes the site has deteriorated as far as user friendliness is concerned.

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The Chrysanthemum Inheritance

A blog by Richard Furness (aka Touch the Light)

'The Chrysanthemum Inheritance' is the title of the 'book' that will eventually contain the first 5 stories I intend to post on the Big Closet site. This blog has been created for the purpose of discussing any issues these stories might raise.

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Comments from me, in general.

Let me say, at the outset, that comments from me are spotty... sporadic, if you will. When I first started writing I was, quite unashamedly, a comment whore. I lived and breathed for the comments on my stories. I DO understand, therefore, the importance of comments.

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Recent site outages. Thank you Erin, Piper, Samantha & Cat,

for all your hard work and vigilance in keeping the site up and running. Erin, Piper, Samantha, Cat, my eternal thanks for all you do for us. Top Shelf is my home on the net. It means almost as much to me as my real life home.

Huggles and love and gratitude,
Catherine Linda Michel

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More on the Moore/Burchill controversy

The Guardian/Observer has, in a somewhat mealy-mouthed manner withdrawn Burchill's bigoted rant from their website. However, they haven't written a single word of criticism about Burchill, so expect her bigotry to shine forth in her future writings.

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Need editor for short novel

Someone had offered to be my editor a while back ago and I wanted to take them up on the offer but couldn't find the message in my inbox. I have converted a different kind of life into a novel and will put it on Kindle, but it needs one more solid edit. Any takers?

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A Programming Note For My 2 Remaining Fans

Hey folks. Just a heads up. I'm not super terrific great about sharing information on the fate of one of the least popular stories on the site, so I'm trying to be a little bit better about it.

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Validating My capablities

I have recently posted a new story, after over eleven months of trying to write I managed to eke out a short story. I have one comment out of over 350 reads. Either I am a whiz at writing or I totally suck, It would be nice to know if there are any errors, is there continuity, did one get lost in the story. I've been in a depression and want to ensure I am doing okay again. I admit I need validation.

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Media viewpoints

We've had an interesting week in the UK news. On Thursday, the left-wing Guardian commentator Suzanne Moore demonstrated she didn't understand transsexuals. On Sunday, the even more left-wing Guardian commentator Julie Burchill demonstrated (yet again) she is a bigoted transphobe

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A real mixed-bag day

Well, yesterday was a real mixed bag day. First, I woke up with a story idea, and had it written and published in about an hour, and since it was a happy romance story, I got an extra buzz from being able to write something other than darkness.

Then, I went to my local trans support group and got the bad news that three of the founding members were quitting the group, and suggesting that the group disband entirely. Not sure where that leaves me for support, but ah, well.

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Katie Leonard: A New Life #5 Handling stress

Last week my van broke while I was delivering Sunday's paper. Not a good thing to happen, but what followed was even worse (See JennC I used the right one). Someone from another center came to help me and he added to my frustration by driving extremely slow and talking negative the whole time.

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Thank you For asking

Thank you to all of you who wrote and asked if i was ok. I had a house sitting job and well i have been homeless ( 2008) so having a house to myself is orgasmic. I just had time to just be Susie homemaker and be alone . Its nice to know people care. As far as the photos I post of me well there from the 60s when i was a kid i am 57 and the 16 playing keeps me from dealing with the issues i have no i don't do doctors just watching to see whats next moment by moment,
Love and hugs

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A site for Christians who are Transgendered, Transsexual,

If you are on Facebook there is a new group formed for Christians who are Transgendered, Transsexual, and Intersexed. Katie and I chatted and we asked why there wasn't such a site. So we took the bull by the horns and created the group. Everyone is welcome its not a dating site its a place to reflect, talk about things with out profanity.

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For those that use JAVA

The following information has been release. I'm just being the messenger. Apparently JAVA has a lot of problems currently. Here is the article.

Erin or any other moderators if I should have let you know before hand, I apologize.


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Kylie's friend Jade left a message for me today

Well, Kylie's friend Jade got a hold of me to yell at me for failing Kylie. Can't say much. She's right. I could have done more. But she's also wrong. In the end, only Kylie could have made the choice to not give up. Nothing we said or did would have made as much of a difference as her having the will to live. Of course knowing that doesnt make me feel any less guilty....

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Replies to Comments?

The way the comment system operates, it is possible for someone who read the comment to reply to it. Unless the author of the comment happens to go back to the story to check out how other readers commented on the story they will never learn that someone replied to the comment.

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