Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Just wondering if MtF can get pregnant...

Getting information for my stories, I came upon MtF pregnancy which might happen sooner. Another article was about a Chinese do or implanting an egg in a man, so I wonder if in 10 to 15 years from now a MtF will be able to be a mom... I hope so...


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PALS breast forms?

I've been asked about PALS non-silicone breast forms as a possible product to be carried by our advertiser, The Breast Form Store. I've never had any experience with them, nor can I find much about them except their own publicity. Does anyone out there have experience with this product and want to share? I will probably unpub this discussion later after passing on any information that comes up here. If you want to be private about your comments, you can send them in PM or login as Guest to leave a comment.



Having gender Identity issues. Seeking help

These last couple of weeks my gender identity has been all over the place. One moment I am completely convinced I am male and any TG feeling is just a flight of fancy (or perhaps reading too much BC), the next moment I am absolutely certain that if I would awake a woman the next day it would be 45 years too late.

I could sure use some helpful pointers to help me figure out what it is that I am.

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Frozen in the northeast

For the past four days work has taken me to the New England states. And during that entire time the temperature never got above the mid-twenties. I must have become a real wimp over the last few years living in the South. The next time I head north during the winter months I’m buying heavy weight winter tights, turtle neck leotards, and thermal over the knee socks or anything that will keep you warm. (Burr!) The truly sad thing is I no sooner get home to South Carolina than an artic freeze is pushing its way south. Can’t a sister get a break?!

Freezing in South Carolina


Broadband issues

I'm having broadband problems again as my fibre went down sometime last night pb (post Bike). I've spent time today, after teaching my over 50s IT class, trying to fault find but right now have no outside world connection using that route although my internal network is still up. That much is useful as my scribblings are not stored on the laptop that I use for writing, all my work is stored on the big beastie (12Tb of storage).

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Hiding our healing

I've had a belated realization regarding healing and now feel somewhat foolish for not realizing it before.

I have a very close friend who has gone on a self righteous rant about "50 Shades of Grey". I doubt that she has read the books or intends to see the movie. I have read the books and plan to see the movie but do not intend to tell her that.

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First Sign of Spring

As of February 10th Boston (Mass) has received just over six feet of snow for the season with a storm this weekend expected to add another 12 inches.

Despite this, there has been a first indication of Spring. The equipment truck for the Boston Red Sox (Major League Baseball) is being loaded for the trip to Florida to start Spring training.


leg update

So I have had my MRI and while I did tear the hamstring, it isn't bad. I'm off of work for at least a month from yesterday. I'll try and get to writing while I have free time.

Not sure how the doc put it but it was a tear, but the muscle didn't retract. So some leg therapy and I'll be good to go

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Shortcuts Is Now a Complete Story

My Shortcuts story is done. I just posted the last chapter. For those of you who prefer to read complete stories, please give it a chance.

This will be my last long story here. I'm moving on. I plan on joining a writing group in the hopes of eventually publishing the old-fashioned way - on paper. I might still post a short story once in a blue moon if the mood hits me.

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Predestination is an Australian movie released in 2014, starring Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook. It's based on the Robert Heinlein short story 'All You Zombies'.

The film received critical acclaim for Snook's outstanding portrayal of a character who at first appears to be a woman transitioning to male, but her story is much, much stranger than that.

Although the version here isn't of the very highest quality, it's certainly watchable.

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Computers - aaargh!

I hate these bloody things, even more after wasting two hours of my life trying to get my old puter, which I keep for my role as cycling club secretary, to do something straightforward like send an email. Needless to say, it's now too late to start scribbling Bike, which means I'll have an extra few hours for my remaining brain cell to ferment further plot twists.

Sorry, but I've had my fill of electronic things tonight.


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read an interesting book

I just finished a very interesting book called "Trans-Sister Radio" by Chris Bohjalian. Its the story of a single mother and teacher who falls in love with a man only to discover he's transitioning to female, and the fallout that situation causes for her, her daughter, her job, and her ex-husband who decides to bring their story to radio. Its not a perfect book - it spends a little more time talking about the surgery than I was comfortable with, but its a very interesting bit of fiction, especially by a cis writer. I recommend it.

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Pickles: The Game

So, a few of you might remember my Pickles choose-your-own-adventure story I started here a few years back. I still think it was a really cool idea, but it never worked out QUITE the way I wanted it to, and eventually just got kinda ridiculous and dragged down by my renowned poor dedication to a regular posting schedule.

Well, I've figured out how to use TWINE.

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Usage: "Phy Ed"

I'm editing a future story for Katherine Day, and something turned up -- very possibly a regional issue -- that I figured people here might be able to answer.

One of the supporting characters is a gym teacher. Katherine's protagonist uses the term "Phy Ed" teacher to describe him. I've only heard "Phys Ed" and "P.E". considers the first and third of these to be abbreviations and calls the second "informal" speech.


Mike and Ashley, Some Afterthoughts

First of all, I want to thank everyone for the great response to an old story converted to a modern world. My previous stories have never received the response that this one has. I know my stuff isn't main line, but I'm pretty happy with what I've done over the last ten years or so. Anyway thank you so much. I feel encouraged to write a bit more before I sink into senility.

The last line to Chapter 7, was very deliberate. In fact, I researched it to make sure I had it correct. I was surprised that no one pinged on it. Okay, where did it come from?

I'm waiting.

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Homophobic Florida

A state representative from the Miami area is writing a bill that would prohibit a transgender person from using the restroom of the gender that they are . This means a person would have to use the restroom of there birth gender . A transgender woman would have to use the men's room , how would that go over a lady in a dress going into the men's room . I wonder how would even enforce a law like that ?
Restroom police ? would the pervert be looking under the dress to see the privates .
This is just plain crazy , only in the warped minds of hate can this happen.


got some bad news about my ex

Well, things have managed to get worse for Sharon. She fell a while back, but yesterday she ended up finding out she had herniated a disk in her back during the fall. And since she is still recovering from surgery, it means her schedule for going back to work has been pushed back.

I just hope she doesn't take out her frustrations on Samantha ...

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Has anyone tried to finish midnight downloads

i was wondering if any of you that has read wendy j's midnight downloads has ever tried to finish the work, or if knowing if any had more pieces written after she pulled the story. my main reason for asking this is that i have read the whole thing twice and wanted to read more because i would like to know how it would have finished and what other dangers both sam and tina had to injure


Murder of 'Samba Queen' in Brazil.

According to the Observer a trans samba dancer was murdered in Rio, they also suggest the crime might be a hate killing as they have a pretty awful record with a trans, gay or bi person being murdered every 28 hours.

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It looks like I'm back in business with my site, why do software writers think we need more complex stuff to do simple tasks?

As regards logging in here at BC I'm no further along, as I've deleted my original links etc and started from scratch I can't see that theres anything else I can do? Surely I'm not the only one having these issues which only started after the last BC upgrade?

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I've never been good with relationships. I think a lot of that comes from my childhood. I watched my parents go though a messy divorce. Mom and grandma spent a lot of effort on mind games to turn me against my dad. Dad got remarried to the wicked bitch of the south. then divorced and eventually married for the third time(I like this one). I watched my sister go though countless boyfriends in high school and all the drama that entailed. She got married, had a kid then got divorced. she is now getting ready to get married for the second time.

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Ghost Inside My Child

Amazingly when I read someone and tell them about their life or lives before the present one they are trying out, it is all familiar to them. Usually they bring some of their past to the present without knowing why they feel a certain way, act a certain way, or why knowledge of different aspects of a job comes naturally to them. And yes most everyone tries out a different gender as they go through one life after another. I only read two different people that never changed from boy to girl or girl to boy. That one seems to be the hardest part for some to accept.


Rusty. Feb 1995 to Feb 2015

Our long suffering cat was euthanized at aprox 9:45am CST today, Saturday Feb 7th.

He and his late littermate Cally were two Wisconsin Humane Society kittens from the old location behind WTMJ tv and radio near Esterbrook Park in Milwaukee WI.

Best estimate were he was born Feb 08th 1995. But we will call him 20 years old.

He will be cremated and his ashes scatted over his sisters grave by a peony in our back yard.

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Computer wiz

Computer development is going so fast that it is like totally gee wiz to me. And playing with them is like a total rush, though I did not usually give a ...
I'm not talking cost effectiveness here, just talking about what a novice can do, and it is like totally fun. So, I know some of you will think what I am saying is stupid, but please don't treat me like your irritating little sister.


Database problem

We had a small database problem this morning which has been cleared up. We will be working on a permanent solution to this later this month with adding two more database servers. If you had problems posting this morning it was likely due to the database timing out while trying to update tables.

Let us know via email, PM, or status message if you are still having problems.



Sex Change on ID in British Columbia and the Yukon, Canada

With this for, filled by your GP, you can get all your ID changed to show the gender you wish.

With this SECOND form added you can get your bc medical card changed.

With both forms, and application for new Drivers license / BCID / BC Services card(s) completed, you only need to send a letter to ICBC head office requesting they amend all your drivers records to remove old names.


BBC to start filming a trans comedy

The BBC is to begin filming a new comedy with the female lead being played by a Rebecca Root an actress who is/was transsexual playing a transwoman, something of a first, according to the Guardian. So well done the Beeb.

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had a counseling session at the Pride Center

Well, yesterday, I was able to get a counseling session at the Edmonton Pride center, and I found it very helpful. I talked with the counselor about my current stress, my past, my faith, and my transition. Best of all she seems really well versed in trauma and how it impacts a person. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to see her, but I'm going to do everything I can to get better.

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So okay there's a new chapter up here, I am however still having log in issues here on BC and can't upload new stuff to either.

I've tried everything people have suggested without success so it looks like its end of the line for me posting stuff for free - i'll give it till the end of the month but after that I'm not wasting any more of my precious time on this planet trying to fix stuff. Doesn't mean I stop writing but the couple of hours I spend doing site updates will be better spent doing other things.


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You've done a disservice to a good talent !!!

When I first began to read "Whisper", I thought it was well written, and had some uniqueness to it. The language in the story sounded like a teen age kid, not some English professor.

Some where along the line I lost track of the story, perhaps when she went to Whateley. I respect the author that originally came up with the 'verse but since then so many have just dumped their protagonists there and gave up on the story. Now when it is mentioned I usually just stop reading it because I do not want to think of Whateley to be a place where good characters disappear.

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Fingers crossed please.

I found a lump somewhere where it's not supposed to be - enough to worry about testicular cancer. Initial screening indicates that it's most likely NOT cancer, but a cyst. Because of its position, it's been causing significant pain, so tomorrow I go under the knife to get it removed (and biopsied if necessary).

I'm always nervous about full anesthesia; complications can always happen. So if you have a moment tomorrow morning, please cross your fingers or send a wish my way.

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Site Errors

This error has been occurring a lot recently

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1040] Too many connections in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of /var/www/html/bcmain/armoire/includes/

usually followed by site timeout and the useless cloudflare page. :(


hurt my leg somehow

Soi managed to tear the hamstring in my left leg on Monday, last week, not this. Thinking nothing of the pain, for which I have a high tolerance for I went on with life as normal, including 4 days of work, in which I outworked those half my age. Went to a walk in clinic yesterday and got told I tore it, so I took my first day off of work in 9 years (counting the other job) and caught up on my sleeping was gonna write, but computer chair is not comfortable

WL try to get some stuff out soon, since I may be off work for a few days

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Donations for February

We're asking for more this month, $3000, because we are just not quite making all our payments on the debts owed by the site and the extra money is coming from me.

We're also developing at least one other site for the BCTS community and we have someone helping us with the expenses for that. More news on that development later in the month.

Many thanks to everyone who makes a gift to keep BC working.

Hugs to all,
Erin, Piper, Cat, Katie, Sephrena and all the volunteers


I'm terribly sorry

Since I started publishing on Big Closet, I have managed to produce at least one piece every month with one exception.

However, that streak is in jeopardy now.

The piece I was working on based on a nightmare is too triggering for me right now, and the other story I had started, "Solomon's test" has its own problems. Mainly that I am afraid it might be too close to the current story "Shortcuts", insofar as both stories are about a bet between cosmic forces and a person getting super powers.

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Sweat and Tears

I have decided to put this onto Kindle, with some edits and a copious afterword. The cover will take time to prepare, and it will be, well, relevant. The book is atypical of my stuff in one way, but in its emphasis on friendship, family and love, it is absolutely one of mine.

I worried a bit about being sued by the estate of a certain Dr Money, so I took legal advice. ESAD.

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Not a Doctor

I see so many emails, posts, and talk to people who tell me, "John died. He was sick."

Years back I knew if a person had something wrong when I got close to them. Every disease, every illness has its own peculiar smell. I met others who had the same sense of smell but only one who knew exactly what the problem was by the smell. She was a nurse of all things. The doctor she worked with would always ask her about his diagnoses of a patient.


The Fall of the Race of Man

So...I had this idea bouncing around in my head. Given my lack of focus for the last several years, I doubt I'll do anything with it, but I thought it would be interesting to put it out there for some discussion--maybe get some ideas to refine the concept or something, but mostly as a thought exercise. ^_^;

The Premise:


The Family Girl #073: Saying Goodbye with a Smiley


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #73: Saying Goodbye with a Smiley

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl

Blogs, click on this link:

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Amazing and True report of XY and AIS and Babies

Dear Fellow-Travellers

I am amazed that this story did not get onto BCTS within a few minutes of being posted – so a few hours late – here it is.

There is now a GENUINE example of a person labelled from birth as a BOY and then in her late teens being re-assessed as a GIRL with AIS.
After many investigations, a minute ‘proto-womb’ was detected and this was sufficient with hormone encouragement to develop into a working womb and she has now given birth to TWINS.


Prolonged silence

It has been nearly nine months since I last contributed a chapter to the site. It was not that I've not been writing, but I have made a couple of false starts and after 20-25,000 words I have become blocked. I have however now completed fourteen chapters and 44,000 words for my third attempt, and have a clear idea of where I want it to go, so I will risk posting again. I have just posted chapter 1 and will post chapter 2 tomorrow. Thereafter I will post chapters at weekly intervals as usual.


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I collect stories - can I post some of them

I collect stories which I enjoy re-reading. Sometimes, I find typos and so on which I correct.
Many of the stories come from the deceased site Crystal's Storysite or other sites which are no-longer-available (or sometimes I have lost the source).
How many different objections would there be if I submitted these for re-posting - always acknowledging the original author and site if possible.
For example - I have some 150 stories by Janet Stickney from about 1999-2004
& 12 stories by Rachel Anne Cooper.

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Syriza and its consequences for the EU.

I am so happy that Syriza won but I'm wondering what will happen. I am hoping Syriza will at the very least see these austerity measures thrown out, with a more equitable agreement happening. Maybe in this new measure the rich people in Greece will pay their fair share instead of seeing the middle class face undue hardship for bad decisions made by those in power who are likely in league with the rich.

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I remember a story about a alien abducting a guy who was Trans and then putting blobs of something on his chest and groin afterwards they turned into real breast and a vagina
I didn't get to finish the story and forgot which site it was in

Does anyone remember or read it ?


New Story - Mike and Ashley (or Michele and Aishling)

For several years I have wanted to write a story based on an old tale from about a thousand years ago. I had been sitting on it until a week or two ago when my muse gave me a figurative kick in the ass. I quickly wrote a summary of the story and then got to writing it. It has taken me only a week to put together almost 22,000 words of what I think is a very nice story. I'd thought at first it would be a bit longer; however, I think this length was right. I'm interested to see if anyone will identify the ancient story. It is quite popular in some artistic circles.

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Bruce Jenner making a film about his transition.

According to MS Outlook, Olympic champion Bruce Jenner is making a film about his transition to female. As he's related to the Kardashians, who it appears publicise everything, it's hardly surprising. However, the support he appears to be receiving from them is heartening.

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PTSD time

Well, after I read the latest chapter of "Buffalo gal wont you come out tonight", I ended up struggling pretty hard with my PTSD. (Not blaming the author, the warnings were there, I read it anyway)

I cried for more than an hour on the phone with Jaci before I calmed down enough to sleep, and since I woke up I've been feeling super anxious and I am having a hard time keeping my heart rate down.

Ah, well. Just another day ...

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Magic: the Gathering's first trans character introduced

Wizards of the Coast introduced their first canon trans character ever with a story on their site today. And she kicks So. Much. Ass. Even if you're not a fan of Magic: the Gathering as a game or aren't familiar with its worlds, the story's a great read for anyone who enjoys heroic fantasy. Enjoy!

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Update and new release

I seem to be having issues getting my ftp uploader to work so I can't update my site!

I have managed to complete Gaby's Comfort Food - a real cook book written by our heroine! It should be available for Kindle shortly but you can get the full colour print version here;

or as a pdf here;

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Strange conversation with Urologist

So, I have been having a lot of pain in my lower abdomen and went to a VA Urologist to see how to access Medicare to access a surgical solution to my incomplete SRS surgery. Well, the meeting was waaaayyy different than I thought it would be.

She said I have classic Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, which manifests by pain in the hip, general pelvis area, and anterior abdominal area, often feeling like pain in the ovaries. (I have no ovaries) She believes that the "Ovary" pain is either from scar tissue from their removal at birth, or from simple muscle tension.

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is this okay

I have been writing a short story. Its almost finished but Now I am having second thoughts and not sure if it is good. I wont reveal too much spoilers. But I made this Character. He or She has done something, killed someone. Lets herself get arrested to make a point. Something Political and she wants a big trial to do it.
As the Trail goes, we find horrible things happened to her and we see why she did what she did.
Then later, we realize she did some very horrible things too, to those who hurt her and their family's, shes a monster too.


Timeline problem

I have over 3000 words of Chapter 16 of Tamara's Trials ready to roll, It's been edited, re-edited and re-re-re-edited but I can't use it, yet!

The Tammy stories are written against dates and the chapter written for Monday 26th Jan should be 2nd Feb! So, I have nothing ready for Chapter 16 as of 1430 GMT, the chapter already written will become number 21 or 22 or 23 etc, eventually!

Can I manage 2000 words plus in the next few hours? Let's see!


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Unseen spirits

I suppose it depends if someone is one of those "Nothing but the Facts" folk, or if you are one of those who has their head in the clouds. I think many of us see or feel something going on in our own heads or in the world at large that you won't hear about on the evening news.

We have a number of different ways of explaining it to ourselves, or maybe we don't. Maybe we just try to ignore it? Perhaps we have learned not to speak of it?

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A worthless piece of poo makes it right

Thursday, I rolled over in bed and on top of Felix's laptop. I then proceeded to move it further out of my way with my knee. Long story short, I cracked the screen. I felt bad. I felt horrible. And I should feel those things because, as everyone knows, I am a bad, horrible person.

I didn't know I cracked the screen until Felix came home and went to use his laptop. Only made matters worse. I guess I could have lied and said I had no clue, but I fessed up.

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Happy Australia Day

Happy Australia Day, a celebration commemorating the day in 1788 when, after losing their traditional dumping grounds due to the recent unpleasantness in the former American colonies, the English, known affectionately by later day Australians as Pommies, landed several boat loads of convicts on the shores of New South Wales.

Well done lads, well done.

HW Coyle
a.k.a. Nancy Cole

P.S. I wonder how Bree from While the Band Played Waltzing Matilda is celebrating the day? Safe to say she probably isn't serving sushi.

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Birth certificate changes after GRS

I am writing this for those of you who do the change on a Birth certificate. I had problems after my surgery with the state of Minnesota. I went through the county I was born in, then had to file a state application. Even with a judges signature on the change of name and a certified copy from the physician. the state and county did not tell me the amount I had to pay. I had to send a certified check to the state of Minnesota and I had already sent one to the county as I had talked with them.

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Switching between he and she

I am working on a story that has the main character one year into transition MtF. Is it wrong or less confusing to always refer to her gender as her? Example would be in discussing a flash back when the character was twelve. He often went with his father on weekend hunting trips. Or, she often went with her father on weekend hunting trips. When in fact at twelve the character was trying to be the son his father wanted while struggling and denying who she really was.


An even stranger dream

last night I had the weirdest dream:

I dreamed that I was a robot who was piloting my real human body. I would watch what I was doing on the screen and run the controls. Then a female robot came in and was helping me pilot and I found out that the female robot was supposed to control my wife. The end of the dream we were talking to our daughter but through my male body. If I leaned the left side of my face towards my daughter, it was me. The other side was my wife. We were trying to see how insane we could make our kid.

Wild, right, or insane.


F' Burns Nicht

A thocht f' a' ye attendin' ain.


As I Walk’d By Mysel

by Robert Burns.

As I walk’d by myself, and talk’d by myself,

Myself said unto me:

Look to thyself,take care of thyself, For nobody cares for thee

I answer’d myself, and said to myself,

In the self same repartee:

Look to thyself, or not look to thyself

The self same thing will be!

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