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CNN did a story about the former Bruce Jenner outside wearing a Dress and should she be doing it in public .
The photo was fuzzy and with a high powered lens , so very sad for CNN . One of the people asked said KUDOS for being who she wants to be .
Total invasion of privacy :-(
The question is not...
...whether Jenner should be wearing a dress in public, but whether the media have the right to do something which, if done by the average citizen, would be considered stalking.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Special rules apply to those who hold themselves out as "special."
Bruce Jenner has made a very nice living being "famous". That fame carries a price.
Bruce Jenner knows how to manipulate the press.
It is very hard to say what's motivating Bruce.
It's very possible she wants a life style that reflect who she is. It is also a distinct possibility that he is seeking publicity and fame as he has for years, and this is just one more stunt.
The cynic in me believes the later. I'm trying very hard to think better of her.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I guess we can wait for the
I guess we can wait for the interview with Diane Sawyer to be aired Friday. If it's serious, or a publicity stunt, I think we'll know after that.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
This has been an ongoing...
This has been an ongoing discussion with me and my girlfriend. She's kind of the opinion that he's doing it for nefarious reasons. If it was anyone else (not a part of that family) I would probably disagree with her. But I kind of see her point. The Jenners and Kardashians are all drama all the time. It never shuts off for them. I think he (Bruce) waited too long to say/do anything about it. And if he is genuine about it, then I hope that's reflected in the special they're doing. I hope it's not another stunt for publicity and/or a new reality show.
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
I was 55 before I accepted myself,
so I don't think there is a magic age that is too late. That is if I read you post correctly.
I am now 58, and fully transitioned, all legal and proper. Once the dam broke I did it as fast as I could.
Not a magic age
Not saying there is a magic age by any stretch of the imagination. You can come to the realization at any age. I think some of us even wait until the "right" time (kids are grown, we're where we want to be in life, etc.). Some of us are happy where we are at, or where we end up. For me personally, I'm comfortable living in the middle, and have a great companion that accepts that.
The only argument here, and this is where my girlfriend is coming from, is that it's Bruce Jenner. It's the history of their families that kind of make this seem like a strange time to do it. Like I said, if it's genuine, then great. More power to Bruce. Maybe (s)he can be a role model. However, if it's just another stunt to launch a show, store, clothing line, etc., then I'm going to be rather disappointed.
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
Long time
From the first time I saw Jenner back in the days of Olympic glory, I thought, there's someone who may be trans. There was something in the expression and body language that communicated to me. So the recent announcement only surprised me because of how long it took to happen.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
More info needed
Seriously. People do not attempt to change their genders for trivial, transient reasons despite some stories here and elsewhere.
Jenner's face has been a study in suppressed pain and longing for decades. I think that if anyone in the community wants to say that people should be respected for trying to change genders then that rule should apply to famous people, too. No matter if their relatives are media manipulators or not, no matter if they themselves are accused of terrible crimes, no matter if they are famous for being outlandish rule breakers, no matter if they look ridiculous in the attempt.
If anyone deserves that respect, then everyone does until proven otherwise. And proof is not an accusation, it is tested evidence.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
In public...
There is no expectation of privacy. The mob of photogs are just trying to make a buck and "Bruce Jenner" is now a marketable commodity, again, with his very public transformation, rather than an Olympic Gold Medal.