As i made a boo boo

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you get an extra chapter today!

What i posted as 29 is in fact thirty so i've now posted the correct 29 and reposted as 30 that which was originally posted as 29. Confused? I am!


Do we?

Do we get something new on the website? Looking for something good to distract myself.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


It seems the once weekly updates on Maddy's site seem to have become every other week... Since we got a chapter last week, while I won't stop hoping for one this week, I won't be expecting another until next week... :(

So those who wait until they come to BC get two chapters this week and those of us who read on Maddy's site still get to wait for the usual update next week and unless she oopsies there too again, it'll only be one chapter.

Of course, those who buy her books will always get the latest material first. Well. After any editors/beta readers she might have.

I almost suspect her of doing these oopsies on purpose to catch her BC-only audience up to her site audience... They are almost caught up now...

Abigail Drew.

not the case at all

Maddy Bell's picture

i have uploaded this weeks update, it hasn't taken for some reason but its on the server so if Cat, Piper or anyone who knows about this stuff can intervene, please do!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Thanks, Maddy

I'll check it later, I need something else to think about.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Oh. OK...

Strange that they always seem to take so long to actually become visible...

I wonder what's going on then... I hope Piper or whoever can get this problem fixed!

Abigail Drew.

A double helping!

Maddy Will yo add the link to your site and new Gaby chapter?

May Your Light Forever Shine


Now I understand why my comments were so mixed up. LOL
