Monday had to be one of the worst days of my life. I live in Boston and attend the Marathon every year to support the runners. This year was special to me as my friend was to run in the race. My friend had called me at 2:20 telling me he just passed mile marker 19 and would call again when he was a mile out.
I knew it would still take him a bit of time to get there so I hung out and chatted with my friend who had joined me near the finish line. This also happened to be her first year there and it was a mile stone for her as she is shy to the point of getting anxiety attacks in large crowds of unknown people.
I was literally 60 ft from the first explosion when it went off behind me. What they describe on the news as a bang like a cannon doesn't compare to what it actually sounded like. My ears are still ringing. Luckily i was not injured nor was my friend however she started to freak out due to the mass chaos that ensued. I was still in a state of shock. Then the second blast went off 80ft from me and i knew i needed to get my friend and myself out of there. I took her hand and we ran all the way to my former college Wentworth Institute of Technology which was at least 1/2 a mile to a mile away from the site. On the way i called my friend, quickly explained what had happened, and told him to meet me there as its chaos at the finish line. My friend proceeded to inform me that he was instead going to run and get blood from the local hospitals so as to help the injured that were already being evacuated. That touched me deeply and i wished him luck as i needed to keep my friend safe.
This incident rocked me to the core and after getting over the shock of what happened i felt contempt to the one who did this, sadness for the victims, and pride at all the first responders including my friend who went above and beyond to help all those he could.
All i am left with now is regret that i could not help the first responders attend to the victims in their time of need. It also pains me to say this as it is selfish but i am glad that both my friend and i are alive.
My thoughts go out to everyone else that was dragged into this tragedy and hope that they recover fully.
Allison Jolley
You did okay
You got you and your friend away safely, if you hadn't she'd have got in the way and required someone else to calm her down. It is no disgrace to take yourself to a place of safety during such an incident. That you felt guilty is very common amongst survivors of some life threatening experience especially when some others don't make it. So don't beat yourself up about it, you really did okay.
As information is emerging about at least one of the bombs, I sincerely hope they catch the perpetrator who must be one sick puppy.
My thoughts are with the families and friends of all those affected by this outrage, which can never be justified by any group or individual. I'm also glad you and your friend emerged unscathed.
Glad your safe
I am glad both you and your two friends are safe. There is no need to regret about what you did or did not do. In fact, you were a "First Responder" for your friend. Without you being there and responding to her needs, who knows if in her state of mind, she could have been injured in the aftermath, or without the moral support, her after shocks might have been worse.
Of course we should all pray for the victims. May they all have a quick healing.
As for the perps, hopefully they will be apprehended soon and duly punished.
thank goodness...
... you folks made it out. My thoughts likewise go out to all of you in the Boston area.
Stay safe,
-christine (from New Jersey)
In the situation you were in your actions were proper and the best you could do. Removing your selves from the situation allowed those first responders to move that much quicker when seconds counted. You were to shook up too effectively help, and most likely do not have the skill set necessary. It is one thing if you are uninjured in the center of what happened offering aid, quite another to run into a fur ball of a situation attempting to help those who knew what to do.
I am immensely sorry for all of the trauma this horrible event has brought, and I pray for the swift recovery of those injured by this senseless act of violence.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
I know how you feel.
I live in Waltham right now and attend classes at BU Center for Digital Imaging and Arts there. I was suppose to go to the Red Soxs game and then the Marathon afterwards with a fiend from class.
I was not feeling well and stayed home. When I called him, he was at the Starbuck's a block away during this.
One of my teachers at school knows the Boy family that was lost, So I know a few that have been effected.
I pray everyday for those lost and those affected by this.
I will add you and your fiend to my prayers.
What many do not understand is even if you are not physically injured, you can show sign of problems down the road.
I myself have PTSD from issues while I was in the Navy and other times in my life.
Pray for those that where at the Race and those that where injuried.
Rebeca Lynn
Boston ...
... is one of the few US cities I've visited and that makes a tragedy like the bombing seem all the more real. I felt the same about the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, for similar reasons. It's beyond my comprehension how people can so callously plan to kill random people they don't know and can have no dispute with.
Glad you got away from the scene safely. You shouldn't feel guilty about getting out of the area. There were hundreds at the scene able to help and you had your friend to care for. It must have been a truly shocking experience.
You Did Exactly The Right Thing
You were two fewer people for the responders to worry about, two fewer people they'd have to move around.
I hope you get over this senseless outrage quickly. The fact that you show such obvious concern for those less fortunate than yourself suggests you're well on the way.
Thank You Everyone
I got in to see my therapist today and she echoed your thoughts. I am doing better know and will be going back to work tomorrow. My friend is doing well and will also start back to classes tomorrow. My friend who was running is doing fine as well. Thank you everyone for your comments and concerns.