I first read No Obligation about 13 months ago or so. I just re-read it again these last couple of nights. This story sucks the reader in and grabs hold of you and doesn't let you go until you are done with it. It's the multifaceted fantasy of an epic character who starts out male and ends up as a young female Wyatt Earp for the universe.
Wonderfully written, no weak parts to it, and shows the power of love and compassion.
I'm trying not to give much away obviously, but if you missed it when she first posted them, I can't recommend strongly enough that you go back and read this amazing tale.
Hugs ALL
It is really really good ^^
But then again, she is my Mother =^.^=
It is a BC Classic Mom ^^
your daughter
I see what you
mean Frank, I,ve just had a look, Read the first chapter and now i'm hooked...Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
My two biggest fans! *hugs*
Thank you, Frank, so much. *hugs tight, soft kiss* I haven't been writing as much as i truly want to lately because I work for evil Overlords who watch me ALL the time, but I've always loved this story and I hope everyone who hasn't read it decides to give it a try.
And thank you, my Sephy girl, my little one, for speaking up, too. Mom hasn't been around much, I know, but I'm trying. Too much stress makes me sick, and i crash hard every night these days trying to get past it and get better. *soft hug, stroking your hair* I'll try to do better for you, I promise.
Much love to you both,
This story is really good I always hoped for a sequel but I don't know if one would ever come... not that it *needs* it but it'd still be really cool to read one!
Everyone should give it a try.
The story goes through lots of twists and turns, and really sucks the reader in. I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. I liked seeing the seemingly untouchable bad guys get theirs. I liked the kitsune. I liked the redemption of a being who could have remained a rather evil character.
There is a heart and soul in that story that isn't easy to find. Some writers can do it, and some can't. It takes a maturity and goodness on the part of the author that simply can't be faked.
And yes, I would also like to see a sequel.
(Maybe I ought to read it again.)