A number of people stepped up in the last week and contributed almost $1000. Thank you all, thank you very much.
Because of gifts from our readers we are able to continue to maintain this site and support other sites in the community. It costs money. This last week, we have paid out in excess of $2000 in co-location fees, software license fees, purchase of hardware for upgrades, payments on loans and miscellaneous little charges. Almost half of that comes from our advertisers and sales of books but the other half came from readers and contributors to the site.
Some people gave $200 or more, some gave $4. Some couldn't give but helped us out by buying items they needed through the Amazon links on site. We get about 7% commission when you do that, even more if it's one of our own Doppler Press books.
It's humbling to think that we would not be doing what we do if there weren't enough people who want us to continue to do it.
All gifts and other contributions are appreciated. We continue working to make this the best website of its kind on the internet. And we, literally, could not do that without the readers, authors and advertisers who support us.
Contributions can be made via Amazon thru the Hatbox and thru P**P** via Janglewood.. Or PM me, Erin, for a snail mail address.
Thank you,
Erin, Piper, Cat, Katie, Sephrena and the volunteers
Kindle Help
Forgive me I tried to get this to you about a week ago but it seemed as though it didn't work the way that I had intended for it to. I do what I can through the Amazon links so you can get a little more then just going straight to amazon and buying from authors that post here. I like this current layout at least when I am on my computer. It just does not work with the Kindle that I have a lot of the adds especially the ones on the left side of the screen end up covering the stories and the pictures that are sometimes there are smaller then ordinary thumbnails. Now I know you all do what you can but if there is a way that you can get the layout to work with fit to screen with out the adds covering the stories up and having the pictures closer to normal size. That would help me out a lot especially sense I like to use the Kindle more then just my laptop computer. The layout kinda makes that impossible for me to do any more. Please and thank you.
Which Kindle device do you
Which Kindle device do you use to view the site?