I just finished watching Sally Potter's masterful retelling of Virginia Woolf's novel, Orlando. For those of you that don't know it, the plot concerns a man (Tilda Swinton), who is commanded by Queen Elizabeth I, played delightfully here by Quentin Crisp, to stay forever young, which he/she proceeds to do. I say he/she because halfway through the 400 year timeline of the plot, he wakes up female. She looks in the mirror and states "Same person, just a different sex". You can see why I thought that it might appeal to the habitues of this site.
Considerable attention is paid to male/female roles throughout the times of the plot. As 400 years of a novel can be confusing when compressed into a 94 minute movie, it is worthwhile to read the book first, which is no chore, as it reads very easily. The music by Potter and David Motion is etherial and trancelike, the cinematography is excellent, and the locations are great. It was shot in various palaces in the UK, as well as St Petersburg and Uzbekistan. There is also mention of Holland in the credits however.
As you can tell this is one of my favorite books and movies. I wanted to share it because of it's quality and themes.
Saw the film...
I didn't watch as much of the first half, but the second half I thought was well done. I would like to read the book sometime. I think maybe I will buy a copy. Thanks for brining this up.
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
When I grow up...
I literally just watched the movie on the Sundance Channel on cable. What a performance. I will see if our county library system has the book. Thanks for posting.
Love, Andrea Lena
In Australia available on project Guttenberg
In Australia available on project Guttenberg: http://www.gutenberg.net.au/pages/woolf.html
The copyright should have expired in majority of jurisdictions (70 years since the death of the author or first publication whichever is later).