TopShelf Blogs

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The Unkindest Cut.

I had read, or heard someone say that Transgender folk have a high incidence of Autism or something on the Spectrum, but I know a woman that spent many years working with the folk and she does not see the connection.

Then I was reading on the internet and it seems to be a popular idea among PhD. Psych. folk that Transgender folk have a predominance of three serious personality disorders; Paranoid PD, avoidant PDs, and comorbid PDs. Someone else indicated that many were Borderline Personality.


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Wild Mustard, continued...

Now, some of the mustard in our front yard is going to seed. To thrive in their nitch as a weed they, of course, have lots of seeds. Seeds are 1.0 mm by 0.5 mm. The cylindrical seed pods are about 4 cm long and about 0.8 mm in diameter. In the plant I picked, seed pods extend 20 cm below the initial flower every 8 mm or so. The flower has petals and male parts that look like pollen sacks. Since the plants are in seed, the pollen must have been released weeks ago.


Missing friends and acquaintances........

Between working remotely (the recent snow storm to hit the east coast resulted in our offices being closed for the past two days) and clearing snow, I starting thinking about the friends and acquaintances I haven’t or heard from in the past year. We are coming up on 12 months since the pandemic hit the shutdown phase, and we began to lose track of a lot of people.

This was really pointed out to me as I was looking for a story to read this evening. While going through my bookmarks, I noticed several stories by Elsbeth.


A Hackneyed Tale of Serious Gravity, Chapter 6

Posted the last chapter a little while ago. I had fun writing it, and it basically came about because I asked myself what would I wish for if I found the "Genie". My wish would be what Ted/Sandy wished for. I did leave some things open for an additional story or two. I did mention some people that didn't "belong" there. Why were they there, and how did they get there?

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To the Core: Book III now on Amazon

The third and currently final book of my To the Core story is now up on Amazon.

Sabine and her friends have finally escaped the fighting arena in Karuu, each having grown much stronger from their experiences. Now, they must escape Karuu itself, in the midst of growing unrest, and hope that they are strong enough to face the challenges ahead.

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More Milestones

I looked through some old posts about milestones and kudos, and found this one of my own from 4.5 years back: It seems almost quaint, talking about pushing over 100 Kudos and such. My latest off-dashing, Still Another Dress Code, posted last Tuesday, zoomed up to 100 Kudos in a couple days, and is now at 126.

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Language and pronunciation

Speaking and writing in English can be like opening a can of worms. In recent correspondence I’ve been asked (albeit politely) whether I meant ‘a flu shot’ rather than ‘a flu jab’, ‘careening (a word I’d never come across) rather than ‘careering’ and whether ‘whilst’ (as opposed to ‘while’) is common in British English (yes it is - although its use is gradually declining). These are all matters of usage which changes over time and place and is to be celebrated so long as it does not impede communication. None is more ‘correct’ than the other.

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The story behind "Yuzurenai Negai"

I'm pretty sure just about everyone knows the title comes from the first season theme to the anime "Magic Knight Rayearth". I based the mood of the main character on the lyrics, specifically to the English translation made for the US Sega Saturn version by Working Designs.

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I'm not sure about my latest story idea

I've got an idea for a story and not sure if it would go over well

the story is about a man who had committed assault and rape tries to reform and make up for the harm he's caused, and may involve him changing into a woman.

would you read a story like that?

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A New Hope.

I've had new contact with my estranged Son, something I had given up on. He first emailed me, saying he was thinking of me, and tried to talk about my living in sexual sin. Sorry to drop the Religion Bomb on you, but I shared Matt 19:12 and Isaiah 56:4-5 with him, and later I got an email from him asking for my forgiveness.
He can't speak a sentence without using Scripture or mentioning God.

I'm very thankful but I do not plan on a deep relationship.


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Life got ya down? Give this a listen.

from The Lion King of course.

I never saw The Lion King, but this is a great song, written by Elton John and redone in Pentatonix's inimitable style. Hope it makes some of you smile and love this song as much as I've grown to love it.

Catherine Linda Michel

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New, Original Story. Maybe There's Still Something Left Afterall

Based on a little "What If" scenario, I decided to attempt to write a new story. Surprisingly, it took only a couple months to complete. I imagine some will pick up on what's going on right away. I am being deliberately vague in the first chapter, but all will be clear, hopefully, after second chapter. There are six chapters in all, and the story is a bit over twelve thousand words. I would rate it a mild PG. Things are seldom as they seem. Skim milk masquerades as cream.

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crying out in the dark

so apparently last night I started shouting in my sleep.

I cant remember what I was dreaming that would make me cry out.

The thing is, as a kid I did that a lot, and even as an adult I still did it until I started going to therapy and recovered some of the memories of my abuse (which is when I started having flashbacks instead), and as far as I know I no longer cried out in my sleep - until last night.

You're gonna have to forgive me if that's a little concerning for me.

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New series and more!

Hello out there,

There's something new out there with my name on it. Outkast's. This story is about Vic and his experience being Walker's best friend.

Now I don't know how often I will update this one but I have some plans for it. It's going to fill the gaps that Walker doesn't see. It'll give context to things that might need it.

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I am an active sleeper

so to tell this story, I have to set the scene.

when I go to bed, I have a light soft fleece blanket and on top of that a weighted blanket.

So got that image: me, soft fleece, heavy weight.

So this morning, I woke up to discover I had somehow switched the two blankets, and now the weighted one was under the fleece one.

I have no idea how I did this . . .

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The reality of cheerleading

Cheerleading is part of the American identity and frequently used as a story device or plot on this site. But how much do those of us not actually involved really know about it. A new film claims to take the lid off a less than glamorous world of exploitation nastiness and the victims as always are women.

See attached link from the Guardian and see if you still want to write about cheerleading.

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Going through pockets

As I was saying, I was going through some pockets the past couple weeks. Time are tough and it was slim pickings let me tell yuh. Receipts and lint coming up for most of my trouble. Getting harder to get into other people's pockets anyway. Like the lady who was looking through the cans of sweet peas and her purse was in the cart. It was open and her billfold was there for the taking. Acting innocent I looked up to dispel suspicion and we wus right under a security camera. It was a setup to catch thieves. There just aint no honor among honest folk any more.


Meh...!!! Feh...!!!

I begun a new tale I've been working on for too long; two years. I got to chapter 8 when the virus reared its ugly little head and interrupted life as we all have known it. Unfortunately I had to post it as a pfd. I simply couldn't post it as a regular tale because I got error message after error message. I can't figure out whether I derped or the program derped. And I simply couldn't waste more time messing with it.


It never rains, but it pours...

Or snows here.

I found I have a herniated disk a while back and have been doing physical therapy for it. At the same time, I've been getting a pain in my left arm. Now having been a medic in the army at one time, and a certified nurse's assistant now, I know what a pain in my left arm can mean, but I was pretty sure that's not the problem.

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Must Needs there Always be Fear and Aggression?

Those sworn to defend the world, no matter their country or loyalties, watched, completely confused, as a tube shaped object accelerated, completely out of the atmosphere. A scrambled fighter, one of several fired a missile at the object, but it was far too slow.

Humans had assumed the visitors to be hostile, but the truth was something they could not understand.

We must wait for understanding.



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bad day yesterday

Okay, so yesterday, after I has an exhausting day running Sharon and Sam around, my mom offered to make supper for me.

And while coming back to the kitchen while carrying a heavy pot with a heavy lid on it, the lid fell off and hit her on the top of her foot.

the top of the joint of her big toe was pretty swollen, couldn't put any weight on the foot, and I started struggling with guilt.

And then the day got worse.

I managed to trip and slammed into the carpet just about as hard as I could

So at this point I was sore, guilty, and worried about mom.

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06|07 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Battleground

Just a notice before I get to our regularly scheduled programming. As per this blog, I will be removing Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series, from Bigcloset Topshelf and my website soon. So if you haven't read it and still want to, you may want to get on that.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright


By Daniela A. Wolfe

When a mysterious ship appears to confront the Valiant, all hell breaks loose.


Story finding help

I recently went through and reread all the Nena stories by Maddy Bell. I enjoyed the reread but some place in the back of my mind, I vaguely remember a cross over between Nena and Gabby or at least a cameo by Nena in a Gabby story or chapter. It was probably in some of the earlier stories.

Anyone got any suggestions?

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Doppler Press

A few years ago, I asked Erin if she would be interested in publishing Peaches through Doppler Press. I agreed to donate all proceeds to the maintenance of BC.

I wasn’t sure what to think and frankly sort of washed my hands of it and didn't think much about how many books were being sold. Last summer, Erin told me about the amount of money the sales of my books have generated. I was amazed and gratified.

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Kid's Sports

Youth sports have a purpose. They can be wonderful environments to teach valuable life lessons. Or, they can be culture cauldrons to develop bias and hate.

I love youth sports. I also love the effort to win. Excelling is a basic human nature and vital to the perpetuation of mankind.

Winning and compassionate youth sports are NOT incompatible.

I once ran a youth basketball program with about a thousand participants. The players were boys and girls ages ten through fourteen. Our program fed into three high school programs.


Santa's Secret Transfic Stash

I'm one of twenty-five trans authors with a story in a new bundle on My story in the bundle, "Armored", is a secondary world fantasy about a scavenger who finds an unusual set of armor in the buried ruins of a mage's house. It will appear on BigCloset, Scribblehub, and other sites eventually, but for now you can either get it as part of the bundle, or as a stand-alone download from

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Hole in the Sky -2- on Patreon for Everyone

Four men with a secret little hobby get swallowed up by a cosmic phenomenon...


Pete, Doc, Josie and the General fall through the Hole in the Sky into a new world. Where are they? Or is that even the right question?

Hole in the Sky
2. Into the Hole
by Erin Halfelven

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this "ship" needs repairs

Because I am A: a nerd, and B: a bit strange, I sometimes picture my body as a starship, and every morning Captain Brain gets into the command chair and gets the status updates for the day.

Well, to extend the metaphor a bit, you ever see an episode of any of the Star Trek shows where the ship starts having a bunch of malfunctions and nobody knows why?

Yeah, that's pretty much me right now. as my balance is off, my PTSD is on red alert, various parts of my body are complaining of pain, and I'm just generally getting all kinds of error messages that I can't track down.

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New Walker's Path has arrived!

Hello out there,

I hope you're all doing well! Like I said earlier I have been working on Walker's Path. The new chapter has come out!

This ones all abo-- Well you'll have to read to find out!

You can view the new chapter here.

I really hope you all enjoy it.

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Kravaal Island Background

Kravaal Island and the background tales of what happened there were inspired in part by the Boris Karloff movie The Man With Nine Lives and the music video for the Buggles' "Video Killed the Radio Star," as well as the Dark Star ominous, minor key version of the song.

In an interview a few years ago, Trevor Horn of the Buggles said he still had those glasses. ;-)

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I'm gonna try this one more time. PLEASE READ!

Okay. Here's the deal. I tried to post this before and got some flak. This guy has the information you need to get the financial help you need.

This is ME, not some virus or worm or hacked into account! I will grant you that the presenter SEEMS a bit scattered and he thinks he's funny, BUT he is not asking for ANY money from anyone. He is merely presenting information that a lot of people might not be aware of and how to GET what is available for things like rent and utility assistance. Like some tax breaks. Like child care or student loan assistance.

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05 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Raising Cayne

Just a notice for those who don't already know. As per this blog, I will be removing Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series, from Bigcloset Topshelf and my website soon. So if you haven't read it and still want to, you may want to do that.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Raising Cayne

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Aboard the Valiant, Jek must not only face down Kaya Briggs, but also the headstrong Colonel Cayne. To make matters worse, a new danger lurks on the horizon.

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Walkers Path Progress!

Hello out there,

Made a lot of headway last night. Wrote around 2k words for Walker's Path.

Generally, I write while I'm downstairs and lately I've been spending a lot of time upstairs. That is until we found a rat digging around in our pantry. My dad set out some poison and the rat ate it. It died in a wall somewhere near my room. So needless to say I'm not spending much time in my room anymore.

I'm both happy and sad. Sad because I am not spending as much time with my friends anymore and happy because I'm actually getting some writing done.

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Book 82 - Fed on Fear - now available on Amazon

NEW BOOK WARNING! I have just uploaded FED ON FEAR to Amazon for a Kindle eBook and a paperback.
For those of you who might have read The Rats of Hell - this is a rewrite and expansion of that story - bringing it into Natasha Mackay's universe - long after she has died (or has she?).
Kindle version is already available - the paperback might take a day or so longer.

Fed on Fear

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It Draws Nigh...

So, I don’t have an exact timeline, but soon I’ll be removing Battle for Earth from this and other websites. If you wish to download a copy for yourself, I have no qualms with that, but I hope that you’ll choose to support me when it is released on Kindle. I’ve already asked to have it removed from a certain other website, but only because I cannot directly remove it myself. I have put notices on several organizer pages for the series, the very first serial part, and on my website.

I hope everyone has a deliciously demented day,

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Covid-19, Is the hype real?

We’ve all seen the hype and heard of the great dangers of the Covid-19 virus. It seems the talking heads can’t stop talking about the dangers and the need of the anti-virus injections. Every once in a while, we hear someone from the outer fringes trying to tell us that this virus is no worse than another flu virus. Yes it can be deadly, but no more or no less than the flu. Of course the voice of those fringe naysayers are quickly drowned out by dozens of experts any time one rases their head.

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2 years ago

2 years ago, I had a benign tumor removed from my brain. The surgery went well, and the incision site has healed pretty well, although it still hurts at times. The tumor was squeezing my cerebrum on the left side of my head, causing what, for all intents and purposes, were short circuits in my brain. At times, my memory would completely disappear for several minutes. The partial brain seizures were frightening, and when I told people about them, even my doctor, I received the advice, just get your blood sugar under control.

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I Need Courage To Live...

Lots of us are in the same boat here. I am sorry to be whiney. I started Isolating about the first of March and it is getting old, really old. I am very lonely. I get all masked up and go grocery shopping about every 10 days and that's it. I've seen two ads about people over 50 getting together but that will have to wait until after the second vaccine.

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New Chapter of Wayward

I don't generally do this when I post a new chapter but seeing as its been a while since I posted the last one and well frankly, I said there wasn't going to be anymore. I thought I'd let everyone know that there is in fact a NEW chapter of Wayward that I posted today. Its a bit on the short side because well I haven't written anything in a bit but I'm just happy I pulled my ass off the floor to do something again.

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Regarding Walker's Path

Hello out there,

It's been a couple of weeks since I put up a chapter of "Walker's Path" and I wanted to apologize.

We've been having problems with my nephew that I don't really want to get into and I've been having problems getting the medical care that I need. Specifically some trans-related surgery.

I also have a lump on my right breast that has been steadily growing. I found it in October 2018 and got a biopsy in 2019 which showed that it was benign. I'm hoping for the same result and hoping that I can get it removed soon as well.

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Has this happened to anyone else?

Twenty years ago (I had to check, it's that long), I got the DVD Silverado, A film I've always wanted to watch. But every time I've put it by the player to watch. Something has happened and I've never got to watch it.
This Christmas it was on the tv, so I decided I'll watch on broadcast. What happened, three phone calls and a neighbour knocking on the door with a problem and could I help. I did get to see about tens minutes worth spread about over the film so to be pointless.

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"Detransition, Baby" - book review. An interesting perspective.

Book Review: A social comedy on ‘detransitioning’ asks: Who is anyone to judge?

The entire review is interesting and presents unique perspective on transitioning and on DE-transitioning; a concept I never knew existed.

The author is trans; "Peters often aims her barbs at transgender people like her."

"“Detransition, Baby” is that rare social comedy in which the author cuts people up not to judge them, but to show how we fail to fit together."

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Dottie's dream blog

There are times when I feel like I should start a separate blog for my dreams, since they fill up a lot of my entries here.

Until I do, here is my latest dream.

I was once again in university, but living in a dorm built right above the main building.

I was roaming around, but not because I was lost or looking for something I lost, but simply exploring to figure out the layout of the place.

I felt happy, and confident - which is pretty rare in my dreams - that I was going to be fine when the school semester began.

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team Dorothy is needed again

When I usually talk about my negative self talk, aka "Mr. Nasty", its a "tape" of my various failures.

But sometimes, I get a "tape" that's much, much worse.

This "tape" is connected to my rapes, and the word it uses to describe me isn't "failure".

It's "Evil".

The reason I'm bringing it up now is that I spent most of last night trying to fight off that "tape".

So I think Team Dorothy to come to my rescue again.

Send words of encouragement, praise, or just send a hug if you can.

Thank you in advance.

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04 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Waiting Games

And we're back to resume Legacy of Earth after our holiday break!

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Waiting Game

By Daniela A. Wolfe

As symbiote and host wait, they begin the unpleasant but necessary task of discussing what lies ahead for Jek as a bonded host.

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Hey Guys

I was wondering if anyone knew if these couple authors were still active or not. Zoe Taylor, Ashley McGreagor, Dark Kitten of the "Becoming Robin" series and spinoffs. And Susan Brown of the "Home Alone" series? Oh, and Jennifer Sue of A Summer's Odessy"?
I've recently downloaded the books on Kindle, and reread them, but all stories hinted at more to come.

Like I said I was wondering if anyone knew if they were still active or not?


Five years

For various reasons it has beeen five years since I last contributed to this site (other than lurking in the background, reading stories and awarding kudos). How quickly time passes! I have, however, continued to write but in each case have run out of ideas after 20,000 or so words. I have just posted the first chapter of a new story. I have so far written 29,000 words and have an idea of where it will go after that, so I will post one chapter a week with reasonable confidence (d.v.) that I will be able to complete the story.


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Have Covid19 virus

Just to let other writers and readers know that I recently tested positive for covid-19. I have a heart condition, borderline diabetes, age, covid-pneumonia to make things interesting. I am doing well as I am taking an antibiotic to help my lungs and had an infusion of a medicine that is to help me fight this as well.
Besides feeling blah and bored I m doing well.
The Big Closet family is important to me. Your thoughts mean a lot. MY heart and prayers for others with the disease, quarantining themselves and medical people.

Hugs, Jessie C

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First Anniversary

Today marks one year since I posted my first story on BCTS.
A week or so ago Jill warned against analyzing responses to stories, but I have to say that I could not help myself.
I love the kudos feature. I have looked at popularity by these and I see that the lowest is "Big" with 44 and the highest "New Plumbing" with 240.
I confess that I am a little surprised. These are both "voluntary" stories which I don't write too many of, but maybe the more popular one is more romantic?

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another opportunity for making amends lost

well, I just learned that the girl I helped look after for several years, who I left due to the fact her parents openly put me down and she didn't object, passed away two years ago.

I mostly feel like another opportunity for me to make amends is gone.

meanwhile, my mom is calmer, but also eating less, so things are not looking good here.

hugs appreciated, folks

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Mainstream trans novel by Torrey Peters

I'd never heard of Torrey Peters before but apparently this is her second trans novel and judging by a blurb I found on her, she is probably trans herself, though obviously transitioned young if she is. Anyway, the reviewer in the Guardian seemed to enjoy it, though not sure it's my cup of tea.

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Dealing with our inner critic

An article from the Guardian which may be thought-provoking or even helpful to some. It suggests we are often too harsh on ourselves and that in order to be more kind to others we need to show ourselves a little more compassion. With the current situation of lockdowns, economic problems and risk of illness, it may be an interesting read.

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Nun or None

It's been two weeks since I've gotten groceries. I had to go, or the specter of starvation might overcome me. Since the stimulus there was money to shop. I was poking about for some eggs and then I spotted those precooked pasta. These had shrimp and lobster inside. I reached round a Native looking man to get some. Later we looked through the Cereal together. Then I noticed Watermelon Juice. So did he. A frision began to steal its way through my innermost parts. Later, at the check stand, he was behind me. What would I do about my vow to finish my life alone?

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dementia and PTSD

Since my mother has begun to suffer from dementia, she has been constantly worried that the place is on fire.

We couldn't figure out why, until I remembered her telling me that when she was a small child the cabin she and her family were living in caught on fire, and she had to help get the kids.

which has me wondering if there is a connection between dementia and PTSD. And whether I'm going to be reliving my rapes if I get dementia as well ...

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Up All Night Worrying

My anxiety started at about 10:00 last night.

My thirty-year-old baby, the daughter who came to us later than most and after three boys -- called us complaining of intense pain.

She didn't want to go to the hospital until, and if, it was absolutely necessary due to covid worries. Yet - the pains seemed to be intensifying.

We were over two hundred miles away and could only give suggestions and sympathy.

At 4:30 we received a FaceTime call. The image of my wonderful daughter and her new son caused my heart to swell.

I finally went to sleep.

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