I am learning more and more about who I really am. It used to be that I used my writing to explore aspects of myself, but that is becoming less of the norm. I am no longer living as Katie vicariously through characters and words on a page and am living real life as the real me.
It isn't always easy and I have struggles, but it is nice when you get that external validation. If you asked me at the beginning of last year if I thought I would be doing half the stuff I'm doing now I would have told you that you were crazy. Let me give you an example. Last year, after I bought my house, I purchased a dress. It was the melon dress that you see in some of my pictures. I tried it on, saw that it fit, and hung it in the closet. I never wore it. I didn't even wear it around my own house in private. I just owned it and thought that was the end of it. Now I wear it out, in public, in front of people, in front of people who actually know me. I go to church, as Katie. I go shopping, as Katie. I have a boyfriend, as Katie. I have a life, as Katie. WOW!!
That all being said, sometimes it helps to gain some validation and I got that twice this week. I thought I would share, because I have little going on that will be posted any time soon (planning stages of next novel).
Friday I went shopping. I found a store that carries my size called Simply Fashion. I walk into the store, and the sales clerk, some younger guy, says "Hi Katie". One, he remembered who I am. Two, he used the right name. Guess where part of my check will go every week.
Then on Sunday at church, I got a flower because all of the women got one. Cool, ain't it. To be honest, when they first started handing them out there was a little fear and trepidation that there would be a scene, that I would be passed up. But that didn't happen and I got my flower. The stem broke in half after service when I went to powder my nose, but that didn't matter, I wore it in my hair :) Coolness for me. Now to the next challenges of life.
And lots of hugs,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
People Are Catching On
People are catching on. It was bound to happen. The wheels of progress might be turning slowly, but turn they will.