Though Focus on the Family may not be transgender friendly yet, they do give great advice on some areas of life. I make it a habit of listening to them every morning, even though they are off on some issues. I thought today' episode was quite good and without naming names, I thought it might help some people in the community.
This broadcast is about overcoming being a victim of molestation. It is only the first part, but I will piggyback the link for the second part tomorrow when it becomes available. I hope this helps some people.
Source of Hate
Have you considered that the hate you spoke of in another thread might be attributed to listening to a group who thinks homosexuality is preventable and treatable. They're a group who espouses two separate and distinct genders, despite all the real world proof to the contrary.
Not convinced?
Read this . . .
That . . . makes my skin crawl.
This does too . . . even moreso
If you want to avoid hate you should avoid hateful people. Focus on the Family are HATEFUL people.
That's not religion they're peddling, that's snake oil. Religion . . . true religion is about love and acceptance. They're all about gathering huge pots of money. How many of these guys have to be proven to be hypocritical asshats before people stop listening to their garbage.
Dobson has broken away from this group. That might indicate a step in the right direction. Back in the 1970's I read book Dobson wrote about parenting and found it very helpful. Somewhere along the line his advice went around the bend.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)