Okay, enough doom and gloom, time for something fun!
Dorothy Bellion presents ... Why Hollywood should make a movie of my life!
1: Hollywood loves Bio-pics - It's true. Some of the biggest movies in the last few years have been true stories about real people. So why not me?
2: Hollywood also loves underdog stories - People cant seem to get enough tales of people overcoming handicaps or tragedy to succeed, and my life has had a few tough moments, so I'm perfect for the movies!
3: Actresses get huge praise for physically changing for a role - especially if it means playing down their looks. So whatever actress played me could sure benefit from the experience!
4: Trans issues are trending up - Laverne Cox, Bruce Jenner, Chazz Bono, trans people are in the media spotlight more than ever, so why not have a movie about me to catch the wave?
5: I'm just awesome!
Add one more for 4)
Transsexual Delia Johnston - I hated sport before my sex change
Now she plays Netball.
Great link
Delia Johnston's story was so worth reading. Thank you. I too found that transitioning cost but also let me gain more than I lost by opening new doors.
Rhona McCloud
Why Not?
You forgot to mention that you are cute, cuddly and have lots of snuggles and Huggles too. am calling California to pitch the movie to them Hugs