TopShelf Blogs

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And here comes Nemo!

Well folks, the snows here in the north east(usa) the're saying 12-20 inches for me here in the hudson valley and 2-3 feet for Boston and points north / east. So please any one here stay safe and home if you can! As for me, I must go do battle with the beast they call Nemo, wish me luck, it's going to be a long next 30 hours or so clearing roads. (Hugs) Taarpa

P.s. Please don't write to much, I'm already way behind in my reading! LOL!

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Edeyn Hannah Blackeney, My Friend


My friend, Edeyn Hannah Blackeney, passed away early Monday morning, Feb 4, 2013, apparently from a blood clot in her lung. She was 37.

A talented and prolific writer, Edeyn had many fans on BigCloset for her stories of the Sk8r Grrls and others, though she had not posted much recently due to work and personal life.

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Free Dividers and Art Vector Sheets

I ran across an absolutely smashing treasure trove of free page divider graphics to use in stories here and to use in works you sell called

If you don't know what a page divider is used for, click here and see how they are used inside my recent posting of Tigger's Story here.

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some good news

Some good news. Tonight, after 14 months of not writing more than a sentence, I have written 2 pages. feels good to be creating pictures with words again. the bad news - I'm leaving on a buisness trip for a week and will not be bringing my laptop. I'll be just too busy to write.

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Where is all the romance?

Not many entries to the Valentines Day competition so seemingly not much romance about. Why not watch this film 'The Artist' and see if it inspires you to write like it did for me? Doesn't Sephrena deserve to see her efforts rewarded?

In case you didn't see the film this is what 'The Guardian' newspaper said. 'What a wonderful picture this is: one of those films you yearn to watch again and again, while yet being fearful of spoiling the experience. It is one of the most eloquent movies imaginable.'

I read that after I watched the film and it summed up my feelings.

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Lulu and ebooks

So, I went to LULU, and with great trepedation bought Drew Millers book, Caelarus. It was easy to get them to take my money. But as usual, it is imposible to get the book out of them. I downloaded the thing from Adobe, twice actually, but still no book. I'm about as disgruntled as I have been any time in the last 10 years.

I don't know why LULU is always such a problem. I have downloaded several books from Amazon without issue.


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what an emotional two weeks

So I am about to leave California and the past two weeks have been hard. I actually found out from an aunt something that I had suspected for a few years, after hearing my mom talk to someone when she thought I was out of the house. I may have a sibling, other then my brother and sister who died at 3 days old. I guess mom got pregnant before she was 18 and the baby went to adoption. So now comes the fun of looking for a sibling.

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Trying to find a story

I was hoping someone could point me towards a story I read not to long ago, I remember that the main plot was these friends were playing this vr rpg and that the brothers were forced to play female characters, and as time went on characteristics from the game carried over to their real life.
I also remember that the in game GM was an older man who aproached them in real life once they finished the game...
Any help would be appreciated, it was a good story and I enjoyed it

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Thank You!!!!!!!

I am sure it is a small thing to many on BCTS, but to me it is a milestone when something I wrote and posted here breaks 100 kudos. Chapter 1 of Stolen Innocence topped the 100 mark today and I want to send a sincere “THANK YOU!” to all of the kudo givers out there. It means a lot to me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you…..


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Being an awkward girl

One of the big differences between the genders is socially. I mean, as a socially awkward guy, while I had problems, I got a lot of forgiveness just because guys arent expected to be as socially aware. But an awkward girl is in for trouble, and that's where I am now. I spent so long in Guyland that I missed a lot of how a girl gets socialized, so I find myself not sure how to act around people.

Makes me wish I had a girlfriend or two to help me integrate better into female society, and sadly, online friends, while nice, arent quite enough.

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I'm number 2

The release of the new book is going smashingly well. Oh my God, I might actually be able to make it as a writer. I know my writing isn't for everyone and I rubbed a few people the wrong way (still wish they would accept my apology, I'm not the same person I was 6 weeks ago).

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Bike Wiki

If you've been following Angharad's Magnum opus you may be aware that a few years ago I had the daft idea to compile a spreadsheet summarising every EAFOAB episode... which gradually grew to include lots of additional information such as character lists, memorable quotes and the occasional humorous episode number. My grateful thanks go to PS, who helped with about half of the summaries from 1 to 1000.

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Can I make a confession here?

Can I make a little confession here? Yesterday, when I was doing laundry, I put on a skirt so I could wash my pants, and I could feel tension leave my body as I walked around my house in the skirt. I could feel my blood pressure drop, and it felt like a breath I hadnt even realized I was holding in was escaping, taking with it a lot of my stress.

Weird, no?

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i just posted a comment at the end of changing seasons( jesssicas story) when i realized part of it should be on a blog instead. i want to say i appreciate all keep big closet up online, the writers who keep churning out stories so i can be entertained and informed. all i can say all of you keep the good work.

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By Request - Computer Care and Optimizing

While I am not a Tech Geek by any means. Several people ( no names used) have ask me about Keeping their PC, clean and running in top notch condition. That being the case, what knowledge I have about the subject I will gladly share. We'll start with step one.

For cleaning my personal PC. I use Ccleaner by Pierform, it's a free download and easy enough to find. I have this on all five of my PC's, two desktops and three laptops. On to step two.

Find and run the (disk cleanup utility) built into windows. Delete anything it finds. on to step three.

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In praise of Drea DiMaggio

Ladies, gentlemen, and those who think of themselves as both or neither, I wish to have your attention for a few moments, so that I can publically sing the praises of a talented writer, a tireless champion of both the trans community and of victims of sexual abuse, and a great friend of mine, miss Andrea DiMaggio.

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Book on Boulton & Park now published.

A new book on 'Fanny' and 'Stella' two young men who were arrested for being dressed as women created a sensation in Victorian England. This article by the Daily Wail is reasonably sympathetic and has some photos not in the book - how do I know? I received a copy from Amazon on Thursday.


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My Scribbles.

Heyo, your friendly neighborhood Jenn here. I wanted to bend your ear a bit, if i could. I love my readers very much. I love every kudo (I'm addicted to checking) and every comment. I try to pm everyone who comments, if i missed you I'm very sorry. More than a few folks here at BCTS have pointed out I'm kind of a "Debbie downer" when I write. I am working on it, I really am. But on occasion my poison pen manages to produce something not so depressing.

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On the Origins of the Cross-Dressing Species

Why do some men cross-dress? It's a question which confounds the experts, which even the cross-dressers themselves cannot answer, and to which many others will reply, with various degrees of intolerance, "Because they're weirdoes."

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Creating a "Dorothy fund"

I got a little bit of extra money this month, and I think rather than just blowing it on an extra trip to McDonalds or whatever, I'm going to set it aside and make a "Dorothy fund" account. Then, whenever I can, I'll add to it, and hopefully, when I'm ready to move forward with a name change, I'll have enough put aside to cover the costs.

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Need reviews

It's me again. I know I haven't posted a story since Christmas, but that's because I've been working on a doozy. I have another epic novel planned and that got me thinking about my other epic novel that is still available on this site even though I am selling it on Amazon.

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Angel on FM

I noticed I had high traffic and feedback for "Angel" on Fiction Mania. Since bringing the series here to BCTS, the traffic all but died. I am starting to think all my wonderful fans were from here all along. If so, thank you all for your continued support. You all rock.

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Writing Tools

I use a lot of different editors depending on the job I'm doing. While I went through a number of writing tools, my main squeeze is, and has been for quite some time, Scrivener. Nothing is perfect, but this is as close as I've seen for writing long form fiction. I can't say I use it for anything else, but it nails writing novels. If you haven't been using Scrivener, you should try it.

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Trying to Remember a Story Title or Author

I'm trying to remember a story I read quite a while back. The main character is the apprentice to a wizard who gets sent off on his wanderjahr. The kicker (of course)is that his master turns him into a girl before putting him into the world.

The character ends up joining a circus as she works on how to return to her master.

Sound familiar to anyone?

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What would your choices be in this scenario?

Say by magic you're in something that resembles a departmental store, alone, and all the items are feminine - and you can pick, say, 5 items, you will spend say a week in a body (and life) that matches each item, and at the end, you could choose from one of those 5 lives to keep - for example, if you pick a little girl's dress you'll turn into a little girl, if you pick a bra you'll be a woman of that cup size, if you pick some diapers you'll turn into a baby girl, if you pick a nursing bra you'll be a nursing mother of that size, if you pick a wedding dress you'll be a bride, if you pick a

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Have not forgotten you all

Despite the fact that another fic is riding me hard ;) and the second Tegan book is in process I have been making some progress on the next chapter of K&K. It has not been forgotten and I am still working on it. This is just a reminder that I have not given up on the story, since it has been about a month since the last chapter. I am aware and I am trying to work on this. As soon as I can get it finished I will get it to you. Just fyi.

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I was just reading through some of my old stories, and the comments on them, and it seems to me that some people have an idea of who I am that is quite a ways off of the real me. So this is me opening up myself for any questions any of you want to ask. Within reason, I'll answer any question posted as a reply to this blog.

Update, now that I'm not on my phone anymore:

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Man of Steel Gender Change

Well this is interesting. As you can tell I am very excited for a new Superman Movie this summer. I have been avoiding reading much about the story as when Superman Returns came out I had read every article, and seen every trailer. I was so disappointed with the film because there was so little of the film I hadn't seen yet. However, I couldn't help gravitating to this article, Seems that Jimmy Olson in the new Man of Steel movie will be Jenny Olson.

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got good news at work last night

Well, I got good news at work last night. My transfer has been approved, and Feb. 15 is going to be my last day at my current site, and then I will get to move to a site much closer to where I live. My car will thank me, as will my wallet ...

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Fight the block! Fight it!

I was wondering how other authors handle writer's block? It is something I am experiencing a bit of a problem with now. I'm using the old trick of skipping ahead to another scene that is easier to write and hoping that after I have my creative juices flowing I can find a way through the part that was giving me trouble. Of course some times the writer's block is a bit more unwieldy and it is blocking any kind of writing. I usually resort to either just powering through it or taking a bit of a break from writing to see if time can take care of it.

So how about it, what do you do?

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Anyone know where Scott Ramsey is?

I've been re-reading GENOMORPH by Scott and it's a great story. The first story arc is complete, but there is a teaser for arc 2, yet no stories have been posted. There was a link to Fictioneer for Scotts page, but it no longer exists, and Scotts name is not on the Fictioneer list of authors.

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Coming clean

I don’t know why, but sometimes I feel dishonest somehow for posting stories on this site. It’s hard to explain, but here it goes. I’m not transitioning, nor do I have any plans to transition from male to female in the near future, but sometimes I feel that the desire to transition is some kind of unwritten prerequisite for posting on a site that’s a friendly place to read and write TG fiction.

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Went to the Endo doc today

Well, I went to see my endo doc today, and he's decided to switch me from an estrogen patch to a gel, since I was having troubles with the patch. That was fine, and it led to a little event I'd like to call:

Using the ladies room at Wal-Mart.

See, I went down to get the prescription filled, and while waiting realized I had to use the facilities, and so went to use the ladies room, on the principle that I am one, abet one with a slight plumbing problem.

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Explain this to me please?

So, one scene in my story has our protagonist going out to sit on the back side of the moon away from the sun, when it is like that, to ponder her fate. So, in reading about our galaxy, I had been under the impression that we were in one arm of the disk of our spiral galaxy relatively close to the centerline. I'm going to try to post this photo that shows us like WAAAAY above or below the center line, and now I am confused. Either I was mistaken about our closeness to the center line or we are like totally somewhere else.

OOPs I have to go find the pici

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A little slow

Given that I haven't slept much at all the past two nights with the nightmares coming back my brain is getting a little fuzzy. I still hope to have chapter 9 of Bloodlines and chapter 8 of Trial and Heiress both done before the end of the week, but as I'm not firing on all cylinders right now the going may be a little slow. Once I have both of them out I will try to have chapter 6 of Alex in Wonderland up by mid next week. Again these are hopeful times depending on whether my brain cooperates.

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in California

Had the viewing today and that was hard. I have taken the keys from Dad and I am driving for him. The funeral is tomorrow. The train right was good and looking at setting the departure date. Was hard to hear my father, who has been so strong all my life, break down at the viewing.

Tomorrow I am going to be help as best as possible, so pray for the family, and thank you.

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