On the nature of hate

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I will be the first to admit that I have a lot of pent up anger and hate. I have had a lifetime of resentment. Most people don't know the things that have happened to me, and I'm sure most, if not all, of you don't really care. Anger and hatred are quite valuable tools. They insulate you from a harsh and brutal world that seeks nothing more that to destroy you. It gives you the strength and resolve to soldier on through the quagmire that is everyday life. It helps you look at those who want to crush your jugular under their heel and tell them to fuck of as you fight for your very next breath.

Yes, anger and hatred is useful.

But it is also a cancer. While it may insulate you, it also isolates you. It makes people who may want to give you a hand to turn away and head for gentler shores. It makes you suspicious of every good deed and turns the world even colder. I have seen how people harboring hate appear and decided that I don't want people viewing me that way.

What does that mean?

It means I have to be vulnerable, and that is not easy for someone who has been betrayed by people who were supposed to protect me. But I am tired of these prison walls I have built around me and am attempting to change. If I have hurt you in the past, I apologize and hope we can get beyond that. I'm hoping one day that the clouds can part and I can see a ray of sunlight.

Things will be better. I have no doubt. So in the end I will sing "The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar...." quit covering your ears, I'm not THAT off key. :)

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