Probably doesn't mean much to anyone else on here, but 9 years seems like a lot. Been here 9 years and been in love with someone on here for just about eight years....
Well it makes me happy, I hope my online lover feels the same....
{{Hugs}} to All
Another year will be your bronze anniversary on BCTS.
-- Daphne Xu
nine years is a long time, Congrads!
I've only been at BC for 9 year and 9 months...
W! T! F!
I am sooooo old!
John in Wauwatosa hiding out from those pesky AARP goon squads
John in Wauwatosa
Nine years with perks...
Happy for you.
Hugs, JessieC
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Glad you're here Frank.
You got a ways to go yet to catch me though. 10 years 6 months is my current status. Thanks for all you do behind the scenes here at Top Shelf.
Have a great day.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Your presence here is terrific! God bless!
Love, Andrea Lena