CHERYLB's blog

Charli(e) Wilder Saga?

I left this, pretty discouraged by lack of feedback.

Charli has been accepted at an exclusive girls school as a transgender girl. But she is questioning whether she is really transgender. She is wondering how she can sample boyhood from the position she is in. She has a session of basketball and video games scheduled with a group of slightly older public schoolboys. But the boy who invited her doesn't know her transgender status and wants her as a girlfriend. Charlie wants him as a boyfriend.

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A challenge

I have been involved with numerous authors on a soon to be released, "A dozen Roses".

I challenge each of you to pick a favorite character and commit to letting the author know through a comment or PM.

Note you don't have to limit yourself to only one. You will have 13 characters to choose from. Why a baker"s dozen? l'll leave that for you to figure out.

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Free hugs

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Since we are moving toward less touch in our real lives, I have decided to hand out guaranteed virus-free virtual hugs here.

Hugs Cheryl

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Boy or Girl or Golden Retriever

I enjoy when authors share backstories of their work and creative process. I hope you enjoy my story of “How I Became Crossgender”, came about.

I started to try my hand at an ever popular, a nerdy boy discovers girl inside, conquers the world as a girl story.

I started what was tentatively called “Boy or Girl or Golden Retriever”. Mostly the backstory referred to, but with psychologist telling mom “The way you have raised them, they don’t know if they are boy or girl or golden retriever.” I got bogged down after killing off Jane (post-death discussions are not much fun).

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I am repeating the afterword to my story "How I Became Crossgender" because I feel this is a better location for discussing questions, I hope it raises. Is Charli(e) crossgender? What is the danger/advantage of a cis-gender person pretending to be crossgender? What should the role of mental health professionals be?


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Thank you all for the comments. Let me assure you that if I continue to get comments like this, there will be more.

I see many of the authors here begging for comments. I know it is very demoralizing not receiving comments. Many of us fledgling authors need encouragement, not demoralization, so please readers comment more, not just on mine, but on all the stories you like or feel you could help make better. And PM if you don't want it in public or it might embarrass the author. You might make a friend, and you can never have too many friends.

Hugs, Cheryl

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Forum entry

I write my stories to explore ideas. I'm usually disappointed with lack of comment and discussion. So this time I am going to try using the little-used forum feature on BC. You are all invited to share your thoughts and ideas. The topic is "Lack of male exposure" in the Hanging around section. Hope to see you there.

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0 words


Is anyone else having all stories come 0 words (no body of the story)?

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Masculine/feminine balance

I believe gender shouldn't be an either or choice. In my just completed story "Old friend,New love" I tried to present two people trying to find a new balance in their gender expression. In the process they find someone that loves both sides.

Not many percieved it that way. But I would like some feedback. How would describe the characters Kevin/Kate and Chris/Chrissie on a masculine/feminine scale. For example Kevin/Kate 10%M/80%F (yes it doesn't need to add up to 100% if you feel some uncertanty).

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Schedule change

Originally I had planned on releasing "Old friend, New love" in weekly chapters. To enter it in Christmas contest, I started with daily releases. Reader feedback say's this is too frequent. I tend to agree, though one reason I love Bike is knowing there is a new chapter each day (not so much anymore). So I am changing to Mon, Wed, Fri, releases. (pending RL issues of course).

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New Series

I have started to post a new series, "Old Friend, New Love". I thought I had posted as a novel chapter, but it didn't appear that way. From comments, some have interpreted this to be a (very incomplete) solo. It is my intention to post a chapter (or more, as in the 1st installment, when the chapters are short) each day until done. The part of the story I am releasing for the contest, is done (though open to further editing). I hope you enjoy it. Comments and PM's are welcome (and may be used to determine if I write more or crawl back into my closet).

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I find it disturbing that major contributors like Angharad and Efindumb are choosing to stop posting. When a volunteer organization, starts burning out it's best workers, the end is generally not far away. This does not bode well for BC.

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Our president elect has been making conciliatory remarks about working together and leading the whole country. This is hard to believe, after the campaign, but I think we should give him a chance. Perhaps the weight of the office will make him act more like a human being.

There used to be a tradition of giving the new president, a honeymoon period to hit the ground running (I don't think Obama was given one).
I think it is a tradition worth renewing.

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Authors works list

Could it be arranged so that when an authors name is clicked on authors list, a list of links to there works, available on BC, would appear. Some authors are nice enough to keep a link to such a page near the top of their blog, but others I find nearly impossible to get to any of their stories. Maybe I am missing a better way to approach this?

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message systems


Apparently the friend and fans system has its own messaging. I was not aware of this and missed some messages.
I would recommend the PM system as it flags new messages on the home page (at least for me).

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