Since the death and resurrection of BC, my stories have received more hits but fewer kudos. I accept the extra hits might be multiples by the same reader through continuing tech problems, but curious as to why my kudos rate is down unless of course fewer readers consider my efforts worthy of kudos button.
I Don't know about anyone else, but...
if I read from my phone, the system won't let me kudo or comment.
Your loving niece,
Never let it be said that I don't enjoy the occasional delusion of grandeur
I had thought that you'd be beyond such flights of insecurity.
You are a beloved writer of perhaps the most successful serial story in history ... well beyond 1001 Nights. You have regaled us with the hundred thousand kudoes and the tens of thousands of comments you've received. Even after all that evidence of your popularity, you still shrink from this perceive and completely imagined slight?
Come now, old girl, we still love you, and our demand for one more Daily Dormouse will never cease.
Red MacDonald
The artistic temperament is never secure. A writer who is secure has no need to put words on pages or to seek to please/challenge her readers.
Don't ...
... fish for compliments. You know we love you. Anyway, where's tonight's Bike? Don't waste time with blogs you have your fans to satisfy and offer kudos galore ;) I'll click twice tonight - it won't register but you can add another in your head knowing it's there.
love and double-kudos
The Kudo Button is having problems at times
in registering sending the kudos out. I noticed that earlier today.
Another issue we are looking into is the doubling of posts.
Maybe the two are related? maybe not?
I know from fact the kudo button does not work when you are sent a cached page or the site is down. But I am still experiencing Kudos not working even when the server is running live.
And to compound this problem, its sporatic. Kudos work, then they don't.
We are still investigating and trying to fix these annoying buglike problems. ^^
Have faith.
I dont think its your readers naysaying your writing.
Erin will make an announcement on the status of our known bugs at some point soon. I just have to remember to stay away that day so I don't get caught in the Raid spray.
Wondered that, Sepy
I noticed the same sporadic problems with Kudos, but attributed it to my overworking this poor laptop with too much work. I guess I should feel a bit better now, knowing I can load a few more tasks onto this poor baby! ;-)
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
One thing that can happen too
One thing that can happen too is that at the time the person hits the kudos button, the web site is offline. It happened to me a few times these last few days. Sometimes I go back later just to hit the button.
Usually I read using my phone or tablet to read the stories and don't have problems using the kudos button as long as I am logged on.
Kudos do not seem to work all the time.
I would give it a little while. Software is witch craft. :)
The chapter I posted the other day has like 2000 hits while the other chapters in the same story have 1k. I think people are refreshing and its counting as a hit or something so dont worry too much about it.
New caching system
Contrary to what is happening with the Kudos button, the new caching system counts hits that the old one missed. You win some, you lose some.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Mega Multiple Transcendent Kudos
Mega Multiple Transcendent Kudos
I don't always comment...
I don't always comment...
But when I do, its usually about Bike!
And I always Kudo!
Thank you for your ongoing literary masterpiece!
My kudos
I have tried to give you the wellearned kudos after every dowloading. Unfortunatly just some have been registered so here you have three of them that should really be included to your account.
I like every part as much as I loved the first.