2 big moments happened in the last couple of days. First, on Saturday night one of my co-workers asked if I wanted to go with a group from work to the new Star Trek movie when it comes out. This is a big deal, because its the first social event I've ever been invited to as Dorothy.
The other moment happened today. As part of prep for a possible move, I took the last of my male clothes to a local charity, and it felt like the last goodbye to Todd, which is about time, I think.
Both good steps forward, dont you think?
Hi Dorothy,
Yes indeed. Todd's been gone a long time, about time his paraphernalia followed suit.
But more important is that Dorothy is being accepted and invited into social situations. By all means go and have a good time.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
A splendid opportunity,
I'd definitely Klingon to that one. = )
Been there
But my ex burned my last Michael shirts. They were far larger than I needed and the print on them hid my breasts very well. But the up shot was they were so ugly 6 people showed up for the bonfire just to see there uglyness go up in smoke. The next week I was at a meeting at the Metaphysical library where I volunteered at for the first time fully as Michele. One of the gay members seeing me loudely exclamed,
" where did those come from.!!!" Refering to my DD cup chest. All the women of our group had a hearty chuckle telling him I had them all along I just hid them well. He never believed me and swore that I was enhanced.
That night was a girls night out at the Wild Rose our local Lesbian bar on Capital Hill, to celebrate my coming to my senses and dropping my disguise.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Oh Dottie...
They both sound wonderful to me, you go girl! Go and enjoy the night out, and may it be the first of many to come sweetie! Great Big Teddy Bear Hugs, Popcorn Lady!
Bye Bye
*waves bye bye to Todd*